
Marketing and Customer Retention in the Hospitality Industry : Assignment


Added on  2020-07-23

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Marketing and Customer Retention in the Hospitality Industry : Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK ..............................................................................................................................................1Loyalty Programme proposed by Alperton Intercontinental Hotel, a five star property ...........1Evaluation of Loyalty Programmes............................................................................................2Components of relationship marketing strategy.........................................................................4The concept of loyalty in the context of hospitality....................................................................5Marketing Plan formulated by Hotel Alperton ..........................................................................6Integrated marketing strategy of communication adopted by Alperton hotel.............................7CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
Marketing and Customer Retention in the Hospitality Industry : Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONMarketing is an essential function carried out by business organisation in order topromote their product and services in the market place. Customers are consider importantresource of any company as they are one which result them to earn high outcomes by satisfyingtheir demands and needs in effective manner. This report highlight the case of AlpertonIntercontinental hotel which is a five star property and has been recently established. Thus, theyhave to introduce new concepts of marketing in the newly introduced outlets at various places. Itinclude high class restaurant, bar lounge, coffee shop. The assignment focuses on differentconcepts of marketing in a hospitality industry and relationship of marketing strategy with otherfunctional areas. Apart from it, hotel have to introduce loyalty programme for the proposedhospitality business and evaluate its efficient in current market condition. It also include there aresome specific role of the guest programs produced by hotel. TASK Loyalty Programme proposed by Alperton Intercontinental Hotel, a five star property Loyalty plays a vital role and has become essential focus in the hospitality sector, as thereare number of uncertainties and high competition among same industry results into varioushotels to develop their own loyalty programs so that they can deliver high personalization andsmoothness in the business (DiPietro, Cao and Partlow, 2013). Different hotels have diverseperspective and opinion related to loyalty, as some concentrates on providing discounts, rewardsas an incentive process whereas other focuses on that “guest loyalty” must be the key area inorder to deliver high quality services and recognition. The loyalty programme that can be createdby Alperton intercontinental hotel is described below: Selection of accurate partner: As Alperton is coming up various number ofconstructions that include high class restaurants, bar lounge, coffee shop and a conferencehall. Thus, it is necessary to take decisions regarding while creating the effective loyaltyprogramme. This hotel can join the third party reward program and enjoy benefits arisingfrom it which include attracting large number of clients at the same time. Collaborating with CRM provider: In order to come up with unique offerings by thehotel, it is necessary to introduce their self program by aligning with CRM provider.1
Marketing and Customer Retention in the Hospitality Industry : Assignment_3

There are number of advantages associated with it which include CRM software aids inconducting loyalty programme properly as well as have enable the hotel to deliverservices starting from management of guest profile to automated execution of post andpre stay informations (Shi, Prentice and He, 2014). Introduction of personalized rewards: In response to some research that has beenconducted in relation to reward program, it has been observed that around 75% of thetravelling clients demand for high input n building their self reward program system. It isvery much important for the hotel to perform the market research in order to gather thedata information related to rewards. Hence, management of hotel have to Change theiroffers according to the need that is directly linked in the increase of the clients joining theproposed program (Bharwani, and Jauhari, 2013). Discounts and bonus Programmes: Hotel can proposed number of particular plan ofactions for example they can offer complimentary drink on purchase of set limit, spatreatment, second stay free in restaurant. All these will provide opportunities for the hotelto build customers for longer period of time and continuously increase their value atsustainable point. Gifts and surprises: As Alperton Intercontinental hotel is launching different outlets thatinvolve restaurant, coffee shop, bar lounge and conference hall. Thus, they can devicenumber of decision related to gifts, offers and surprises. For instance, any customers iscelebrating birthday in the restaurant than they provide surprise in the form of cake,bouquet. This will lead to creation of interest in the customer's mind and thus, it results increation of the regular customers of the hotel. The credit and payment function: Hotel must device simple payment strategies so thatcustomers do not face any problem related to this aspect. The customers should givenvarious choices related to payment and credit. For instance there should be optionavailable to reimbursement if any client cancels the stay and many others. Evaluation of Loyalty ProgrammesAfter formulating number of loyalty programs the results must be evaluated properly so thatproper actions must be taken if there are certain deviations. As the senior sales executive in HotelAlperton it is necessary to evaluate the loyalty programmes which are described below: 2
Marketing and Customer Retention in the Hospitality Industry : Assignment_4

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