
Importance of Inclusive and Diverse Workforce in Tesco plc


Added on  2023-01-10

22 Pages4261 Words44 Views
Leadership Management
Importance of Inclusive and Diverse Workforce in Tesco plc_1

TASK 1............................................................................................................................................4
P1 Aims and objectives...............................................................................................................4
P2 Project management plan.......................................................................................................6
P3 Gantt chart and WBS..............................................................................................................7
TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................10
P4 Small scale research.............................................................................................................10
P5 Interpretation of findings......................................................................................................12
P6 Recommendations................................................................................................................20
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................21
P7 Reflection.............................................................................................................................21
Importance of Inclusive and Diverse Workforce in Tesco plc_2

“This has to be determined as the strategies which are very helpful to an
organization in order to develop an inclusive workforce”. Such case study has to be taken
upon Tesco plc’’.
Competition within market is increasing day by day for those organizations that are
expanding business for themselves. These are most important things for an employee to enhance
skills and talent which is eventually going to result into achievements of goals and objectives.
This is going to be very helpful in maintaining of coordination and helps in gaining of effective
results that is going to be gain out of it. Also this is very helpful in accomplishing of task in more
effective manner. Diverse workforce is required to be created because it is trend that has skills,
talents, background and experience all these elements plays a very important role which is
helpful in boosting of a competitive edge in the market. This is very efficient for creating
workforce within a working environment that is helpful in gaining of competitive edge within
market. Workforce is required within a working environment that is going to lead towards
achieving objectives and organization. Tesco is a British multinational supermarket plc which is
formed in the year 1919. Its headquarters has been situated in England. Company consists of
more 450000 employees and 6800 shops all over world. In these file things that are going too
covered is based on importance of having an inclusive workforce and diverse work force. Also
strategies have to be formed in order to gain diversity within workforce. These are very helpful
in building of working environment that is required to be discussed. Also research has to be done
upon small scale with the help of tools.
P1 Aims and objectives
An inclusive workforce is regarded as that kind of employees under which diversity is
there and working pattern is presented within an organization. Value of them is very important in
an organization as they are involved in decision making process which has to take place. This
makes employee realize there value in an organization. It is also going to increase commitments
to organization. Methods that is necessary for achieving of goals in easy manner and efficient
way. Also dispute that has taken place within an organization is helpful in creating of harmony
among workers which makes positive working environment within organization (Drysdale and
Gurr, 2016).
. Aim: “ IS to determine that kind of strategies and initiatives which is going to lead
towards achievement that is going to helps an organization for developing of an inclusive
and diverse workforce”. A case study on Tesco plc.
Importance of Inclusive and Diverse Workforce in Tesco plc_3

Collecting information upon work force.
Determining of strategies and initiative has to be used by Tesco that creates and diverse
force to work.
Identifying of advantage of workforce in an organization.
Research Questions:
What is meant by and inclusive workforce?
What strategies and initiatives should be used by an organization for creating of diverse
What are the advantages of having such a workforce?
Literature Review
Inclusive workforce in a company
According to this consistence of a work force in an organization which is consisting of
various background, religion, cast, age talent and skill they are required to work together within a
environment which has formed a organization. This is very important part of an inclusive
working environment that has to be formed because it is going to lead towards equal
opportunities of work in an organization that is going to lead towards creating of an equal
opportunity to work for all employees. It helps in making a value in organization. Engaging an
employee in an organization is going to make motivation possible over employees to increase
capacity of work and this is responsible for increasing capacity of work. Innovation is going to
lead towards helping an environment out of inclusive nature. This is going to be towards
balancing of turnover of employees which leads to balance companies work. Work performance
gets enhance as they are helpful in achieving of goals in effective manner (Cao, 2018).
Strategies for building an inclusive and diverse workforce
As per this view an upon various manner under an organization has to be helpful in
forming a work force within an organization that is going to form benefit within an organization
and is going to make it achieve goals and objectives. This is helpful in having acceptance over
workers and towards each other also. Engagement over worker has been able to uplift within an
organization through involving a leadership. So, employees have to be involved in decision
making process which is going to be helpful in increasing values and ideas. This provided upon
increasing of confidence and commitment to an organization. It has resulted in providing
appraisal which has to be used over judging an employee and his performance for enhancing its
capacity and improving of workers.
Importance of Inclusive and Diverse Workforce in Tesco plc_4

Advantages of having inclusive and diverse workforce
As per an in time of economic globalization companies are trying its best to put an effort that is
going to leads towards creation of an diverse workforce that is going to have people which
contains variety of thoughts, skills and talent is to be hired in a company. Also it helps in
increasing of an productivity and boosting of performances and workers and they have to focus
upon its workers. This is going to bring a stronger image of brand in an company market because
of which a large base of customer is to be formed and talented workforce in a
company(Bachman, 2016)
P2 Project management plan
This means that an formal and a well documented that has approved which is going help in
executing, monitoring and controlling of project. That is going to help in determination all the
rules and regulation through which a problem is going to be solved (Henschel. and Durst, 2016).
It is helping in determining of the following important components of an project for gaining of
desired results:
Cost: It is very crucial factor regarding implementation of mobile technology in
business process cannot be possible. Therefore, it is more important for company to
maintain appropriate amount of funds which can be possible either through taking
support from investors or reserve funds. For this purpose, the management should
prepare budget in which cost must be allocated on the activities on the basis of their
impact.For completing of this project research is required with total fund of £68000
and all activities within the project can be effectively completed. Also goal can be
Importance of Inclusive and Diverse Workforce in Tesco plc_5

Time: This is to determine the time period which is going to be required for doing
research for completing of project. : It is also an important element which assist
organisation to achieve competitive advantage through completing project activities
within limited period of time. It is very important for management to adopt mobile
technology within minimum time period so as to achieve its competitiveness among
their rivals in market (Rahbauer. and et. al., 2016)
Scope: . It happens through receiving standard quality of work by the employees
which can be possible through providing them training and learning programs to
make them more capable to work on using mobile technology. Researcher needs for
determining scope of project, so that action needed can be taken during project is
Quality: It is a crucial factor which can always positively impact on the profitability
and sustainability of an organization. This means that quality of results that h as
achieved only after complication of the project. Collection of data plays an important
role in defining quality of product
Communication:. Communication is very important and has to be done in effective
manner. Research is going to required certain communication channels like internet,
computers, mobile phone and other communicating devices.
Risk: It always exist in all business activities which can hinder management to
achieve its desired outcomes within pre-determined time period. Such risk may
include poor knowledge, lack of an appropriate support of employees, insufficient
resources etc.It helps in taking those decisions and forming of those strategies which
can result into better results (Sundah, Langi and Maramis, 2018).
Resources: Office, printers, mobile phones, team members etc. are some resources
that can be used by research to complete the project on time and within the stipulated
P3 Gantt chart and WBS
Gantt chart: In this chart an effort has to be implied through individual which are in terms
that has been able over gaining achievement of project. There has to be a research that has to be
done in order to get information upon effectiveness of project and about time required for
accomplishing of a task. These are important for providing information about an project which
relevance to be gained.
Importance of Inclusive and Diverse Workforce in Tesco plc_6

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