
Marketing Processes and Planning: Tesco, Aldi, Sainsbury Comparison


Added on  2023-06-15

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Marketing Processes and Planning: Tesco, Aldi, Sainsbury Comparison_1

MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
PART A...........................................................................................................................................3
The concepts and roles of Marketing..........................................................................................3
Marketing function and its association with the wider business context....................................4
Interrelationship between marketing and other functions of the business..................................4
Macro factors of the business environment in which marketing activities operates...................5
PART B............................................................................................................................................5
The comparisons of the marketing mix based on Tesco, Aldi, Sainsbury..................................5
Incorporate the strategies and tactical approaches that the businesses have applied to the
marketing mix in terms of achieving business objectives...........................................................7
PART C............................................................................................................................................8
Marketing plan............................................................................................................................8
PART D.........................................................................................................................................13
Media plan.................................................................................................................................13
Media budget.............................................................................................................................13
Marketing Processes and Planning: Tesco, Aldi, Sainsbury Comparison_2

Marketing is related to all the activities which are undertake the promoting service
buying and selling of services and product. All the professional are working in the corporation’s
promotion and marketing department seeking for getting attention key audiences with the help of
advertising. Marketing process are related to all the activities which are help to communicating,
creating, delivering and exchanging offer for value of customer, partners, society etc. Also,
strategic marketing planning refers to the process which are creating the marketing strategy
which complete the objectives (Alexander, 2020). This is also responsible for metrics which are
help for achieving goals. There are some of the steps that strategic planning process for
determining strategic position, prioritize your objectives, develop a strategic, etc. The chosen
company is Tesco for the study that is well known brands of UK. The report consist three part in
which part A discuss roles of marketing and its function, also it is the interrelationship between
marketing and other function of the business by considering macro factors in the business
environment. Further, part B related to comparison of marketing mix with the help of two
organisation, incorporate the strategies and tactical approaches that are need in business
organisation for achieving its objectives. Moreover, part C will explain the marketing plan with
marketing tactical, planning and strategic marketing planning. Lastly, part D supporting
marketing campaign for the organisation in order to develop integrated multimedia plan which
includes offline, suitable, social media etc. Also, explain the quantitative and qualitative criteria
fort preparing integrated multimedia plan.
The concepts and roles of Marketing
Marketing refers to the managerial function that are includes primarily economic that
consist of all the activities such as demand or market forecasting, pricing, product planning,
advertisement and distribution which are organised in the system of the interdependencies and
are directed at the yielding of profits to enterprises in order to provide satisfaction (Amin, 2021).
The concept of marketing are related to the production, selling, product, societal etc. The main
role of marketing is related to meet consumer needs and wants in order to identify the need of
Marketing Processes and Planning: Tesco, Aldi, Sainsbury Comparison_3

consume for the related products an strategies accordingly. It influence the wants the are shaped
for individual and cultural personalities. Also marketing ensures for survival of organisation
related to expansion and growth. The objective of the marketing are help the company to for
achieving the objective just because of customer- centric, it also help to satisfying the need of the
customers beyond the expectation. This is help in widen the market for using mass
communication such as sales, advertisement, event marketing etc. all these factors are help to
protect the image of the organisation. Along with this Sarika business houses limited is are
offering better services so that it help to attract the customer.
Marketing function and its association with the wider business context.
According to the wider business context it has been analysed that there are several
marketing functions which are as product development function in which the organisations
supposed to create the product by considering all the factors that are help in development of
business such as demand and want of customer (Deffner, Metaxas and Sirakoulis, 2020.). To
identify all these factors there are importance of marketing team to survey, retailer data, focus
group etc. After developing the product the next step is belongs to pricing strategy in which the
firm decided to set the price by considering the cost profit etc. Further, the place of sale function
it is important to decide that place where consumer can easily buy the product. It can be in the
form of online as well ass offline stores. Th team of marketing are help to analyse the buying
habit of customers and what kind of place are most convenient for the consumer. Then another
function is related to the promotion that is the most important factor because it help to attract
customer as well as it increases the reach of advertisement, mobile, internet, print, broad etc.
Interrelationship between marketing and other functions of the business
All the functions are inter related to each other such as follows
Marketing and operation- Both the department are inter linked because it helps to
identify adequate research for developing the plan for satisfy future and current need of the
customer (Dumon, McDonald and Schmitz, 2021). It helps to promote design and quality that are
desired by customer. The volume order with the help of marketing which can be met within the
Marketing and finance- All the department are work closely in order to need adequate
budget, promotion, research, distribution etc. All these activities are need particular amount so
Marketing Processes and Planning: Tesco, Aldi, Sainsbury Comparison_4

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