
Business Project Report


Added on  2020-06-06

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Managing SuccessfulBusiness
Business Project Report_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Research aims and objectives............................................................................................1TASK 2............................................................................................................................................2P2 Project management plan..................................................................................................2TASK 3............................................................................................................................................3P3 Work break down structure and Gantt chart.....................................................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6P4 Small scale research by using proper methodologies........................................................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9P5 Analysation of research and data for using appropriate techniques and methods............9P6 Recommendation.............................................................................................................15TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................16P7 Self reflection..................................................................................................................16CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................16REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................17LOGBOOK....................................................................................................................................18
Business Project Report_2

Business Project Report_3

INTRODUCTIONDigital technology play an essential role in whole way in which business are beingconducted. It can be observed in last year, it has been drastically change in model of businessthat is used in previous days and also make modifications in business function in effectivemanner. It is only save the costly time but also provides businesses for analysing proper financialstatus. In addition to this, it has been examine present goods and services which are gain moreprofitability and it will help in producing new and innovative products that assist in enhancingreputation of an organisation. The report is based on SOFTWIRE firm whose topic is impact ofdigital technology on business (Broekx and et. al., 2011). This is the association which are smallin size and company is make innovative and creative products for their customers. Softwiredelivers software engineering, consultancy services and digital design solution for some of theleading brand of united kingdom. The main motive of this project is to evaluate and understandvarious goals, aims, objectives and project management planning should be described. TASK 1P1 Research aims and objectivesDigital technology has landscape its business structure environment. The company caneasily achieve high business growth and their potential goals and objectives in proper manner.For softwire firm digital technology will assist for getting target goals and objectives in giventime period for providing high quality services. By this procedure, they can easily attracting largenumber of employees for evaluating benefits involved in their working concept. The companywill help them in getting effective services which includes marketing, accounting, operationaland human resource department. Using of cloud application is provide importance fortransferring data from one place to another in few minutes. It is necessary for user is to upload iton cloud system and at the same time download from anywhere. Is is that way of availability ofaccurate data of various users which has to be done and it help in increasing firm productivity(Denzin and Lincoln, 2011). Apart from this, digital technology is helpful in marketing methodswhich greatly impact on company market share which can be covered. This can be show thathow such concepts assist business operations for developing and gaining high amount of incomeor revenue. Topic- “Impact of digital technology supporting small business innovation and growth”.1
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Background of project:Change is necessary part of life. They will help in try new thoughts and ideas that canbring positive change at large work place. If impact of digital technology can be evaluated sohow it has been effected to firm then outcome will be in favour of community. It can be observedthat rapid change in business operations and maintain work quality for using effectivetechniques. Business information are majorly secured so same thing can prevented by usingdifferent passwords and make covering which has been cut down the outflow danger of secretcollection. In retail sector, maintain record is very much important. It assist them in makingcontrol over outflow and inflow of cash and another major communicator which was done in thisbooks and journals (Fleming and Koppelman, 2016). There is another option which convert dataand information into soft copy and once it is created for whole life time if secured. This projectwill explore the positive side of this concept so it can be prospering experienced here. It isnecessary for establish goals and objectives of the project so by this work can be done in sameway. Aim- For bringing digitalisation within the business operations- A case study of SOFTWIRE. ObjectivesTo develop the understanding of digital technologyTo exploit the desired of digitalisation techniques and methodsTo analyse main aim of report is to how digitalisation can be executed within anorganisationResearch questionsHow digitalisation system can be implemented?Why digital technology is essential?What are the results of substitute present system along with digitalisation?TASK 2P2 Project management planBefore starting some new project, it is important for doing proper planning. Projectmanagement plan is effective method in which it can be known that what is the foremost suitableway for beginning with implementation. In this procedure, all major activities are required to berefer as authenticated which assist in combining and bringing out coordination in all activities2
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that are necessary to be executed. There are different areas which has been provided forimplementation of whole project plan that are as follows:Scope of project- There is wide range of project which define large number of areas inwhich it can be addressed that digitalisation is provide high importance (Geraldi and Lechter,2012). Risk management- The level of failure is limited as SOFTWIRE which has good brandvalue and effectively change the consequences which contributes to their employees. Quality control- This has make sure that effective standard of information is given so itwill assist the firm for achieving its major targets and goals in proper manner. For executing newtechniques and methods which should be appraisal on regular basis. Cost- Management should bear the effective or good cost at the first stage forimplementing new software and devices which help digitalisation that is high value. It can affectthe business new profit in starting but at the same time period it will provide good return to theadministration. Time- It is very time consuming procedure which carry out business operations for doingeffective alterations (Westerman, Bonnet and McAfee, 2014). While new techniques andtechnology is installed then it became complex for understanding and employees identifyingmajor barriers for performing their duties in proper manner. They need to take enough time sothey will make necessary changes in the desired projects. TASK 3P3 Work break down structure and Gantt chartWBS is signifiers of Work Break down structure which is functional and operationaltechniques which is used for reduces extra burden of work to an individual person. It is veryeffective and sound method which is usually used for having effective advantage of business ineasy manner (Hirshkowitz and et. al., 2015). With the assistance of this procedure, anorganisation can capable for dividing their duties and responsibilities to various person. Themain purpose of this structure for managing quality information and data and large project of anorganisation in proper manner. This will provide facility for authenticate data and resources toteachers for serving effective and appropriate services within an enterprise. Also work breakdown structure is designate in the form of hierarchical tree structure which determined the value3
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