
Matlab Coding for Data Processing and Analysis


Added on  2022-08-27

22 Pages3858 Words33 Views
Data processing and analysis

1. Calculate the yaw angle, distance travelled, longitudinal, lateral acceleration,
path curvature with distance travelled and the full lap in the rally stage data set.

The model shown in the diagram elaborates
the modelling circumstances of the system.
The motion of the system and some other basic geometric relationships, the longitudinal

velocity etc. is calculated by using the
Newton’s law of motion. There are various terms
which are calculated by using MATLAB software:
(In.mathworks.com, n.d.)
Longitudinal velocity
Lateral velocity
Yaw rate
Centre of gravity
Subscript x is used for denoting the force which acts on the longitudinal direction and y

which acts on the lateral direction. The initial equation in the system elaborates the

longitudinal acceleration tht contains the air resistance terms which is assume
d to be the
quadratic function of the longitudinal velocity v_x(t).
Additionally, delta(t) is the steering
angle, J is the moment of in
ertia and a and b are the distances from the centre of gravity with
the front and the real axis, Simultaneously.
Matlab Coding for Data Processing and Analysis_1

In these equations Cx and Cy can be termed as the longitudinal and the lateral tire stiffness.
Here it is being assu
med that these stiffness parameters are similar for all 4 tires.

1. In MATLAB, plot the step response of the provided DC motor using the transfer
function. Please provide MATLAB code or a Simulink model.

The dynamic
equation for the Laplace domain and the open loop transfer function for the DC
motor are shown below:

s(Js +b)
(s) = KI(s)
(Ls +R) I(s) = V(s)
Ks (s)
P(s) =
= [rad/V]
the step reference of 1 radian the design criteria are mentioned below:
Settling time < 0.040 sec
Overshoot < 16%
No steady state error in the step disturbance input
The resulting plot describes that when 1 Volt is applied to this system the position of motor
grows unbounded. It is obvious at the odds with the shown requirements and particularly
there be no steady state error. This system’s open loop response is not even stable. The
system’s stability can be computed with MATLAB command is stable where the return value
TRUE (1) represents that the system is stable and the return vale as FALSE(10 shows the
system as unstable. (Ctms.engin.umich.edu, n.d.)

The closed loop transfer function for the controller simply set at the value which is equal to 1
which can be operated by MATLAB command feedback as elaborated below.

As shown by these functions, one of the poles for the open loop transfer function is on the
imaginary axis of plot. Other two poles are situated in the left half plane at the complex s-
plane. A pole on the imaginary axis shows that the system’s free response can not be grown n
unbounded manner. But it also will not reduce it towards zero. Even though the free response
will not grow as unbounded, a system with its pole at the imaginary axis can grow as
unbounded when the given input, even when the input is bounded. In this particular case, the
origin’s poles reacts as an integrator. Hence, when the system is given a step input its ouput
continues ot grow t infinity in the similar manner that an integral constant would grow to
infinity as the integral’s upper limit is shown as larger.

2. In MATLAB, please design a P, PI and PID controller of the provided DC
motor. Please compare the results of different controller and different
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parameters used of the controller, i.e. compare rising time, settling time, steady
state error, overshoot, etc. Please provide MATLAB code or a Simulink model.

The PID controller output is equal to the control input of the plant which can be computed in
time domain from the feedback error as shown:

u(t) = Kpc(t) + Ki dt +Kp


variable (c) = tracking error

r = desired output

y = actual output

c = error signal

he error signal (c) is fed in the PID controller, and the controller calculates both the integral
and derivative of the error signal with corresponding to time.
(Ctms.engin.umich.edu, n.d.)
controller’s transfer function is observed by taking the Laplace transform of

Kp + Ki/s +Kds =


Kp = proportional gain,

Ki = integral gain

Kd = derivative gain




teady state

Decrease Increase Small Change Decrease
Decrease Increase Increase Decrease
Decrease Decrease No Change
P- controller:

From the above table, it can be observed that Kp reduces the rise time and steady state error
and enhance the steady state overshoot.

The closed loop transfer function with the unity feedback system and the proportional
controller are observed.
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T(s) = X(s) /R(s) =

X(s) = output = Y(s)

R(s) = Reference input

PI- controller:

Before observing the PID controller it is mandatory to observe the PI control. From this
table it is being investigated that the additional integral control Ki tends to reduce the
steady state error and the rise time and it enhances overshoot and settling time. For this
system, the closed loop transfer function for PI controller is discussed by using Kp and

So after minimizing Kp to 30 and let Ki equal 70.

By running the MATLAB coding the resulted plot is being shown as below. In this
system, the proportional gain Kp is reduced due to the integral gain also minimizes the
rise time and enhances the proportional controller as double effect and the overshoot. The
above response elaborates that the integral controller eliminated the steady state error in
this observation.

PID Controller:

The closed loop transfer function for this given system with the PID controller can be

elaborated in terms of Kp Kd, Ki.

After different tuning iterations, the gains Kp = 350, Kd = 50 and Ki = 300 provided the

desired result. By using the MATLAB command e
laborated below following step response
can be elaborated.

Now it is possible to design the closed loop system with growing rise time, no overshoot and

no steady state error.

Designing steps for PID controller:

When the PID controller is designed for any s
ystem, there are several steps which are
followed for getting the desired response.

Open loop system determination with improvement requirements.
Proportional control addition for rise time enhancement.
Derivative control addition for minimizing overshoot.
Integral control addition for minimizing the steady state error.
Each gain adjustments for obtaining the desired overall response.
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>> FileName = 'vehicle_c'; % replica formation defining

Order = [3 5 3]; % Sequences defining for model nx,ny and nu

Parameters = [1500; 2.5; 2.5; 2.5e5; 5e4; 1.5]; % define the inceptive variables

InitialStates = [1; 0; 0]; % initial state value

Ts = 0; % Time-continuous system.

nlgr = idnlgrey(FileName, Order, Parameters, InitialStates, Ts, ...

'Name', 'cycle automobile replica', 'TimeUnit', 's');

nlgr.InputName = {'Slip on front left tire'; ... % defining u(1) parameters

'Slip on front right tire'; ... % defining u(2) parameters

'Slip on rear left tire'; ... % defining u(3) parameters

'Slip on rear right tire'; ... % defining u(4) parameters

'Steering angle'}; ... % defining u(5) parameters

nlgr.InputUnit = {'ratio'; 'ratio'; 'ratio'; 'ratio'; 'rad'};

nlgr.OutputName = {'Long. velocity'; ... % longitudinal vehicle velocity in terms of

'Lat. accel.'; ... % lateral vehicle acceleration in terms of y(2)

'Yaw rate'}; ... % y(3).

nlgr.OutputUnit = {'m/s'; 'm/s^2'; 'rad/s'};

>> nlgr = setinit(nlgr, 'Name', {'Longitudinal vehicle velocity' ... % defining parameter

'Lateral vehicle velocity' ... % defining parameter x(2)

'Yaw rate'}); ... % defining parameter x(3)

nlgr = setinit(nlgr, 'Unit', {'m/s'; 'm/s'; 'rad/s'});
Matlab Coding for Data Processing and Analysis_5

nlgr.InitialStates(1).Minimum = eps(0); % Longitudinal velocity > 0 for the model to be

nlgr = setpar(nlgr, 'Name', {'Vehicle mass'; ... % defining parameter as m.

'Distance from front axle to COG'; ... % defining parameter as a

'Distance from rear axle to COG'; ... % defining parameter as b

'Longitudinal tire stiffness'; ... % defining parameter as Cx

'Lateral tire stiffness'; ... % defining parameter as Cy

'Air resistance coefficient'}); ... % defining parameter as Ca

nlgr = setpar(nlgr, 'Unit', {'kg'; 'm'; 'm'; 'N'; 'N/rad'; '1/m'});

nlgr = setpar(nlgr, 'Minimum', num2cell(eps(0)*ones(6, 1))); % All parameters > 0!

>> nlgr.Parameters(1).Fixed = true;

nlgr.Parameters(2).Fixed = true;

nlgr.Parameters(3).Fixed = true;

nlgr.Parameters(6).Fixed = true;

>> present(nlgr);

nlgr =

Continuous-time nonlinear grey-box model defined by 'vehicle_c' (MEX-file):

dx/dt = F(t, u(t), x(t), p1, ..., p6)

y(t) = H(t, u(t), x(t), p1, ..., p6) + e(t)

with 5 inputs, 3 states, 3 outputs, and 2 free parameters (out of 6).


u(1) Slip on front left tire(t) [ratio]

u(2) Slip on front right tire(t) [ratio]
Matlab Coding for Data Processing and Analysis_6

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