
Managing Risk in Chemical Manufacturing: Hazards, Risk Register, and Technology


Added on  2023-01-17

11 Pages2715 Words66 Views
Managing Risk in Chemical Manufacturing: Hazards, Risk Register, and Technology_1

Table of Contents
Learning Outcome ..........................................................................................................................1
1.Identifying the hazards present and risk which can arised from hazards.................................1
2. Developing risk register and risk matrix to ensure safety in the business environment..........2
3. Analyzing the robustness of the risk management plan for minimizing the errors in
mitigating the risk........................................................................................................................5
4. Recognizing the role of technology in using information for reducing errors........................5
5. Evaluating the efficiency of the risk management plan and analysing overall success of
company's strategies in ensuring safety.......................................................................................6
Managing Risk in Chemical Manufacturing: Hazards, Risk Register, and Technology_2

Genera is an company which is running since more than 100 years. Genera became an
part Dechra Pharmaceuticals. The organization manufactures different types chemicals and
medicines. The study will highlight the hazards present in the organization and the types of risk
which can be arised from Hazards. The report will develop risk register and risk matrix for
ensuring safety in the workplace. Moreover the study will will highlight the efficiency of risk
management plan and types of errors which can arise at the time of minimizing the risk. Further
the report will conclude the role of technology in using information for minimizing the errors
(Aqlan and Lam, 2015).
Learning Outcome
1.Identifying the hazards present and risk which can arised from hazards.
As Genera is an brand which is an part of Dechra Pharmaceuticals. The company used to
manufacture different types of medicines and chemicals. So it is obvious that there are some
hazards which can be ignored. The impact of this is very harmful for the health and safety of the
employee. Their are various chemicals which are used in making the medicines as Ethidum
bromide is an highly hazardous compound which is used in Genera for making the medicines
and other chemicals marker molecule which is present in electrophoresis, which is important for
manufacturing of medicines but this is very harmful for the health (Aqlan and Lam, 2015).
This results in this way that by continuous use of the chemical it can have carcinogenic
and teratogeneic effects. This chemical is very harmful as by the exposure of Ethidum bromide
workers can have major disease. It can enter in the body through inhalation, ingestion and may
also enter through the skin. The effect of this chemical is that it can cause irritation to the skin,
people can face issued related to upper respiratory tract. People can have skin disease as the
chemical is very harmful. It can damage the eye if enter by mistake. As a result worker may lost
their eye sight (Aqlan and Lam, 2016). The chemical can cause ulcers and other dangerous
disease when enter in the mouth. Ethidium bromide can also cause mouth cancer when
swallowed. It is very harmful chemical which which can result in this way that it can cause death
to the employee. Genera has to make measures so that the employee in the organization can feel
safe and work in pleasant environment. The organization must make some measures so that the
exposure of the chemical to the employee can be reduced. As when the workers will not be
Managing Risk in Chemical Manufacturing: Hazards, Risk Register, and Technology_3

healthy they can not perform the job roles in an desired way. So it is must for Genera to make
some measures for curing the effect of Ethidium bromide (Aqlan and Lam, 2016).
2. Developing risk register and risk matrix to ensure safety in the business environment.
The risk risk register and risk matrix for ensuring safety in workplace are as follows.
Risk Description Likelihood of the
risk occurring
Impact of the
risk occurs
Severity Mitigating action
Medium High High Ethidium bromide
chemical should be
filtered Or
collected by EHS.
It contains heavy
metals and sulfides
all these must be
disposed as
hazardous waste.
Levothyroxine Medium Low Medium The new central
weighing room is
equipped with the
state of good
ventilation system
and laminar flow
cabinets with high
particulate for
weighing solid
(Coombs, Parker
and de Vries, 2017)
Managing Risk in Chemical Manufacturing: Hazards, Risk Register, and Technology_4

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