
Impact of Information Technology on Business Operations of Mark and Spencer


Added on  2023-06-12

16 Pages4604 Words202 Views
Report - 3000 (+/-10%) words
Title Page
Abstract (Write this after main body of the report is completed. Word count
is not included)
Table of contents (write this after the report is completed. Word Count is
not included)
1. Introduction (10%)
2. Literature Review (Generic(40%-50%)-1000 words to 1500 words)
2.1. Application software and its types(in any business in general)
2.2. Ethics and social issues of IT (in any business in general)
2.3. Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on businesses
(in general)
2.4. Role of IT in businesses (in general)
3. Analysis and Discussion (Specific(30%-40%) -800 words to 1200)
3.1. Application software and its types used in the chosen business (in
3.2. Ethics and social issues of IT in selected business(in specific)
3.3. Impact of ICT on the selected business (in specific)
3.4. Role of IT in the selected business (in specific)
4. Conclusion (10%)
5. References - At least SIX references in Harvard Style
IIT Project
Impact of Information Technology on Business Operations of Mark and Spencer_1

Impact of Information Technology on
business operations of a Mark and
Student ID:<Your Student ID>
Date of Submission:<Date of Submission>
Word Count:
I declare that this project is all my own work and that I have acknowledged all materials used
from the published or unpublished works of other people. All references have been duly cited.
Informational technology assists the company in building the network for
communication, maintain electronic storage and safeguard the data and the
information. IT makes the business operation of the organization very easy and
help the employees to troubleshoot the problems with the computers and the
mobile devices. It enable the company to access the information from the storage
and also from the internet through the world wide web. It is very cost effective and
save the time of the employee or other persons in performing their work.
Impact of Information Technology on Business Operations of Mark and Spencer_2

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents...............................................................................................................3
2. Literature Review...........................................................................................................3
2.1 Application Software and their types....................................................................................3
2.2 Ethics and Social Issues of using technology in general..........................................................3
2.3 Impact of ICT on businesses..................................................................................................3
2.4. Role of IT in businesses in general........................................................................................3
3. Analysis and Discussion..................................................................................................3
3.1 Application Software and their types in selected business.....................................................3
3.2 Ethics and Social Issues of using technology in specific to the chosen business......................3
3.3 Impact of ICT on selected business........................................................................................3
3.4. Role of IT in selected business..............................................................................................3
4. Conclusions.....................................................................................................................3
Impact of Information Technology on Business Operations of Mark and Spencer_3

Information technology refers to the user of computer system or the other
devices to access the information. This assist in building the network for the
communication for the company. It enables the company to safeguard the data and
information or create or administer the database(Akhmedov and et. al., 2020). This
technology help the employees in trouble shooting the problems by using their
computers and mobile and make the company capable of doing the other work so
that it can assure the efficiency and security of the business information system. In
this report, Mark and Spencer has been taken into consideration which is
multinational company in United Kingdom which offers various products to its
customers such as clothes, food and home. The report will cover the importance of
application software and their various kinds. Further, it will inform the ethical and
social issues which may arise while using technology. Apart from this, it will state
the effect of information and communication technology on a business concern. In
addition to this, it will demonstrate the role of IT and also make analysis in respect
to the organization.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Importance of Application Software and its different types
This is a computer program which is designed in order to provide assistance
to the people to perform various activities such as personal, specific, educational
and business function(Xu and Zheng, 2021). This software has great imporatnce in
the busieness because it makes the calculation very easy for the business and help
in arranging and organised. This software helps in maintaining function, task or
Impact of Information Technology on Business Operations of Mark and Spencer_4

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