
Importance of HRM Practices in International Human Resource Management


Added on  2022-12-15

21 Pages7286 Words237 Views
Business DevelopmentLeadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityLanguages and Culture
International human resources
Importance of HRM Practices in International Human Resource Management_1

Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................3
Review existing HRM practices of organization....................................................................4
Discuss importance of HRM practices with focus over how it helps in resolving business
issues for better performance..................................................................................................5
Assessment of the one of leadership theory in context to the selected organization.............8
Identification of the key challenges of international environment.........................................9
Analysis of the strategy which should be used to attract and recruit local talent.................10
Integrating cultural difference an organization plan to respond in that challenging situation11
Review and critically synthesize different influences on behavior in organization along with
interface management in integrating and balancing.............................................................13
Best practices of HRM.........................................................................................................14
Importance of HRM Practices in International Human Resource Management_2

HRM refers to selecting and recruiting the best talent for an organization. This can help
to achieve the goal and objective of the organization. Different practices of Human resource
management can lead to get different functions and work within such an effective way to
accomplish and influence employee productivity. This report includes different HRM practices
of an organization along with its importance that can help to develop and manage different
functions of an organization. There is a discussion about the ways to overcome different
challenges and to achieve better performance in an organization. There is also the use of different
leadership theories that can help the organization to achieve its goals and objective. There is also
the use of different strategies to attract and recreate local talent in an organization and to
influence the management to integrate and balance. There is also integrating culture that can lead
to minimizing the differences between different cultures and helps to create a better environment
for work. This also includes different compensation and perform performance management for
expatriate employees. This report also includes some recommendations that can help Human
Resource Management to achieve goals and objectives more effectively.
Importance of HRM Practices in International Human Resource Management_3

Human resource management is related to managing as well as controlling human
resource activities within company in an efficient manner. There are ample of approaches and
practices are used in the field of human resource management for achieving predefined
objectives within stipulated period of time. These approaches are also helpful in dealing with
different issues of human resource management in an efficient manner. Further, leaders & HR
manager s play a vital role in managing work force of company. In addition to this, there are a lot
of challenges and issues arise during international environment in terms of human resource
management (Zhong, Wayne and Liden, 2016). It is also imperative to attract local talent as it
helps to bring value in business. In the present report TESCO is taken into consideration which is
a renowned company and consider as the biggest supermarket supply chain within UK. It deals
in groceries and general merchandise and currently working in nearly 13 countries across the
globe. Here, HR management practices of organization are effective and helpful in managing
work force in an efficient manner. The present report focuses over HR practices of organization
and also discusses importance of HRM in dealing with issues related to human resource
management. It also includes leadership theories so that company can manage staff members
effectively. Different challenges and issues which can be arise when organization enter into
international market place have also been discussed in the present report. It includes strategies
for attracting local talent for enlarging business of organization. Further, international HRM
practices of other competitor organizations focus over compensation and benefits have also been
included in the following report. Lastly, it comprises some necessary recommendations for future
betterment and bring a change perspective in the field of human resource.
Review existing HRM practices of organization
It is stated that human resource are crucial part of business. So, each and every company
is likely to adopt significant strategies for managing human resources effectively. In context of
TESCO some crucial HRM practices are mentioned below:
Recruitment: It refers to create a pool of potential candidates who will undertake assign
task effectively so that company can attain desired goals and objectives. In recruitment, main aim
of organization is to get maximum number of applications so that they can select one suitable
candidate for vacant position within organization (Nieves, Quintana and Osorio, 2016).
Recruitment helps to get the right candidate who will drive positive results for entity. There are
Importance of HRM Practices in International Human Resource Management_4

two sources such as internal and external are used for recruitment. Internal source is related to
fill the vacant position by appointing existing staff of company. On other side, in external
sources candidates are selected from outside sources through campus recruitment, walk in
interviews and more. In context of TESCO, they are working at large level across the globe so
adopts both sources for selecting right candidate for vacant position.
Training and development: In present time, there are a lot of changes introduced in
business on regular basis so it is imperative to provide appropriate training to work force. By
this, they can easily coordinate with the changes which will lead business towards higher growth
and success. In reference of Tesco, they arrange appropriate training sessions for employees with
an aim to enhance their overall productivity and efficiency. With this, work force is able to
undertake their roles and responsibilities in an efficient manner which will help in growth of
Motivation: Under this, employees are motivated to work in desired manner. Here,
company provides a lot of benefits to work force so that they get inspired to act in favour of
organization. In Tesco, HR managers use monetary as well as non-monetary approaches for
enhancing morale of staff members effectively (Chelladurai and Kerwin, 2018). By this way,
they are able to make the maximum benefits of skills and potential of employees. It is stated that
motivated employees tend to work hard for growth of business which will help in getting
positive outcomes for organization.
Discuss importance of HRM practices with focus over how it helps in resolving business issues
for better performance
Importance of HRM
Increase productivity and profitability: It is stated that employees are crucial part of
business and perform different activities for ensuring success of organization. In this regard,
HRM practices are helpful in managing human resources within company in an efficient manner.
Efficient employees are more likely to work in a better manner that will increase overall
productivity and profitability of business. It will minimize overall cost of company resulted
profit will increase. In TESCO, HR manager are efficient in managing and controlling work
force that will increase level of productivity and profitability of organization.
Retaining employees: In present time, it is not easy to retain work force for longer run. It
is analyzed that individuals are more likely to switch from one company to another in order to
Importance of HRM Practices in International Human Resource Management_5

explore in career and get better growth opportunity. Here, HRM practices are imperative to
motivate employees so that they stay with organization for longer period of time. Retention is
really important to manage cost of training and development at lower level. Further, it also
provides competitive edge to organization. In context of TESCO, effective approaches of human
resource management are helpful in retaining employees for longer duration.
Conflict resolution: In business, there are a lot of employees belong from different
culture, values work together. So, it is common to get conflicts which might put negative impact
over business setting. Conflicts also hamper relationship of individuals at work place and also
harms overall image of organization in market place (Stewart and Brown, 2019). It is essential to
manage conflicts in such a manner that will lead business towards higher growth and success.
Here, HR managers play a crucial role by maintain positive environment at work place where all
the employees can coordinate with each other effectively. In reference of TESCO, they adopt
effective HRM practices which will help to manage conflicts efficiently. By this way, company
is able to manage conflicts in an efficient manner which will drive positive outcomes for
Review of the leadership theories
Leadership theory and approaches are important in various HRM practices it benefits the
effective achievements of HRM outcomes. They are the different theories and style of leadership
given vi the professionals and psychologist, in context to the different factors of leadership.
Tesco is using democratic leadership theory which is also considered as the participative
leadership approach. Blues a brief analysis and description of leadership theories and type of the
organisation leadership approach (Saenger, C., Jewell, R.D. and Grigsby, J.L., 2017) .
Critical analysis and review of two leadership theories
Leadership theories and approaches are continuously developing and keep changing from
the trait to transformational tumble is the critical review of some leadership theories.
Trait theory - this theory is illustrating that effective leader are having some common traits
of leadership, such as leadership skills which aid to the development of specific leadership
behaviors or pattern. According to this theory the leadership trait help the individual to influence
the others for value share and understanding. According to this theory leadership skills are
inherit or rooted characteristics. This focus on the analysis of employees trits and providing
them a training and development facilities according to that skills of individuals. There are the
Importance of HRM Practices in International Human Resource Management_6

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