
Science Fiction: More About the Present than Future


Added on  2022-11-28

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Running head: MEDIA OF ARTS
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Science Fiction: More About the Present than Future_1

Sci-Fi or Science Fiction is a film genre, which uses science-based fiction and
speculative depiction of a phenomenon not generally accepted by the conventional science
like alien worlds, extraterrestrial life forms, extrasensory perceptions, and time with elements
like robots, spacecraft, interstellar travel, cyborgs and other technologies. The concept of time
travelling has been used mostly in sci-fi films (Appel et al. 2016.) This kind of movies also
stresses on highlighting social and political issues and explore the philosophical aspect of
human conditions. The genre of sci-fi had existed since the early years of silent cinema. The
first movie under this genre was “A Trip to the Moon” directed by Georges Melies in 1902. It
was made using the trick photography effects (Solomon, 2016.) The other major example of
this genre is Metropolis which was again a silent movie directed by Fritz Lang in 1927. It is
also an example of German Expressionism and considered one of the greatest films of this
film theory (Rozzano and Smith, 2018.)
As per (Stam, 2017) German Expressionism is a German art movement of the early
twentieth century that emphasised on the ideas and inner feelings of artist replicating the
reality by bright colours, simplified shapes and brushstrokes. The German movies of the
1920s brought art to life. There was a lack of coherent plot at times and characters
represented art pieces of expressionism into films and motion pictures rather than a random
story in visual media. However, Lang’s Metropolis had proved as a journey of departure
overgeneralized from the gross analysis mentioned above. The film was still considered more
congruent along with characteristics of Die Neue Sachlichkeit. It says that the theory of
German Expressionism is linked somewhat with sci-fi films because of the plots that feature
one’s insanity and themselves occupied with madness. It is very similar to the above theory
when all the aspects are brought together into reality in a futuristic way with numerous
subtexts in them. This paper aims to critically evaluate the statement “Science Fiction is more
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about the present than future.” The movie Avatar (2009) and Lucy (2014) will be discussed in
support of the above statement.
Lucy is a movie directed by Luc Besson in the year 2014. It is a French science sci-fi
action film starring Scarlett Johansson as Lucy and Morgan Freeman as Professor Norman. It
is dependent on a myth that we only use ten per cent of the human brain. Lucy taps into a
possibility beyond limitless and unlocks a power that allows her to use 100 per cent of her
brain. The movies of sci-fi always revolve around one factor that is humanity versus progress.
Despite being 29 years old, Scarlet Johansson played the role of an American student who
lives in Taipei. She starts to date a sketchy man that wanted her to get one locked briefcase to
Mr. Keng, a mysterious person into a hotel (Shetley, 2018.) It clearly shows that it is an
unwise move, but the film is trying to give jarring cuts into images such as a mouse that is
approaching some trap. Those juxtapositions are only a link of what is going to come next in
the movie and also later into full blast through a Koyaanisqatsi-Esque-montage.
The statement “Science fiction is more about the present than future’ links with Lucy
in a way where the superpowers of Lucy depicts the future, but everything is happening in the
present. The main agenda of sci-fi movies are that they are always made in the present, but
even if they are watched after ten years, it still feels like a present. Lucy makes unintentional
contact with a narcotic that is new (Vrasidas et al. 2015.) After Mr. Keng’s hooligans get
hold of Lucy, she gets knocked out and comes in contact with CPH4 that gets inserted into
her belly. When the molesters end up hitting and defeat her, the chemical substance gets
leaked into the stream of her blood; it spreads all over her body resulting in giving birth to a
new superhero. Lucy is a 90-minute film where the prior two-thirds of the cinema is fun and
propulsive. She gets driven towards little avengful but also indulged in the hunt for other bags
full of drugs. CPH4 is a natural drug that is given to pregnant women. She has the ability to
make people float in the air, type in a supersonic speed and manipulate phone lines. These are
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