
Unit 2 Marketing Processes and Planning - Smoke and Salt Restaurant


Added on  2023-06-08

13 Pages3842 Words192 Views
Unit 2 Marketing processes
and planning
Unit 2 Marketing Processes and Planning - Smoke and Salt Restaurant_1

MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
Explaining the concept of marketing and marketing operations and the role of marketing in
Explaining the marketing function relating to organizational context........................................4
Analysing the role of marketing in the marketing environment and critically analysing the
external and internal environment in which marketing function operates..................................5
Comparison of ways in which different organizations apply marketing mix..............................7
Strategies application on marketing to achieve business objectives...........................................8
Marketing plan.............................................................................................................................9
Media Plan.................................................................................................................................11
Unit 2 Marketing Processes and Planning - Smoke and Salt Restaurant_2

Marketing plays important role for attaining profits in the business by exchanging the
products and services in wide range of consumers. With using this function, it helps in growing
business by promoting the products with coordinating the production as for increasing sales by
creating the value of the products and promoting the business. This results in establishing brand
value. The Smoke and Salt is the small food and hospitality business which mainly operates in
UK. This report provides details with explaining the concept of marketing and its role in
business. Also defining the functions of marketing in the organisational concepts. Furthermore,
analysing the role of marketing environment and critically analysing the external and internal
environment. Also comparing the ways of marketing mix and its planning process to achieve
business objectives. Further reviewing strategies and tactical approaches which helps in
achieving business objectives. Lastly, developing marketing plan also producing the media plan
including recommendations which helps in meeting budgetary requirements and objectives of
marketing campaigns.
Explaining the concept of marketing and marketing operations and the role of marketing in
Marketing is mainly defined as the process which helps in processing the good at the
right time and at the right place. It is mainly based on satisfying the needs of consumers which
helps in attaining competitive advantage. This concept is mainly aims in defining about
exchanging products and services with using various promoting tools for attaining business
objectives. With the development of the dynamic environment, the use of technologies including
AI, data driven helps in providing best consumer experiences with engaging employees. The
current and future trends of marketing mainly include promoting the products as for selling with
using social media, using e-commerce platforms, providing personalisation and marketing with
communicating with consumers (Hanaysha , Al Shaikh and Alzoubi, 2021). Also Marketing the
business mainly helps in positioning the company image and it results in building the corporate
reputation. with using different marketing strategies and techniques it helps in positioning the
brand by creating positive image on the mind of consumers with attracting to visit the
restaurants for having dinner, lunch. Further more, with using attractive logo and tagline of the
company helps in positioning the company which results in attracting the consumers for
Unit 2 Marketing Processes and Planning - Smoke and Salt Restaurant_3

regularly visiting at the restaurant. As in smoke and salt using attractive logo and with its value
of loving simplicity and serving special dishes with inspiring from all cultures helps in
positioning the company in the dynamic market place as to attract large number of consumers
Source:(Smoke & Salt, 2022)
More over marketing plays important role for promoting business as by analysing the
market for gathering important information which helps in taking decision as to manufacture and
produce the products according to the latest trends which helps in reducing the uncertainty for
serving dishes according to consumers taste and preferences for retaining and targeting the large
consumer markets. Further with using direct marketing in the restaurant helps in attracting
consumers by sending personalised mails, online advertising with using social media on website
also directly contacting to consumers. This results in building effective public relations with the
consumers as for attracting and retaining the consumers market as to attain growth and achieve
competitiveness while operating in dynamic market.
Explaining the marketing function relating to organizational context
Marketing is mainly used as for promoting the business and its products by emphasising on
attracting consumers for purchasing the profits and services offered by the company. As in
smoke and salt using different marketing functions for promoting the restaurant products and
services as for increasing the consumers and guest. Using these functions helps in satisfying
consumers requirements with taking feedback as by offering the best products and dishes to
guest arriving at restaurant. With analysing the market helps in assessing the needs and want of
the consumer which helps in analysing the taste and preference to produce product and services
in particular surrounding. Further the company is mainly targeting and serving small and
interesting menu with specially and occasional dishes at affordable prices. The company is
mainly serving with all the age group individuals , families and business groups which mainly
organise meeting by having coffee. The company is mainly serving wide dishes menu to guest
with providing lunch and dinner services at affordable pricing range with using British
Unit 2 Marketing Processes and Planning - Smoke and Salt Restaurant_4

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