
Project Management at J & J Furniture


Added on  2020-03-16

7 Pages1407 Words34 Views
Running head: Project team report 1A REPORT ON MANAGEMENT OF PROJECT TEAMS AND CHALLENGES FACING J &J FURNITURE ORGANIZATIONSubmitted byAffiliationSupervisor’s nameDate of submission
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Running head: Project team report 2Executive summaryThe reports address suitable methods, tools, and steps relevant to J and J furniture in managingits project teams to achieve project goals. The business goals can be achieved by havingrepresentatives from various functional units. The information from all the representatives can bemaintained in a communication plan. The report found democratic type of leadership appropriatefor the organization because it allows participation. J & J furniture leaders can utilize legitimate,reward and expert power to influence project teams towards targeted goals. They need to followa specified step in solving challenges facing them.1.0.IntroductionJ & J furniture is a business engaged with building and selling furniture. It is currentlyestablishing project teams that will enable it to achieve project goals. The project goals setinclude: persuading stakeholders, partners, critics on growth strategy, identify mitigationmechanisms of managing potential project risks, and maintaining customer needs and improveefficiency. The goals can be achieved by employing effective strategies and methodologies ofmanaging challenges and project teams[ CITATION Bry13 \l 1033 ]. 1.1. Project team managementJ & J furniture management will need to focus on a number of areas in order to manage differentproject teams towards the organization goals. They need to focus on leadership style, tool &techniques, types of power and appropriate steps in managing project team challenges[ CITATIONHur \l 1033 ]. 1.2.1. Project leadership styleProject leadership involves using a suitable style that will inspire and guide employees towardsintended goals. The appropriate leadership for J & J furniture is democratic type of leadershipstyle. The style allows participation among partners and stakeholders involved in ensuringproject deliverables are met[ CITATION Dot13 \l 1033 ]. Democratic leadership is appropriate overautocratic because the latter does not allow any form of participation and sharing of ideas orinformation[ CITATION Arm10 \l 1033 ]. The goals of J & J encourages sharing of expert guidancefrom different sections involved.
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Running head: Project team report 31.2.2. Project tools and techniques for managing teamsThere are several tools and techniques that can be used to influence the project teams. Theyinclude use of communication plan, performance rating scales, and participative approaches todecision making. The participative approach is a technique which motivates project team to worktowards intended goals. Performance rating scales will provide a means of appraising employeestowards specific goals. The communication plan is a tool that focuses to manage informationneeds of all stakeholders. J & J furniture stakeholders and partners will entail both internal andexternal representatives from different functional units and environments. Table 1 shows asummary of stakeholders with their information needs and methodology of communicatinginformation.
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