
Report on Digital Technologies and Its Impact on Business


Added on  2020-06-03

24 Pages5092 Words73 Views
Managing SuccessfulBusiness Project
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Table of ContentsTopic: - “Identification of impact of digital technology on business activities”.............................1INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1PART 1............................................................................................................................................2Project Definition........................................................................................................................2Problem Statement......................................................................................................................2Project Strategy...........................................................................................................................2Project Objectives.......................................................................................................................3Project Questions:.......................................................................................................................3Performance, Cost, and Time Objectives....................................................................................4Deliverables.................................................................................................................................5Project Scope Statement..............................................................................................................5Success Criteria...........................................................................................................................5Project Assumptions....................................................................................................................6IMPLEMENTATION PLAN......................................................................................................6Work Breakdown Structure.........................................................................................................6Project Processes.........................................................................................................................8Communication plan ..................................................................................................................8TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................10P4 Conducting small scale research using research methods...................................................10TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................12P5 Data analysis and interpretation...........................................................................................12P6 Recommendation on finding................................................................................................17TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................18P7 Reflection on research conducted........................................................................................18CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................18REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................20
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Topic: - “Identification of impact of digital technology on business activities”.INTRODUCTIONTechnologies play an important role in developing companies whether it is small scale orlarge scale. If small companies will apply digital technologies then it will be highly beneficial forthem as they will be able to grow in the market in fast manner. The organisation referred in thisreport is Wilton Way Cafe. It is a famous cafe in London and is being serving to their customersfrom a very long period of time. They are having a plan to open their website and enter intodigital world. For this they will require good understanding about tools and techniques used inthe digital world. This report will include all the detailed information about digital technologiesand its impact on business activities of an organisation. 1
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PART 1Project DefinitionA project can be defined as an activity which is conducted with the aim of achieving theaims and objectives of the company. In thus, all the activities are being given a specific date andits end date is also specified. The main purpose of creating a project is specify the requirementsand set the restrictions as well which includes time , cost, quality etc. The main aim of creating this assignment is to acknowledge the impact of digitaltechnologies associated with administration, communication, storage and distribution etc. and theway it helps the company in transforming their activities in a better manner and gainingmaximum technological advancements as well. The project is set to determine how digitaltechnology has influenced the business activity at Wilton way cafe. Problem StatementDigital technology is one of the most effective development that has been taken place inthe business environment. This factors is being included by all the organisations so as to do theiroperations in an effective manner. By implementing these kinds of technologies, the companiesopens various kinds of opportunities for them through which they increase growth anddevelopment opportunities as well. There are various kinds d technologies hat are ale introducedin the digital world and companies are striving to learn these techniques so that their work can becompleted before time and without any issues as well There are so many competitors of Wilton Way cafe in London like Lantana cafe, regencycafe etc. All these organisation understands the importance of innovation in technology and thatis why they are making full use of it so as to improve their business activities. Therefore, Wiltonway cafe is also required to make use of these techniques and improve their business activitiesand also enter into digital world which will help them in gaining productivity as well asprofitability at the market place as well. Project StrategyDigital technology is a very famous concept which is now being implemented in everyorganisation. There are so many kinds of start-ups which are coming up in the businessenvironment which are making full use of digital technologies for conducting their activities.Through this, economy of country is also increasing at a very fast rate. Digital technology2
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revolutionised the way of conducting the business and has opened various new ways andopportunities for the companies who want to grow their company in the market. Smallbusinesses are having good knowledge about the technologies and thus they are able to make fulluse of it and if any employee is not having knowledge so proper training is being provided tothem so that they can conduct their work in an effective manner.In Wilton Way cafe as well, they are planning to enter into digital world so they must beready about it as they may face various kinds of discrepancies while launching this new change.They are launching their own website and a time tracking software which is a very innovativestep for them as they will be able to attract more no. of customers after this. Aim: “To identify the impact of digital technology on business activities- A case study onWilton Way Cafe”. Project ObjectivesTo analyse the impact of digital technologies of the operation conducted by Wilton waycafe.To identify the benefits and drawbacks faced by Wilton Way cafe after application ofdigital technologies.To determine the need for using digital technologies in conducting activities of WiltonWay cafe.To recommend various ways through which Wilton way cafe can gain high share in themarket Project Questions:How Wilton way cafe can analyse the impact of digital technologies on the activitiesconducted by them?What are the benefits and drawbacks faced by Wilton way cafe after applying the digitaltechnologies inside the organisation?What are the ways through which Wilton way cafe can determine the need forimplementing digital techniques?Give recommendations through which Wilton way cafe can gain high share in the market.Performance, Cost, and Time ObjectivesIt is the dream of every company that their work operations is being conducted in aneffective manner, they are required to make an efficient plan which will be followed inside the3
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organisation so that the desired aims can be achieved. The responsibility of making the projectplan is given to the project manager who knows all the details about the plan which is required tobe included (Den Hertog, Van der Aa and De Jong, 2010). The various kinds of elementsincluded in the project management plan are like project cost, scope, time, resources, quality andrisk as well. After including this only, the plan will be considered effective so the projectmanager of Wilton Way cafe is having the responsibility to include all these factors so that theirproject can be conducted effectively. These factors are described as under:-PERFORMANCE – The performance objective of the company is to estimate thesuccess rate of digital transformation done in cafe and the different methods adopted bythe company. Their management is required to make sure that when they introduce thesechanges; it should be done in effective manner so that the customers should not face anykind of issues.COST – This is the most crucial factor which is required to be included in the projectplan. If this factor will not be present then the manager will not be able to design theirproject plan in an effective manner as they will not have finance to arrange for resourcesthey will require during the process. In Wilton Way Cafe, since rhey are entering intoonline world so they will not require much resources but they must have effectivetechnology which they can use to complete their objective and to purchase suchtechnology they will need finance. Hence cost is very necessary. TIME – This factor is also required to be considered by managers because if activitieswill not be planned as per time then they will not be able to complete their project andachieve their goals and objectives on time. But since digital technologies are having anexpertise in completing the activities before time so it will relatively help them. In WiltonWay Cafe, the management team will have to form their plan very carefully and decidethe dates in which they will conduct which activity. DeliverablesThe deliverables can be done either in tangible or intangible form. As per the currentresearch conducted, the deliverables can be assessed by the outcomes of the study conducted. Inthis it will be revealed that whether the improvisation done in the business activities of Wiltonway cafe is giving a positive effect in them or not. 4
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