
Strategies in Competitive Business Environment | Report


Added on  2022-08-11

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Marketing Management
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Strategies in Competitive Business Environment | Report_1

Executive Summary
The report has been able to analyse the different kinds of strategies which can be
implemented by the Farsons Company in the competitive business environment. It has been
noticed that the company has been capable of analysing the different strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats which needs to be improved with the help of the SWOT and
PESTEL analysis. The BCG matrix helped in understanding the position of the different
products in different departments and it helped in improving their efficiency to a large extent.
Moreover, the marketing mix has been capable of analysing the position of the product in the
competitive business environment.
Strategies in Competitive Business Environment | Report_2

Table of Contents
1.1 Role of Strategic Marketing in Farsons...............................................................................3
1.2 Processes Involved in Strategic Marketing..........................................................................4
1.3 Analysis of Linkage Between Strategic Marketing and Corporate Strategy.......................6
2.1 Analysis of Tools Used for Development of Strategic Marketing Aspect...........................7
2.2 Analysis of Linkage Between Strategic Positioning and Marketing Tactics.......................9
2.3 Analysis of Merits of Relationship Marketing in Strategic Marketing Strategy.................9
3.1 Analysis of Marketing Techniques for Ascertaining Growth Opportunities in Market....10
3.2 Utilisation of Marketing Strategy Options in Market........................................................11
3.3 Creation of Appropriate Strategic Marketing Objectives for Market................................12
4.1 Impact of Changes in External Environment on Marketing Strategy................................13
4.2 Internal Analysis for Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses in Marketing Strategy........15
4.3 Proposing of Strategic Marketing Responses to Key Emerging Themes in Marketing
Strategies in Competitive Business Environment | Report_3

The report throws light in analysing the strategic management analysis of Simonds
Farsons Cisk which is commonly known as Farsons. The company is commonly known as
Maltese food and beverage company conglomerate present in Malta. The company is
headquartered at Birkirkara, Malta and it was incorporated in the year 1928. The areas which
are served by the company is Malta and the company has been focusing mainly on brewing,
selling and production of the different soft drinks along with beer and other food items which
are liked by the different customers present in Malta.
The main products which are sold by Farsons Malta include the different kinds of
alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and other food items such as sauces and condiments along
with cereals and snacks which help them in attracting customers. The product which will be
showcased in the respective report is Diet Kinnie Soft Drinks which is one such product that
is sugar free and especially prepared for the ones who are health conscious, yet prefer to
consume soft drinks. It is the zero-calorie variant of Kinnie and it is Malt’s own favourite soft
drink as well (Farsons.com 2020). Diet Kinnie has now become the integral part of the
Kinnie Portfolio and the sales have increased to a large extent in the last few years as the
customers are preferring such food items more than the regular soft drinks which are high in
1.1 Role of Strategic Marketing in Farsons
As commented by Wahab et al. (2016), strategic marketing is helpful in proper
identification of the different strengths of the company that will be assisting them in
differentiating themselves from the other competitor companies that are present. The strategic
marketing plays a crucial role in the company as it will be assisting the company in achieving
Strategies in Competitive Business Environment | Report_4

goals through utilising the different scarce resources in an efficient manner. In case of
Farsons, the company has been capable of introducing the zero calorie soft drinks which has
been the main attraction among the young generation who are working and college goers
especially, the ones who are conscious regarding their health and wants to consume food and
drinks which are tasty and healthy as well (Vilkey and Dehbid 2016).
1.2 Processes Involved in Strategic Marketing
As opined by Trivedi (2018), the process involved in strategic marketing includes the
following steps which will be effective in generating positive impact on the entire business
which are described as:
Planning the mission, objectives and vision is the first process that involved in
strategic marketing as the managers along with other stakeholders of the company needs to
define the same that will be propelling the strategic marketing. The objectives need to be
analyzed on SMART approach that enhances the appropriateness of the goals which needs to
be developed and achieved by the company successfully (Trigeorgis and Reuer 2017).
Secondly, analysis of the positioning in the industry is the other approach which needs
to be implemented by the companies through the help of SWOT analysis for understanding
the external opportunities and threats and internal strengths and weaknesses. In addition,
brand positioning, segmentation and targeting needs to be analyzed for establishing
memorable impression on different customers (Thieu et al. 2017).
Establishment of the marketing tactics is the other aspect which needs to be
implemented by the companies for generating a strong view on the marketing mix for
creating the strong brand image in the market (Tengeh and Nkem 2017).
Strategies in Competitive Business Environment | Report_5

Putting the entire process in the work is the other element which needs to be
implemented forb development of schedules and executing process which will be capable of
gaining competitiveness (Soosay et al., 2016).
Lastly, evaluation and modification are the aspects which will be capable of critically
executing the SMART planning techniques in a successful manner.
In case of Farsons, the company is successfully in following their mission and vision
which includes the fact that “they want to create and nurture the world class brands which
will be inspiring the loyalty and trust among the different customers”. Moreover, the
company is aiming to employ more trained employees who have the capability to deliver the
quality as well as sustainable driven operations in the market successfully without much
issues (Reinecke 2016).
The company has been working towards their vision and it was effective for them in
managing their performance in a positive manner successfully. Additionally, Farsons is
working on the mission on a daily basis through achieving exceptional standards of
experience in introducing more such drinks and attract large group of customers through
focusing on the individual and collective efforts (Read and Sanderford 2016). The objectives
of Farsons is to act as the dedicated food and beverage partner wherein they are capable of
achieving and providing customers with myriad opportunities on offer, which includes both
taste and health fitness (Prajogo 2016).
In case of Farsons, the company has been able to work towards their mission and
vision and through understanding the needs and preferences of customers thoroughly.
Through the SWOT analysis, the company has been able to generate the low-cost airline
facilities to the customers through providing competent services.
Strategies in Competitive Business Environment | Report_6

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