
Managing Successful Business Project: A Case Study of Toys R Us


Added on  2024-05-30

29 Pages4840 Words277 Views
Managing Successful Business project
Managing Successful Business Project: A Case Study of Toys R Us_1

Table of Contents
Part 1 – Plan for project management..............................................................................................3
P3: Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to provide timeframes and stages for
Part 2 Evidence: Project Log Book...............................................................................................14
P4: Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods
appropriate for meeting project aims and objectives.....................................................................16
P5: Analyse your research and data using appropriate tools and techniques................................19
P6. Communicate appropriate recommendations as result of research and data analysis to draw
and valid and meaningful conclusion............................................................................................26
P7. Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own learning
and performance............................................................................................................................27
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Part 1 – Plan for project management
P1. Devising the clear objectives and aims of the project undertaken
Project Definition and project aim
In order to retain its productivity and sustain growth in this highly competitive environment,
organisations are feeling the urgency of considering integration of technologies in each
department of them. The use of innovation and technology has made it essential for analysing the
way organisations are using several technologies and are benefiting by using them. This project
would investigate the way technologies have uplifted performance and productivity of each
functions of Toys R Us. In order to make the understanding of the way this organisation is using
digital technologies more convenient, the project would mainly focus on the major functions that
are administration and communication. This would also briefly outline the way Toys R Us are
using technologies for some other functions that are production, storage and distribution.
Problem Statement
Toys R Us uses several technologies for the purpose of enhancing communication,
administration, productions, strategy and distribution. However, it is essential for analysing way
such innovations and technologies are influencing the performance of business organisation.
The problem is analysing whether the company’s effort for upgrading its systems and functions
by using digital technologies are sufficient enough to bring prolific result to Toys R Us or not.
This would analyse the way the technologies are being used by the organisation for enhancing
Project Strategy
This project would analyse the amount of data that is being stored in cloud platforms and if they
are helping the workforce in better management of data. It would analyse whether the social
media platforms are helping the company for improving the internal and external communication
or not. For this, it would analyse the level of interaction of the customers in the platforms and the
relationship among the employees. The project would also analyse the use of other digital
technologies within Toys R Us. The mains strategy that would be used for the project is primary
Managing Successful Business Project: A Case Study of Toys R Us_3

data analysis. By conducting this data analysis, the opinions of 3 manager and 50 employees
would be gathered. As the project analysis the effectiveness or influence of digital technologies
within the company, the information provided by employees and manager would be the most
beneficial way to understand this.
Project Objectives
Smart To analyse the effectiveness of the use of cloud technologies for
enhancing administration of Toys R Us
To analyse whether the digital media platforms used in the
organisation have significantly enhanced the level of
communication among employees
To analyse the way “internet of things” has enhanced the
performance and productivity of the company
To analyse the use of other digital tools such as big data
analytical tools have proved to be beneficial for enhancing the
performance of the company
Measurable The progress is measureable as it would analyse the level of
enhanced performance of the organisation
This would be measured with the help of gathering data from the
Achievable This is achievable as several other organisations have also
integrated the use of digital technologies and are analysing the
effectiveness of them for assuring that the investments are being
made for right purpose
Realistic The objectives are realistic as they can be achieved by gathering
perceptions of the employees
The objectives are realistic in the sense that the implementation
of technologies have to be analysed within a time period to
identify further requirements and eliminate such technologies
that are not adding value to the productivity of the company
Time frame The project would be completed within the next 3 months
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P2. Production of a plan for project management incorporating its scope, costs, quality,
time, resources and risks
Performance and time objectives
The performance of the project would focus on analysing some areas, like performance of the
employees who are working on the project, performance of administration, due to integration of
digital technology, keeping track of the changes. It would first analyse the performance of the
employees with the help of gathering their perceptions. Then it would analyse the opinion of the
managers regarding whether the integration of technologies have benefited or not. The entire
project would be completed in three months. The evaluation process would be taken in weekly
Elements Cost ($)
costs for Human resource 673
Material resources cost 435
Research cost 673
Cost for monitoring the process 547
Costs for documenting research data 231
Total 2559
The deliverables of the project would be intangible. After the completion of the project potential
data regarding the influence of technologies in Toys R Us would be gathered and this would help
in analysing the effectiveness of use of technologies.
Project Scope Statement
Included Scope
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The perceptions of employees regarding the effectiveness and influence of digital media
technologies for enhancing performance
The perceptions of the managers regarding the influence of digital media technologies for
enhancing performance
Excluded Scope
Information regarding the way technologies are being used in each of the departments of
Toys R Us
Success Criteria:
The success criteria would be the measured on the basis of increased productivity of the
company. The number of data stored and used managed within a stipulated time would be
measured. It would measure customer satisfaction and the return on investment.
Project Assumptions
It is anticipated that the project would bring prolific result. The main assumptions of the project
It would help Toys R Us to analyse the potential outcomes of the impacts of the use of
It would help in understanding the perceptions of the employees of the company
It would help in elaborating the perceptions of the managers
It is expected that the perceptions of both the managers and the employees would be
affirmative and positive
It is expected that the project would be completed in the stipulated time
Quality management
The framework of Total Quality management would be used for the purpose of the project. The
quality management would be based on the main seven principles of quality management. They
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