
MBA402: Code of Ethics - A Comprehensive Guide


Added on  2024-06-21

11 Pages3018 Words230 Views
MBA402: Code of Ethics - A Comprehensive Guide_1

Table of Contents
Codes of Conduct............................................................................................................................2
Discrimination: Discussion..........................................................................................................2
Discrimination: Code of Ethics....................................................................................................3
Exploitation: Discussion..............................................................................................................3
Exploitation: Code of Ethics........................................................................................................4
Corruption: Discussion................................................................................................................4
Corruption: Code of Ethics..........................................................................................................5
Dishonest and Fraudulent Behaviour...............................................................................................6
Dishonest and Fraudulent Behaviour: Discussion.......................................................................6
Dishonest and Fraudulent Behaviour: Code of Ethics.................................................................6
Whistleblower Protections...............................................................................................................7
Whistleblower Protections: Discussion.......................................................................................7
Whistleblower Protections: Code of Ethics.................................................................................7
Reference list...................................................................................................................................9
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Codes of Conduct
A conduct code or a code of ethics is what may be regarded as the principles valuable to any
organisation, firm or a business sector. It lays down an accumulation of several principle
objectives, ethical guidelines, behaviour patterns, regulations and expected conduct in the form
of written collection to enlighten the workers, employees and the members of a particular firm to
adhere to the rules of an organisation. These are basically formulated to ensure that the
organisations can run in a similar pattern of moral and professional outcomes and help to rectify
them in cases of mis-happenings.
Weyns (2020), suggests that this basically helps to ascertain a form of dignified and clear vision
of the organisations to achieve the intended target and to help limit the unwanted loopholes and
conflicts within the organisation premises. Similarly, according to Kitto and Knight (2019), a
business code of ethics lays out the expected rules or rather milestones that the organisation
expects the employees and the working members to achieve. The primary intention for any
business to set these conduct codes is to help them carry out the business with honest work and
integrity. As opined by Thaler and Helmig (2016), the basic purpose of setting these guidelines
revolves around the basic morals universally such as embracing diverse work culture, or setting a
basic rule for the attire rules that the employees of the company must maintain. Moreover, it also
envisions regarding incidents of harassment, bullying or misconduct to control the disputes in the
Discrimination: Discussion
The act of discrimination is common within the premises of an organisation. The act of
discrimination is defined as the distinction made between groups of individuals who are treated
on the basis of certain facets (Stypinska and Turek, 2017). Be it religion, origin, caste, language,
financial status or gender, discrimination prevails in every organisation and workplace. As
opined by Dhanani, Beus and Joseph (2018), a person is said to be discriminated against when
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he/she is treated differently and is withdrawn with the ability to enjoy basic privileges and rights
as that of any other person. Discriminating between clients who are normal to those who are
disabled is one such act of discrimination. As evident from the case study it is understood as to
how even unknowingly CBA conducted an act of discrimination by the provisions of touchpad
devices (Albert terminals) that did not have any dedicated buttons for the blind and visually
impaired Australians to feed their PIN numbers (Abc, 2020). This discriminating act was
reported by the annoyed Australians which was later attended to by the CBA.
Discrimination: Code of Ethics
The employees of the CBA must not practice any means of discrimination between
cultural differences of colleagues or clients.
The discrimination must not be practicsed on terms of religion, caste or colour.
The underprivileged must not be dominated by the privileged ones.
All the employees must live in harmony and respect.
All should practice collaboration.
All must practice warm communication and avoid sarcastic responses.
There must be no act of conflicts raised on cultural and language differences.
Everyone must ensure that they do not initiate or support refuting statements towards the
potential of a co-worker.
The newbie must not be dominated by the experienced.
All clients to the CBA must be treated impartially and without any biases.
The employees must ascertain that no personal conflicts are entertained in the working
Exploitation: Discussion
Berenstain (2016), suggests that the term exploitation refers to as a means of using somebody or
some resources in an unethical manner with a primary intention to take advantage of it for
personal benefit. In companies, exploitation can often be defined as when the organisations
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