Marketing Essentials Assignment | Cadbury organisation
Added on 2021-02-20
22 Pages7545 Words36 Views
Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1P1. key roles and responsibilities of the marketing function......................................................1P2. Explain how roles and responsibilities of marketing relate to wider organisational context.....................................................................................................................................................5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7P3. Comparison between marketing mix of Cadbury and Nestle...............................................7TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................13P4. Marketing plan in context of Cadbury organisation. .........................................................13CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................17REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................19
INTRODUCTIONMarketing is define as a process in an organisation to promote products and servicesthrough advertisement, media, newspaper etc. (Ahmed and Rafiq, 2013). This will lead acompany to attract customers which will result in increased sales and higher margin of profits.Marketing is an essential part in an organisation which help in personal growth at marketplace aswell as assist in expanding business. This report is based on Cadbury which is a confectionerycompany of British owned by Mondelez International and deals with the production ofchocolates and drinks. It headquarter is located in Uxbridge, West London. Cadbury wasfounded in Birmingham, England by John Cadbury. Cadbury produces one of its chocolatenamed Daily Milk made up of high proportion of milk that gave tough competition to itscompetitors. Cadbury merged with two companies i.e. J. S Fry and Sons and Schweppes. Thisreport consists information regarding implementation of marketing strategies, delegation of rolesand responsibilities to employees. It also determine execution of marketing function andmarketing mix strategies that are applied for effective market analysis of the organisation. Thiswill also going to define market plan of the firm by implementing new idea and strategy forbusiness development. TASK 1P1. key roles and responsibilities of the marketing functionMarketing refers to the process of business activities by which a company can promote itsproducts, build healthy relationship with customers so that they can produce products as per theirdemand and satisfy consumers by providing quality products and services. It has an essential rolein an organisation as marketing helps a company to grow in marketplace, increase sales, earnhigher profits, give competition to competitors and build customer trust. Marketing is importantpart in an organisation because it makes the company more organised and well-structured whichin turn makes the economy strong and stable. In a dynamic environment, preferences ofcustomers changes which gives wide scope to an organisation to produce goods according todemand (Baker, 2014). In addition to this marketing department of every company use differentmarketing techniques and strategies which makes their decision more effective regarding theirproduction and manufacturing. Company following their marketing strategies and techniques1
lead them in personal growth as well as higher income. Apart from this marketing also consistsseveral roles and responsibilities of a company which are explained as follows:Roles of marketing function:Brand Awareness: For promoting product and creating brand awareness, marketingplays a major role. With the help of marketing , a company can create brand awarenessthrough advertisement, social media and so on (Baker, 2016). In respect of Cadbury, achocolate company can promote its product through advertisement in newspaper,television, social media like Facebook and can create attractive tag line to attractcustomer. For Example: tag line of Cadbury “Taste like this feels”.Management of social media: Most of companies promote their promote their productsthrough social media such as Instagram, twitter, Facebook etc. By promoting theirproducts in social media, the customers will get updates about new products launched bycompany. In context of Cadbury, company updates it page when new chocolates anddrinks are launched with new flavours, offers, discounts, contest and so on. Byperforming these activities customer take interest in their products and events. Cadburymust update its page on regular basis and keep checking on the post that has beenuploaded before.Internal Communication: Internal communication refers to interaction of employees atall levels within an organisation (Bean and Hussey, 2012). Employees should be aware ofvalues and objectives of company. In Cadbury, as marketing is all about communication,company provide online training which improves their communication skills so that theycan confidently deal with customers.Along with this, employees must also share goodcommunication with each other to achieve goals and objectives of company. Feedback: Feedback plays a major role for every company conducting marketing, aswith the help of feedback, organisation comes to know about customers requirement. Inrespect of Cadbury, as company is more focus on customers, it has its distributionchannel worldwide which help to gather information from them in term of feedbackwhich let them know about their demand for new flavours in chocolate, opinions aboutexisting one, packaging of chocolates and so on. Product Distribution: Product distribution refers to the supply of products and servicesfrom manufactures to potential customers at marketplace. As per Cadbury, marketing2
manager of company makes sure that their supply of chocolate are delivered to market atthe right time and right place as per the demand of their customers. They also involvemiddlemen such as retailers who supply their chocolates to target market place and revertback to company regarding where the supply chocolates are inferior.Packaging and labelling : These two are important part of a product as well as act as apromotional tool through which an organisation is able to attract customers (Camilleri,2018). Packaging refers to the outer covering of a product which insist customers to buythem whereas labelling refers to information that a includes ingredients involved inmaking a product, its manufacturing and expiry date and so on. In respect of Cadbury,marketing manager use innovative and creative ideas to make packaging of chocolateattractive by inserting image that gives glimpse how the chocolate looks like, logo andname of chocolate. Along with this they also add information in labelling about itsingredients, when it was manufactured date of expiry and so on.Risk taking: Risk taking is one of the important function of marketing as it refers touncertainty that takes place in the market based on purchasing power of customers infuture. To avoid risk a company must produce goods and services as per the demand ofcustomers. For example, Cadbury launched its new flavour in silk i.e. caramel keeping inview customers need and preferences that they will buy their product in near future.Responsibilities of marketing function:Focus on customer need: In every organisation, customers are that segment that lead inpersonal growth of the company (Chang and et. al., 2015). Without customers, acompany cannot grow and earn profits. As Cadbury is a customer-oriented company so itis essential for them to make sure that their chocolates with new flavours that they havelaunched are liked by their potential customers. With this they are able to build strongbond and will be able to know what are their future exceptions from them.Competition: It is duty of marketing manager to analyse its position in market and knowabout their competitors in respect to know which technologies and strategies they areusing for gaining competitive advantage. As in Cadbury, manager should use advancetechnologies and make effective strategies that help them in gaining competitiveadvantage in beating their competitors for which they must manufacture different variety3
of chocolates with diverse flavours that will help them in building monopoly of theirproducts and improve their position in market.Better marketing tools: A company making effective use of marketing tools lead themto expand their product in different market and make them reach to target customers(Dibb, 2012). In respect of Cadbury, organisation should conduct surveys in rural areasthat will help them in expanding their product which in turn make them earn higherprofits, they must promote their newly launched chocolate consisting of new flavourthrough social media and so on. This will lead them to create strong brand name of theirchocolates that will attract new customersInnovation: Innovation helps the company to make their existing product more attractivein respect of packaging, flavours, size of product and so on. In context of Cadbury,manager must adopt innovative and creative ideas to modify its product by adding newflavours. Along with this they can modify their packaging in respect of shape and size aswell as they can also introduce drinks which includes dry fruits and so on. Manage marketing budgets: A company must prepare marketing budget for itscompany of next year to target sales and profit marginso that they can preparethemselves accordingly in terms of production of goods and services. As per Cadbury,marketing manager must prepare the budget for its company regarding production ofdifferent variety of chocolates, diverse flavours to be added. In addition to this, targettheir sales that need to be achieved, profit margin and so on.Market planning: It refers to the foundation of organising and defining marketingstrategies to achieve a firm's marketing objectives (Ennew, Waite and Waite, 2013). Inrespect of Cadbury, manager makes effective marketing plan which leads them toincrease their market share and improve their position in market. With the help ofeffectual marketing plan, manager can perform function of promotion, makeimprovement in production and other various programmes.Hence, it is observed that marketing manager must perform all the roles andresponsibilities of a company to achieve their marketing goals and objectives which in turn willlead in the personal growth of an organisation and increase in profits. This will lead the companyto enhance its position in the market, create monopoly and gain customer trust by providing themquality goods and services.4
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