
Impact of Digital Tech on Small Business Growth


Added on  2020-06-04

28 Pages6604 Words69 Views
Managing Successful BusinessProject
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TABLE OF CONTENTSTASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1. Aim and objectives of the research..................................................................................1P2. Project management plan.................................................................................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5P3. Preparation of Gantt chart and work break down structure.............................................5P4. Qualitative and quantitative research methods appropriate for meeting project aim andobjectives................................................................................................................................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8P5. Research and data using appropriate tools and techniques for the chosen project..........8Primary method of data analysis......................................................................................................8P6. Conclusion and recommendations.................................................................................21TASK4...........................................................................................................................................21P7 Reflection on the values of undertaking research...........................................................21REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................23
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TITLE: The impact of digital technology supporting small business growth and innovation. TASK 1P1. Aim and objectives of the researchBackground of the researchDigital technology plays an important role in providing growth and development to smallbusiness enterprises in UK. It has provided major support in increasing the opportunities ofemployment and transformation of business. As per small geospatial economic model, small canunlock an additional $49.2 billion of private sector outputover the next ten years by makingbetter use of digital technologies. Small business and the economy has generally realizedsignificant benefits through embracing mobile and internet technologies by transformation oftheir operations. Emergence of digital technologies in operations has also increased the potentialand knowledge of employees towards searching of new and innovative ideas of productdevelopment and analysing the emerging trends of market. Approx. 465 of small business use theinternet in order to monitor the market or competitors and 54% of small business reports apositive impact from the social media via good customers feedback, increased sales and betternetworking as well as advertisement opportunities (Weill and Woerner, 2015). Further, it hasalso enabled the organization to create competitive advantage over its rivals by developinginnovative products and service for meeting the customers requirements. Internet and mobiletechnologies enabled the small businesses to significantly improve their supply chains,particularly by lowering the cost to identify new suppliers and making better use of employeetime.Present research is based on analysis of, Coffee Pound which is small business enterpriseoperating its business manufacturing sector and provide high quality fast food products andservices. Research has been accomplished with an aim of analysing the impact of digitaltechnology on the growth and innovation in Coffee pound. Various important areas of businesshave been analysed where company has applied new digital technology for ascertaining growthand increasing the profitability of enterprise. Along with this, employee’s perspective is alsotaken in to consideration in order to analyse their knowledge about implementation of digitaltechnologies at workplace. Further, company is also very friendly with respect to deal with eachcustomer.Main purpose of the present report is to attain desired results with expansion ofenterprise in different areas. Improvement in services and performance helps to consider advance1
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technology to meet with desired results. High quality of services helps to provide an effectivebrand image with respect to operate different functions (Huang, Henfridsson and Newell, 2017). Aim and ObjectivesAim: To identify the impact of digital technology on small business to increase growth andinnovation – A case study on Coffee Pound ObjectivesTo understand the concept of digital technology in small business.To identify reasons for implementation of digital technology in Coffee PoundTo interrelate digital technology and importance to implement in Coffee Pound To recommend ways to implement digital technology in chosen business environment 2
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P2. Project management planTask NameDurationStartFinishPredecessorsResearch Project Planning Finding name of the topic3 days15/03/1818/03/18Statements of the researchissue 1 day19/03/1819/03/181Allocation of resources andtime frame2 days20/031821/03/182Implementation Review of literature5 days22/03/1827/03/183Selection of correct researchmethodologies 1 day28/03/1829/03/184Data analysis andinterpretation 2 days30/03/1831/03/185Evaluation of results andoutcomes 2 days01/04/1802/04/185Project closer Giving conclusion andrecommendation 1 day03/04/1803/04/186Results of documentation 1 day04/04/1819/03/187For proper accomplishment of research, effective project management plan has beencreated which involves different activities which are needed to be performed by researcher inspecific time schedule. Activities in the plan will be performed by scholar on the basis of theirpriorities in order to achieve relevant outcomes. Therefore, aims and objectives of the businessattain in successful way. Following are certain elements that are needed to take place to operatesystematic results:Cost: In order to accomplish the desired results, researcher needs to implement £620.With this consideration, tasks will be completed to set activities within set timeframe.Effective functioning is also developed to set the goals and objectives in business(Salemink, Strijker and Bosworth, 2017). Risk: Present research also consists of high risk due to lack of time and cost. Issues thatare occurs at workplace generally related with time and cost. With effective managementand follow up of plan all the risk involved in the project will resolved by researcher.
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Network diagramTASK 2P3. Preparation of Gantt chart and work break down structureGantt chart4
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