
Ending Violence Against Women: Advocacy Models and Strategies


Added on  2023-04-07

14 Pages3625 Words485 Views
Disease and DisordersSociology
Masters of social work
Ending Violence Against Women: Advocacy Models and Strategies_1

Violence against women is a major issue confronting the world today, some women have
been a victim of this so-called violence, which is drastically on increase in the developing
nations of the world, though in developed nations there are cases of violence against women,
but it has been followed up and adequate measures to correct the issues were put to place.
Women are abused and murdered, raped in armed conflicts and attacked for defending
women's rights. In recent times, policy and public discussions on violence against women in
Australia have had a strong focus on family and domestic violence, intimate partner violence
("Violence against women in Australia (2017) Australian Human Rights Commission",
2019). According to United Nation reports, It is estimated that 35 percent of women
worldwide have experienced either physical or sexual intimate partner violence or sexual
violence by a non-partner (Devries et al, 2013).The aim of this essay would basically focus
on the violence against women and the measure that has been implemented to tackle this
issue at large and the essay would explain the various sort of advocacy that has been put in
place to stop the violence against Women.
The first model of advocacy is communities care programme. This utilizes the peer advocacy
model in the community to introduce an open door for a positive change in social standards
that can add to sexual orientation uniformity, and diminishes women discrimination. The
objective is to make more advantageous, more secure, and progressively harmonious
community environment for women and young ladies by working with communities to
improve access to care in order to support victims of women violence (Devries et al, 2013).
The Communities Care program has two general purposes that are put into task through
discrete yet interrelated program systems. The first aspect is to improve auspiciously,
coordinated, and empathetic consideration and backing for victims of sexual brutality in
conflict-influenced settings by reinforcing network based reaction. The second is to diminish
Ending Violence Against Women: Advocacy Models and Strategies_2

resilience for violence against women inside the community network and catalyze
community led-advocacy action to prevent it.
Also communities care is a piece of another age of programming to address violence against
women in various humanitarian grounds. A general health approach advances the utilization
of staggered methodologies to focus on the auxiliary reasons for violence against ladies and
young ladies just as hazard factors at the individual, relationship, and community network
levels. This model approach is also joined by the community development change thorough
research to analyze efficacy. The program's change theory joins human rights education key
in improving community values, aspirations and change of people lives. Its rationale is that
society can recognize solid concerns and manage the truth encompassing them (Flood, 2011).
It stipulates that once individuals on the whole feel that change is to their greatest advantage,
and they have access to information from credible sources, as well as the possibility to reflect
on its implications, they are bound to all in all and exclusively feel that change is to their
greatest advantage, recognize suitable options, and effectively seek after them. The aggregate
idea of the procedure gives vitality and inspiration that would facilitate in mobilising people
to end violence against women (Kaur & Garg, 2010). Community Network individuals are
urged to make a solid move to advance more noteworthy gender impartial connections in
their families and society. The theory of change informs a critical role in humanitarian setting
and community development theoretical interventions.
In order to reach its goals, the Communities Care programme utilizes a 'facilitated dialogue'
approach– to train members on the importance of ending violence against women. Through
this, it creates awareness and consciousness regarding shared values of respecting women,
human dignity, fairness and also justice (World Health Organization, 2012). It ensures that
victims connect their experiences of violence and injustice and analyses how gender cultural
norms bring about violence to women. This is aimed at helping them and identifying the root
Ending Violence Against Women: Advocacy Models and Strategies_3

causes in order to propose a probable solution. The objective is to enable members to
cooperate to and answers for the issue of VAWG and to help them to make an interpretation
of these concrete advocacy actions into solid activity inside their lives and inside their
Theory used is feminism theory that joins numerous methods for knowing and improves
exploratory research by lighting up female encounters and viewpoints. It causes medical
caretakers to comprehend ideas and powers, for example, control, language, mistreatment,
sexual orientation, and man centric social structures. As a rule, feminism theory not only
considers an amazing influence on women life experiences but also recognizes their abuse.
The experience of oppressed women turns into the focal centre, yet in addition recognizes the
current conviction that andocentric (male focused) bias is characteristic in numerous
hypotheses and research approaches, making them less applicable to the issues that ladies
face (Rodgers, 2005). Therefore, the aim of feminist theory is to change this methodology
and highly recognize women violence experiences, address their specific needs, and create
awareness to challenges bringing about women oppression in the society. The fundamental
precepts of feminist theory consolidate numerous standards that measurable medical
attendants use while treating female casualties of violence, including a devotion to propelling
the status of women and caring for them in the community card programme advocacy
Over the years states have failed in their chasms of legal frameworks to end violence against
women. Various perpetrators of this vice have escaped making women continue being
victimized through the entire legal process (García-Moreno et al, 2015).
Thus, this model of legal reform provides effective protection to women. It must ensure that
the legislation is easily enforced and evaluated in order to solve the issue. State governments,
Ending Violence Against Women: Advocacy Models and Strategies_4

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