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Marketing Strategies and Concepts in British Airways


Added on  2023/01/16

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This assignment focuses on the marketing strategies and concepts implemented by British Airways to achieve their goals. It discusses key marketing concepts and terminology relevant to the airline industry, as well as the marketing strategies and programs that helped British Airways accomplish their goals. The assignment also covers the daily marketing operations of British Airways, including the STP strategy and the 7Ps of marketing.

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Principles &

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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
a) Key marketing concepts and terminology which are relevant to the British Airways............1
b) Marketing strategies and programs that helped British Airways to accomplish their goals...3
c) Some marketing concepts and principles that implemented in British Airway’s daily
THIRD PART COVERED IN POSTER.........................................................................................6
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................7
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The airline industry refers to the business of transportation in which the paying cargo can be
transported by means of air. With this alongside, it is also used to carry passengers from one
place to another on a regular basis. The business of transportation works according to the
scheduled route along with time. This type of industry perform their function by providing the
services such as transporting the suitcases and various types of baggage (Andreasen, 2018). In
this type of business, the prices are decide according to the facilities which are providing to the
passengers. In order to maintain the activities and functions, the industry take some effective
changes as the business is based on the demands of the customers. In this assignment, the British
airways of UK which was established in 1974 is taken. This assignment will focuses on the
marketing, strategies, methods and principle are occur which is used by the airline industry to
raise their services. These strategies helps in attaining the objective of the business operation. It
is required to maintain the proper functioning of the of all departments of the airline industry.
a) Key marketing concepts and terminology which are relevant to the British Airways
Marketing refers to the department of a company from which the profit can increase by
satisfying the needs of the customers. It is essential department in every business as the business
needs to develop different strategies that can identify the requirements of the customers. With the
help of these strategies, the goods and services can be provided to the customers which enhance
more services in the industry(Bell and Harrison, 2018). In every business it is required to fulfil
the consumers requirement, so the industries adapt some different strategies which enhance the
goals. There are several terminology occur which help the business and this is implemented by
the marketing. Some of the terminologies of British airways are described below.
Product strategy:- the product strategy can be defined as the important component of the
business strategy. In British airways, the various type of strategies are be given by the company
to the customers such as car conveyance, hotel and flight combo packages, first economic class
and other services (Charter and Polonsky, 2017). In their product strategy they include the
services of air flights who want to travel through air. It becomes the important part in their
selling strategy as it helps in facilitates the elusive services.
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Branding strategy:- this strategy plan the long term aim to developing the brand image
of the industry. This will help in attaining the goals of the airline industry. The acceptable
strategy of branding straight effect the environment of industry. With this strategy, the
requirement of customers can be impacted on the sustainability of the business. In British
airways, mainly four types of branding strategies are involve and they are such as sponsorship,
brand positioning, name selection and development (Child, 2015). In the brand positing of an
airline industry, the person need to believe, attitudes and values which support the required
position of their services with in the market. In their strategy, the company includes selection of
branding name which can attract customers that help in promoting the branding and protect from
rivals. After the selection of branding name, it is required to be sponsored, So the British airways
select various ranges such as private branding licensing manufacturing co-branding that can help
in influencing the growth of company the and can achieve the acquired success. In the context of
British airways this airline company uses all type of branding strategy that can influence the
brand development to developed a big market share as well as grow their shares on a large scale.
the brand development mostly contains the new brand the brand extension multi brand which can
help the product in new strategies and marketing that results in building the marketing
successfully. With this the British airways can set the appropriate goal which can bring the
flexibility in their departments that is required to maintain the marketing strategy to share there
business services on a large scale to the customers. With this the company can compete within
the market by attending the acquired and positive position.
Promotional strategy:- each and every business acquired promotional strategy which
enhance their business by developing the attractiveness to the customers (Convissar, 2015). The
strategy includes the vouchers coupons combo facilities so that it can increase the number of
customers more. the British airway uses many services to their customers and they also uses
various schemes like discount facility in their prices and other coupons and water facilities. The
marketers of airways company influence the customer by giving discount codes by membership
of club or by providing the registration facility once a time. In their promotional strategy the
British airway provides the essential benefits in their packages at a low rate. This also includes
the rented cars to make the customer attractive and feel happy and loyalty from the company.

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b) Marketing strategies and programs that helped British Airways to accomplish their goals.
The company and resources required to implement some strategies that can help them in
achieving the required goal of the company (Cuddihy and Waugh, 2015). The British airways
uses some of the strategies in their organisation that can help in attaining the objective and these
are described below.
The British airways plan some maturation strategy in their departments. They consider
this as an effective manner in implementing the strategy that can be beneficial for
business operation.
The company plans to develop their strategies and services across the global which can
help them increasing the positive outcomes of brand image within the market of United
kingdom and across globally (Fletcher and et. al., 2017).
In their strategy to reduce the the workers on terminal and this will have the British
airways to reduce their prices.
This airline company e launched various new services which involves comfortable seats
for the long duration slides and sort of their first cabin slide for increasing the customer
satisfaction point.
The British airway invested in impressive and bendable in in the new aircraft when the
economic duration is low (Huang and Rundle-Thiele, 2015).
The company implement third party which is the mode of selling the ticket and it
includes online businesses which can be done through e ticketing to provide easy and
attractive packages for regular customers and passengers.
These strategies can help in marketing in in achieving the organisational goal with ethics
and outcomes can be occur successfully. The British airways is one of the the leading position
company in enhancing the low cost airline tickets and services which help in getting the high
profit from the customers (Kubacki and et. al., 2015). It also focus on the some of the key points
of the flight such as good quality of food, some age improving plants that can help in raising the
client base including the brand image in the market. Moreover, the company developed various
environmental structures such as to support group members by providing and managing the
appropriate information in operation department so that they can work according to the customer
needs by implementing the correct objective.
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c) Some marketing concepts and principles that implemented in British Airway’s daily
There are various marketing strategies the are adapt by various airline industry in order to
fulfil the goals of the industry. Basically, the British airways uses some strategies that enhance
their productivity and profitability such as 7Ps, STP, etc. These are described below.
STP strategy:- The British airways attend the high position in the market by completing
their rivals. Basically the company uses appropriate and effective strategies that help in
promoting the brand image at national and international level. In order to fulfill the commitment
British airway has developed different strategies which can be used to customer and become
friendly (Kumar and Sharma, 2015). In their strategy they also includes to make the journey
comfortable for the customers by bringing the advancement and managing the expensive of
tickets with these strategies. So this strategies can be said as effective and helpful strategy.
Segmentation:- It helps in in dividing the the market in two parts on the basis of their. As
it can be divided into various categories that are described below. Demographic:- The demographic refers to the income, age, gender, education and group.
The British airway divided share market on the basis of these demographic variables. The
company uses various effective strategies which includes in reducing the price or
maintaining it to attract more number of customers along with their various low cost
airlines. Psycho-graphic:-This variable is basically associated with the segment of lifestyle of. In
the context of British airways, the segment the customer according to their touring for
system. India services include excellent quality of food, drinking facility, good sitting
facilities and friendly environment by employees to make the customer comfortable in
order to make the brand value of the company (Mishra and Mishra, 2016). Geographic:- In this variable the company segment on the basis of reason and density of
the customer. The company divides the local flights and international flights according to
the area to which the customer wants to reach. In UK, the domestic and international
flights are schedule in that manner that their residence or any other people are preferred
to take care transports. This will also help in increasing the branding image by providing
that excellent conveyance facility to the customers.
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Behavioral:- This variable is linked to the behavior of different people who consists
different types of thoughts including ideas. The British airways segment their market
according to the the acceptance of services by the customers. it includes the identification
of requirements that can benefited the needs of customers and their loyalty towards the
Targeting:- The British airways choose particular segment of customers to sell their
services which include many things such as particular production market and different market
with different types of products. the company considered mostly the particular market as it
provides the various type of packages to different types of customer segments. There different
types of products include such as first class, economy, executive and premium economy to target
various parts of segmentation. in order to enhance the productivity the company to targets the
citizens of primary market. The citizens of primary market consider high services which is
mainly given by British airways through various strategies. it helps in the gaining the attention of
different customer segments by the targeting of short haul market by British airways.
Positioning:- This is the last strategy of STP that show a clear vision about the chosen of
marketing mix is more reliable in order to segment the market. This strategy helps in increasing
the goal of the market for the company. The company needs to to sell their product and services
in the market in a very effective manner so that it can increase the productivity (Robertson,
2017). Some rivals of the company sell their products at low cost services but the company does
not increase your productivity by providing the low cost flights. Main leaders will focus on
metropolitan ares where company established their brand image in front to the customers. This
will also facilitate best quality of services in a good manner so that services can increase the
prophet to both customer and company.
There are the some basic elements of 7Ps which can help in raising market of British
airways. These are described below.
Product:- The company provides good quality of services that can fulfill the need and
requirements of the customers. This includes low cost flight tickets which help in in receiving the
more customers by supplying the best services which is provided in the flight such as fresh food,
drinks and Wi-Fi.

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Price:- The British airways arranges the price according to the preference of the
customers which include needs and requirement of different services by providing the advantage
of it. Likewise, the company segment their markets low cost ticket and services according to the
client. They also include prices according to their services that are going to provided as a extra
services to the customer.
Place:- This is related to the distribution of services to the customer in accomplishing the
goal of the company. a lot of strategies can include in the distribution such as the services and
goods can be distribute by the medium of internet which can help in reducing the cost of retailer
(Rowley, 2017).
Promotion:- British airways adapt various promotional strategies like direct marketing to
the public, advertisement and promotion of their sales. They also used by setting the particular
prices of their services that it can attract the customers according to their preference. Moreover,
the magazines and events can be a successful strategy in promoting the services of British
People:- The goal and objective of the organization totally depends on the people who
are using the services and products. The British airways must create the positive interrelation
between the employee and customer so that they can influence about the services. The correct
employees are should hire for the job in delivering of goods and services.
Process:- The performance of goods and services directly impacted on the process of the
system. This is necessary for minimizing the cost of services. The company developed various
effective system that enhance the operational strategy of business in a effective way.
Physical evidence:- It is necessary that the services can be innovative to the nature and
simple products in better quality. The British airways company provided the good quality of
services and best products so this will help in developing the strategies at international flights
and domestic.
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From the above assignment, it has been concluded that the marketing strategies are
essential in developing the business in order to enhance the production services to the customer.
With the help of these strategies the outcomes can be valuable from the passengers. In this the
various theories and marketing strategies can assist in in developing the competitive edge in the
market which helps in accomplishing the goals of a company. It also includes that a company
required to build the interrelationship between different departments along with the marketing
department which helps in analysing the new market trends, expectations of customers. with this
the advocate of the company can be achieved within a specific time period along with the
satisfaction of customers. There are some also different strategies suggest STP and 7Ps which
provides a a clear and accurate idea about the elements which are necessary in a company e and
it is required to develop in some of the section of the company.
The recommendation from this assignment is that the British airway in order to
accomplishing their goals is necessary to specified the marketing functions in their department. it
includes the developing the new marketing strategies and practices that can help in bringing the
new ooh services to the customers. The British airway needs to follow some strategic intensely
and must improve the profitability to get the high marketing success.
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Books and journals
Andreasen, A.R., 2018. Challenges for the science and practice of social marketing. In Social
Marketing (pp. 3-19). Psychology Press.
Bell, J. and Harrison, B. T., 2018. Vision and values in managing education: Successful
leadership principles and practice. Routledge.
Charter, M. and Polonsky, M. J., 2017. Greener marketing: a global perspective on greening
marketing practice. Routledge.
Child, J., 2015. Organization: contemporary principles and practice. John Wiley & Sons.
Convissar, R. A., 2015. Principles and Practice of Laser Dentistry-E-Book. Elsevier Health
Cuddihy, L. and Waugh, A., 2015. Bonding for Brilliant Babies: promoting infant mental health
through social marketing. Primary Health Care. 25(4).
Fletcher, J. and et. al., 2017. Tourism: Principles and practice. Pearson UK.
Huang, Y. T. and Rundle-Thiele, S., 2015. A holistic management tool for measuring internal
marketing activities. Journal of Services Marketing. 29(6/7). pp.571-584.
Kubacki, K. and et. al., 2015. A systematic review assessing the extent of social marketing
principle use in interventions targeting children (2000-2014).Young Consumers. 16(2).
Kumar, R. and Sharma, V., 2015. Auditing: Principles and practice. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd..
Mishra, M. N. and Mishra, S. B., 2016. Insurance Principles and Practice. S. Chand Publishing.
Robertson, M., 2017. Sustainability principles and practice. Routledge.
Rowley, J. E., 2017. Information marketing. Routledge.
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