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Impact of Brexit and Covid-19 on Marie Curie Foundation: Challenges and Solutions


Added on  2023/06/14

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The report evaluates the effect of Brexit and Covid – 19 over the leading charity organization of UK that is, Marie Curie. It covers the strategic issues and challenges faced by Marie Curie, solutions available to Marie Curie Foundation, and implementation strategy. It also recommends effectual strategies with the help of which Marie Curie Foundation can enhance or improve their performance.

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Healthcare is one of the mature and well established sector but recently, UK has faced with two
major shocks that is, Brexit and outbreak of Covid – 19 and this has affect the performance of
almost all organizations of different sectors. The present report has evaluated the effect of Brexit
and Covid – 19 over the leading charity organization of UK that is, Marie Curie. Accordingly, it
has been found that in the post pandemic scenario Marie Curie is facing challenges of getting
sufficient funding and upgrading their technological base which is leading to inefficiency and
poor revenue generation within their Minternal processes.
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4.0 MAIN BODY.............................................................................................................................4
4.1 Strategic issue........................................................................................................................4
4.2 Challenges faced by Maries Curies Foundation..................................................................10
4.3 Solutions to Challenges that Marie Curie is facing.............................................................12
4.4 Implementation of solutions offered to Marie Curie...........................................................13
5.0 CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................13
6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS.........................................................................................................14
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Strategic Issues are basically considered as foundations upon which strategies are developed
within the organization. These are those issues that affecting the overall policy choices and
procedures of company which have to be manage by business in order to stay competitive &
relevant in the market. The current report or coursework is based on Marie Curie Foundation.
Marie Curie Foundation is basically a registered charitable organization having operation in
United Kingdom (Dickson and, 2018). The main purpose of the charity organization is to
provide care and support to the people with terminal illnesses along with their families. The
foundation was established in 1948. The report will cover the strategic issues and challenges
faced by Marie Curie. It will also cover the strategic performance of the Marie Curie Foundation
as comparison to its closest competitor MacMillan Cancer Support. Further, the report will also
discuss the various solutions available to Marie Curie Foundation with the help of which they
can solve their strategic issues and deal with the challenges they are facing. Further, the
implementation strategy will also be discussing in this current report (Stanley and, 2019).
Lastly, the report will provide or recommend the effectual strategies with the help of which
Marie Curie Foundation enhance or improve their performance.
4.1 Strategic issue
Strategic analysis is helpful in evaluating business environment of an organization within
which it is operating. Accordingly, strategic issues will be identified and challenges that Marie
Curie is facing in modern business environment with reference to healthcare sector especially
due to the emergence of Covid -19 pandemic (Nwosu and, 2019). There are certain models
that will be applied to the circumstances of Marie Curie in order to highlight different strategic
issues it is facing such as balanced scorecard, VRIO analysis, McKinsey's 7 S model, PESTLE
analysis and SWOT analysis.
Swot Analysis
This is known as strategic tool that help the organization in anglicising external and internal
factor that can affect overall growth of the firm. It is an acronym of strength, weaknesses,
opportunity and threat.
Strength: This include factor in which country is good at and it helps in increasing overall

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growth of firm. Along with this, Mary cure has good brand image that has helped the company in
attracting large customer as well as to increase its brand image (Pan, Chen and Zhan, 2019). In
addition to this, Mary Curie make use of advance technology as well as have special expertise
that has contributed in keeping their customer by providing them with quality service.
Weakness: This factor is consisting of areas where the organization is poor and it is leading the
company in loss. Along with this, this health care firm is not covering large area of market and
due to that company has facing some strategic issues (Ursula, Skrypnyk and Vasylenko, 2019).
Moreover, the company need to increase more service in their plan so that it can attract large
customer as well as it will contribute in growth of firm.
Opportunity: This is external factor that allow organization to increase their growth as well as
to improve their performance. Along with this, Marie Curie has an opportunity to expand their
business in other states of UK as it will contribute in increasing their productivity as well as
raising their customer rate (Benzaghta and, 2021). Although Marie curie is a charity
organization then expanding company will help in attracting investor. Along with this, it can also
establish treatment centre for terminal disease as well as specialized centre so that it can attract
medical tourism.
Threat: This type of factor is related external and internal that can have created hindrance in
growth of firm. Along with this, major threat that organization has faced is COVID -19 as due to
this company has invested more in raw material so that it can meet their needs. Thus, it has
affected finance of the company (Siddiqui,2021). Moreover, another potential threat that
company can face is change in government policy such as restriction on trade as it will affect
firm growth. High competition in company is threat to company as it has to come with
innovative idea in services in order to reduce its competition.
It is known as strategic tool that is used to analyse external market before launching new service
as well as product (Bismarck and, 2018). Along with this, it plays important role in making
strategic decision-making as well as it is an acronym which stands for Political, legal, Social,
Economic, Technological and Environmental.
Political: This is consisting of rules and regulation that need to be followed by the organization
in order to sustain in competitive market. Along with this, during pandemic government has
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imposed lockdown policy and it has negatively affected on charity and health care sector. Some
of the challenges faced by company is recruitment, retention, deployment and protection of
patient. Moreover, in order to sustain organization needed huge investment so that decent
working condition was ensuring while working (Patel, 2018).
Economical: This factor is consisting of disposable income people as well as economic rate of
the company. Along with this, the organization is conducting their business in good economic
condition then it will be able to earn high profit as well as to raise fund. Although due to COVID
income of the people were low and organization faced issue in raising fund for r running their
company (Kairos and, 2020).
Social: Marie curie is a charity and non-profit organization that aims at providing social welfare
service to vulnerable sections of society. The company targets mainly people that are suffering
from any kind of terminal disease so that it can treat them. Moreover, the fundamental giving
nature of such organization create the importance for certain sections of society. Although
without aid of charities and non-profit many weaker section of the society will not survive
(Oyston and Bonnar, 2022).
Technology: The company can make use of advance tools and technology so that it can
improve their productivity. Along with this, organization can make use of digital technology like
social media in order to create awareness in the public. Moreover, the company can also use
advance tools so that it can give quality service to customer (Pan, Chen and Zhan, 2019).
Legal factor: This factor is consisting of laws made by the government in order to maintain
peace in the society. Along with this, it is following employment act policy as well as treat them
with respect. Moreover, the company is also following charity Act 2011 in order to regulate and
register their activity (Wahid and Zafar, 2021).
Environmental: This is one area where non- profit can play a big role in order to protect
environment from hazardous substance. Along with this, it can gather fund for building
awareness for environmental conservation and issue related to it (Herrmann Fischer and Held,
This frame work evaluates the importance of resources of the firm that help them in reducing
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competition. Along with this, it stands for Value of resources, Rareness, imitation risk and
organizational competences (Yudiono, Wilopo and Iqbal,2019). Thus, Marie Curie can make use
of this resources to build sustainable competitive advantage by understanding the role of
resources in charitable trust. It helps the company in making appropriate strategy for business
so that it can sustain in competitive market.
Value Rare Imitation Organization Competitive
yes no Can't be
Not based on
Can lead to
Yes, firms are competing. No, every
have different
marketing style
Pricing strategy
are often
copied by
Yes, firm is
trying to hire
more experts
Yes No It is available to
all the nearest
putro and
Haryanto, 2021)
have sustainable
yes No Can be imitated Not been
Do not play
important role
in creating
yes No Can be initiated Yes, the
provide quality
services to

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(Thompson and, 2018).
Yes, extremely important and
Yes, Copy
right and IPR
right is rare
Low risk
Firm has not
utilized fully
McKinsey 7-S Model
Another model which is used by Marie Curie Foundation, in order to analyse their
performance is McKinsey 7-S model. This model basically states the seven elements that Marie
Curie need to realign with their organization in order to improve the overall performance of
Foundation or charity (Boccia and, 2019). The various internal aspects of organization are
as follows:
Strategy: The strategy is basically an organization plan with the help of which
organization maintain a competitive advantage over its competitors. For example, the strategy of
Marie Curie Foundation is to help more people and provide care to those people that deserve
better life (Gechkova and Kaleeva, 2020). The strategy of Marie Curie Foundation is to ask and
request donation for wealthy people and use them to provide care to terminal illness people.
Also, to make fast and effective improvements to service and hospitals environment via its
fundraising strategy.
Structure: This represents the ways in which business divisions and units are organized in
business. For example, Marie Curie Foundation uses Hierarchical organization structure in which
each staffs known their work and have supervisor to whom they need to report.
Systems: This state the whole process and procedure of the company along with the daily
activities and decisions. For example, the system of Marie Curie has focus on communication
system which they consider first at the time of implementing change and leading high
performance organization (Perry, 2018).
Skills: This is the third element of McKinsey model which state the skills that have to be
present in workforce in order to deal with organization change, new strategy or structure. For
example, the skills present in Marie Curie Foundation staffs is communication, patience, active
listening, critical thinking etc. But, implementing leadership skills in employees is a challenge
for Marie Curie charity organization.
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Staffs: This represent the total number of staffs or employee that work with the
organization and how company will recruit, trained and motivate them. For example, the total
number of employees work with the Marie Curie Foundation is 40000 people across UK (What
new research tells us about the impact of COVID-19 on charities. 2021). The foundation also
provides face-to-face as well as virtual training to its staffs for asking donors for people care
support (Bismark and, 2018).
Style: This represent the management style of company managers and leaders with the
help of which they interact with the staffs and patients. For example, the management style uses
by Marie Curie Foundation is coaching style. It is because the management wants to unlock the
potentials of their employees with the help of which they can understand their work and
complete it with their own power. As per this style, the management of Marie Curie believes that
every staffs have power within themselves and ability to achieve their outcome (White and,
Shared Values: This is last element of model which have to be consider by organization
for their performance improvement. For example, in case of Marie Curie charity, the employees
can share their ideas and values with each other and top management without any hesitation
(Charities in Britain. 2021). It is because the norms and standards that guide employee
behaviours are foundation of Marie Curie.
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On the basis of above chart, it has been analysed that the enegry consumption and offshore
emissions of Marie Curie foundation has reduced from 2020 to 2021 (Marie Curie Foundation
Annual Report and Accounts 2020/ 2021). This indicate that Marie Curie plays its part in
improving environment situation.
Balanced Scorecard: This strategic tool is of great use for health care organization like Marie
Curie in an attempt to list out the outcomes of healthcare care services as a part of their approach
of continuous quality improvement (White and, 2018). With the help of this tool, key
performance metrics are being set by healthcare organization, so that better quality of care can be
offered to their patients. The four main areas that are taken into account while setting
performance metrics through balanced scorecard are as follows:
Customer: From this perspective, Marie Curie is conscious about offering quality,
compassionate and convenient health care services to their patients. Accordingly, Marie Curie is
determined in terms of having the highest level of supportive staff and employing emerging
technologies associated with healthcare sector (Ehrlich, McKenney and Elkbuli, 2020).
Financial: From the financial perspective, Marie Curie has set 10% higher targets towards

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growing revenue and 5% lower costs by managing them effectively and efficiently. However,
their inability to adapt with changing technological environment of healthcare sector such as
adoption of virtual care and effective leadership style, their revenue and profitability gets lower
even more with the emergence of Covid – 19 pandemic (How charities can weather the Covid
storm. 2021).
The reserver policy of Marie Curie Foundation state that if the reserve of foundation exceed its
target of 115% that the management will prepare the plan of action (Marie Curie Foundation
Annual Report and Accounts 2020/ 2021).
Financials based on Marie Curie’s financial performance and position from 2018 to 2020
Particulars 2018 2019 2020
Profit margin 1.01 2.55 5.19
Return on capital
1.48 3.45 7.03
Liquidity ratio 1.45 1.63 1.7
Gearing ratio 5.88 5.21 4.21
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Both net profit margin and return on capital employed of Marie Curie foundation has improved
in last three years which indicates that the company was profitable and generating greater
revenue from core business activities. Also, liquidity ratio of Marie Curie Foundation has
increased in last three years which indicates that the business’s ability in meeting its short term
obligations has improved. At last, the gearing ratio of the company has reduced in last three
years which indicates that the company is paying off their debts and utilizing more of equity
sources ub financing their operations (Marie Curie Foundation Annual Report and Accounts
2020/ 2021).
Internal process: To improvise their internal processes, Marie Curie is concentrating on three
major areas that is, improved access, quality of care to patients and excellence in research for
funding and teaching for their staff. Within these areas they are concentrating on improving their
patient's access to MD, accessing patients at different geographic regions, attract more funding,
development of their staff to become tomorrow's leaders, etc. With reference to internal
processes, Marie Curie is facing issues in creating efficient rooms for operations due to poor
funding and less talented staff available, accordingly, they are not able to achieve required level
of clinical outcomes within their areas of specialities (Hammoda and Durst, 2022).
Learning & Growth: From the perspective of growth and learning, Marie Curie is targeting to
recruit and retain highly talented staff and doctors by setting expectations and holding staff
accountable for inefficiencies and poor quality of services as a result of their ignorance. In order
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to ensure required level of growth and learning, there is a need to invest in infrastructure and
without the availability of sufficient funding it is not possible for Marie Curie to improvise its
infrastructure. On this ground, Marie Curie is facing challenges in securing required level of
funding in the phase of negative growth in revenue and profitability (Boccia and, 2019).
4.2 Challenges faced by Maries Curies Foundation
Lack of Leadership in the third sector: The strategic leadership in third sector is one of
the significant issue faces by Marie Curie Foundation. The third sector involves various charities,
voluntary organizations, community groups, social enterprises etc. which have to adopt proper
strategic leadership in order to set out their organization purpose, values, vision, aims of the
future, potential threats and business strengths (UK charities count the cost of Covid. 2021). The
strategic leadership are lacking in Marie Curie organization because of the unproductive staffs of
employees. The employee of Marie charity is highly demotivated because of the poor reward,
recognition and training program within the foundation. The leadership strategy of Marie Curie
foundation was poor which was further biggest issue for company (Oyston and Bonnar, 2022).
Because of the poor leadership of foundation, the overall working environment of foundation has
become negative. The impact of which staffs unable to provide proper care and support to the
people with terminal illness. After lack of fund, government policy and insecurity of fund, the
lack of leadership in Marie Curie Foundation is the one of the top strategic issues.
Issue in Fundraising: Another challenge faces by Marie Curie Foundation is lack of
fund or inability to raise fund from the donors after Covid-19 outbreak. It is because due to
temporary lockdown the income of business and individual has decreased the impact of which
they unable to provide donation to Marie Curie Foundation. Not only that, the Brexit has also
impact the business profitability position. It is because, after Brexit, Marie Curie unable to
generate funds from the EU market. So, it can be said that raising funds from local as well as EU
market after the Covid-19 and Brexit situation has become biggest challenge for Marie Curie
Foundation (UK cancer research studies. 2021). Further, government policy change is also
creating issue for the charity organization to operate in instable market. In addition, it is also
analysed from LR and strategic issue that Marie Curie need to first be specific and concentrate
on their service. It means rather than generating funds from the donors they also need to open
new healthcare centres from which they can earn profitability. After that, they can use those

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funds to support and care people with terminal illness. Lack of expertise people is also one of the
reason behind poor fundraising strategy of Marie Curie Foundation (Hiscott and, 2020).
Adoption of Virtual Care at higher rates: With the emergence of Covid – 19 pandemic, people
seem to be hesitant in going out for getting treated themselves and accordingly, performance of
those organizations such as Marie Curie has deteriorated because of not adopting the virtual care
facilities at the earliest. Virtual care services also known as telemedicine where just by using
internet services, healthcare specialists are able to provide their services by where patients are
consulting with them virtually and accordingly, diagnosing their cause of ill health. This all leads
to saving of resources and time as required in physically established hospitals (Ageron, Benzidia
and Bourlakis, 2018). Due to this issue, Marie Curie's profitability performance is below that of
its competitor that is, MacMillan cancer support from last two or three years as evidenced
through return on capital employed and profit margins.
Harnessing emerging technologies of healthcare sector: Healthcare has changed both in terms
of software and hardware. As Marie Curie is a UK based organization, it has become difficult for
it to secure that level of funding that it was getting before Brexit by accessing different European
Nations for its funding needs. Accordingly, acquisition of costly and modern technology has
become impossible for it. As per the recent report, it has been identified that IoT oriented
medical devices are being adopted by 48 percent in last three years and it is expected to grow to
68 percent in the coming two years (Written evidence submitted by The Charity Commission.
2021). Such a developed technological scenario has created a lot of challenges for Marie Curie in
operating efficiently such as through having efficient operating rooms and better infrastructure
for quality services.
Obtaining skilled staff: Being a charity organization, Marie Curie has comparatively low budget
for paying its staff and doctors (Sousa and, 2019). Accordingly, there is a difficulty for it in
getting talented staff and simultaneously its motive of quality service and growing revenue
through better healthcare has affected to a great extent.
Staff retention or shortage due to Brexit: This is also one of the challenge which is faced by
Marie Curie Foundation after the separation of UK from EU. Due to Brexit, the foundation’s
employee turnover has drastically enhanced the impact of which they face difficulty in providing
the good care to dying people. As per recent survey, it is found out that two third i.e., 65% of the
nurse of Marie Curie foundation has struggle a lot to provide a good care to dying patients due to
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staff shortage. Because of the UK’s exist from the EU, the majority of staffs of Marie Curie has
quite their job in order to go back to their home country as after Brexit they are not allowed to
move freely from UK to EU without any restriction. This has result into the staff shortage in
Marie Curie Foundation. As per the recent survey, it is also analysed that nurses of Marie Curies
are felling emotional stress and they want support at work to manage the grief and emotional
stress after staff shortage (Two thirds of nurses struggle to provide good care to dying patients
due to staff shortages. 2021). Due to high stress level of nurses and other staff the local
employee also wants to quite Marie Curie which leads to reduce retention rate of Foundation.
Gender Pay Gap: Basically, the gender pay gap challenge is not associated with the Marie curie
foundation but this is one of the major issue in the industry that might affect the company in the
future. Currently, Marie curie is not directly facing gender pay gap as a challenge but than also
the company should keep there eye on this issue. This should be avoided in order to keep there
employees motivated.
4.3 Solutions to Challenges that Marie Curie is facing
The following are the solutions that Marie Curie could adopt in order to overcome the challenges
that it is facing in healthcare sector especially as a result of two major shocking events that is,
Brexit and Covid – 19 outbreak.
Laissez-Faire Leadership: The first solution available to Marie Curie Foundation with the
help of which the performance and productivity of employee get improved. For example, Marie
Curie Foundation can apply Laissez-faire leadership style within their organization in which the
manager will assign tasks and give general direction to employees (Kyne and, 2020). In
this, the employee need to complete their tasks on their full potential via using their own best
approach. It is best way to enhance the leadership skills in employees as well as third sector.
Borrow from own Businesses: The only way and one of the best solution through which
the foundation can deal with challenge of fundraising is borrowing from own other businesses. It
means Marie Curie Foundation need to start new healthcare centre by their own. With the help of
this centre, the company can provide healthcare service to rich people on higher price for all the
diseases such as cancer or other terminal illness. This will help the foundation to earn higher
profitability and earnings from its other healthcare centres. By using this earnings and profits,
Marie curie foundation can provide charity for the care and support of poor people who are
suffering from terminal illness (Stremersch, 2021). Thus, it is one of the best way in which the
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foundation need not to pay any interest on bank loan as well as need not to request donors for
Preparing themselves for hiring effective staff and technologies: As Marie Curies is facing
funding issue, there are numerous challenges emerging for it. However, healthcare sector is
changing at a very quick pace both in terms of hiring talent staff and acquiring modern
technologies (What new research tells us about the impact of COVID-19 on charities. 2021). So,
Marie Curie could expand it accessibility to different regions of the globe by developing its own
website where potential donors could give their charities and donations (Quesado, Aibar Guzmán
and Lima Rodrigues, 2018).
Getting access to expert advice: There are many experts existing in today's business environment
who are giving advice and counselling with reference to hiring and funding. Accordingly,
businesses get direction on how to overcame their respective challenges. So, Marie Curie could
access experts of their sector in getting advice on how to get funding and talented staff.
Hiring more staff for getting done with virtual care: With the outbreak of Covid – 19, many
healthcare organization has adopted virtual care technology. However, Marie Curie is still
lacking on this ground due to installation of expensive technology which requires a good deal of
funding but as the concerned organization have not yet adopted this technology and accordingly,
facing issues in generating higher revenue as its competitors (Benková and, 2020).
Therefore, by hiring more workers that could offer home to home services to stay competitive
and equivalent to virtual care services.
Increased wages of staff: The solution which is recommended to Marie Curie foundation for
dealing with the challenge or issue of staff shortage and retention is that they should increase
their wages. With the help of providing high wages to its staff the management of Marie Curie
Foundation able to enhance its customer retention and satisfaction level. Also, the management
of Marie Curie can provide training and development program to its staff to deal with the stress
and peak situation.
4.4 Implementation of solutions offered to Marie Curie
The above solutions could be implemented in the following manner:
By hiring software developers and technical experts, Marie Curie could develop its own
website or social networking profile from where it could raise its concern for fundraising

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for the purpose of offering treatment to those who are not financially stable (Egbunike,
2021). Accordingly, they can overcome the challenge of poor funding and many other
challenges that are resulting from this challenge such as acquisition of advanced
technology, etc.
Finding financial and human resource experts could help in getting required level of
funding and talented staff related advice that is necessary for carrying out processes
efficiently and effectively by Marie Curie (Oyston and Bonnar, 2022). However, expert
advice comes with a cost but the point to be noted here is that a small amount of fee paid
to experts lead to greater performance in terms of revenue generation and reduction in
Effective leadership could be ensured through delegating leadership related tasks to lower
level staff which could led to development of leadership skills amongst them (Ehrlich,
McKenney and Elkbuli, 2020). The implementation of this solution would further be
helpful in developing base of skilled staff. Further, be setting higher level of expectations
and holding staff accountable, the challenge of unskilled staff could be alleviated over the
In order to implement the solution, the Marie Curie Foundation can increase wages for
their local nurse by announcing promotion or increment. This helps the foundation to
enhance its staff retention rate the impact of which nurse can able to work with full
dedication (UK cancer research studies. 2021).
From the above report it has been concluded that, majority of challenges that Marie Curie
is facing is due to the non – availability of funding which is leading to the emergence of many
more challenges such as acquiring modern technology and hiring skilled staff for the purpose of
providing better quality of healthcare services. In this report, first of all various strategic issues
has been highlighted with the help of applying related models such as SWOT, PESTLE,
Balanced Scorecard, VRIO and McKinsey's 7 S. Accordingly, various challenges that Marie
Curie is facing within healthcare sector has been evaluated along with stating its solutions and
ways in which solutions could be implemented.
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On the basis of above challenges and issues faced by Marie Curie Foundation, the following
strategy is recommended to Marie charity:
Firstly, it is recommended to Marie Curie that they should adopt proper training and
development program which they should provide to its workforce if they really want to
deal with the challenges arises due to future changes. It is because workforce are the
assets of the organization who with their full potential help the business to gain
competitive advantage in the market. It means with the help of training and development,
Marie curie can keep their employees motivated and satisfied. It is also best for the
personal and professional development of staffs of Marie Curie because with the help of
this the company can enhance skills of staffs (Brighi and, 2018). The ultimate
outcome of which the staffs can deal with the uncertain situation and improve their
productivity and efficiency.
It is also to be recommended that Marie Curie should found out alternative sources of
funding for its healthcare services over and above the source of charity and donations.
For this, it could avail funding by approaching potential donors who generally find ways
for donating sufficient portion of their earnings for the betterment of unhealthy and
financial unstable people (Ageron, Benzidia and Bourlakis, 2018).
Through fundraising activities, it needs to found donors who could be able to donate
technical devices and machines for the operation of healthcare organization like Marie
Curie. Accordingly, technological up-gradation could be ensured within its internal
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