
Impact of Marketing Principles on Business Management Practices


Added on  2023-06-15

5 Pages1316 Words170 Views
Dissertation / Management Report Proposal Form
BABM Topic Registration (Jan 2018)
This is a working document to focus on the purpose and structure of each students research. It aims to
highlight the intent and outlook of your research. It is quite likely and permissible that as students progress
with their dissertation will lead to changes in several aspects including, content, direction or emphasis. This
document is to simply propose the plan in the initial stages of the process. However, it is vitally important that
students keep their academic supervisor informed of any changes (as such changes may require students to
reconsider any or all of the content of this proposal form.
Return this form to your Supervisor in your workshop session in Week 5. If you have any questions about filling
this form in, please contact your Supervisor via email or in class.
Please note that completion of this form does not imply a guaranteed acceptance of your topic.
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Section 1:
Research topic : Impact of marketing principles on the business management practices
The management of business functions is dependent upon the various business
management tools like the sales and marketing principles. The marketing principles like 4Ps
of marketing, corporate social responsibility and other tools are used to manage the business
operations and processes properly. This could help to understand the purchasing behaviours
and patterns of customers in the different market segments and then implement effective
marketing strategies for proper disctribution and pricing of products and services (Epstein
and Buhovac 2014). The major business problem faced could be the lack of proper pricing
and distribution of products and services. Lack of pricing could elad to customer
dissatifaction and even result in decline of sales, furthermore degarde the profit level for the
company. If the products are not distributed proeprly, then the customers wpuld be unable to
access them proeprly and the sales would fall gradually. The four principle components of
marketing are product, price, place and promotion while the values and benefits are provided
Impact of Marketing Principles on Business Management Practices_1

to the customers through the management of safety and quality standards and ensuring that
those are made available at the right places and at the right price (Jobber and Ellis-Chadwick
Section 2:
Rational for research: The rational of research mainly illustrates the problems that could be
faced if the marketing principles would be ignored. The marketing principles could be used
as effective business management tools used for the purpose of enhancing the products’
features, setting the right prices of those products and ultimately making those accessible to
the customers by distributing those properly in the various market segments. Ignoring the
principles of marketing could lead to higher costs incrred for managing the business practices
and it would also be difficult to understand the buying behaviours and patterns of different
market segments (Nowak et al. 2015). The research rational illustrates the business problem
related to the improper pricing and distribution of products and services. If prices are not set
properly, then the sales of products would decrease and the profit level could also reduced
largely. When the products ldievered by the company would be unaccessible to the
customers, then also the company migth face loss.
Research aim: The aim of the research is to analyse the impact of marketing principles on
the business management practices for a business organisation. The aim of research is to
develop proper pricing strategies and enable product differentiation for distrubuting the
produts in right market segments and ensure that the products can be easily accesible to the
Research question/s:
What could be the probable impact created on the business management practices by
Impact of Marketing Principles on Business Management Practices_2

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