
Risk Management in Fever Control


Added on  2019-09-23

11 Pages3476 Words246 Views
Risk Management in Fever Control_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................1TASK 1.................................................................................................................................1Factors involved in non-transport of the patient..............................................................1TASK 2.................................................................................................................................2Pathophysiology of the condition....................................................................................2TASK 3.................................................................................................................................4Pertinent assessment consideration and why these factors are important.......................4TASK 4.................................................................................................................................5Referral options, patient advice and safety pans for undiagnosed conditions andpotential for deterioration................................................................................................5CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................6REFERENCES.........................................................................................................................8
Risk Management in Fever Control_2

INTRODUCTIONHealth problems have been increasing among people due to increasing risk prevailingfactors and also due to number of diseases. The present research study has been made ona 3 year old male post-self-limited who has Febrile Convulsion; however his parents arehappy for the child to stay at home. Thus, in this context the study has been describingabout the pathophysiology of the medical problem along with the present medicalcondition of the patient. Information regarding safety initiatives is also mentioned in thisrespect along with the potential risks of non- transport. TASK 1Factors involved in non-transport of the patientNon transport of the patient exists in various situations especially when the patient itselfdoes not want to shift to the hospital. Parents may also refuse to send the patient to thehospital because of many factors such as lack of financial availability, lack of trust onhealth care facilities and many more. However, prior transporting the patient to the careentity, it is essential to consider the risk associated factors that might occur in betweentransportation (Kumar, Bhushan & Kumar, 2018). Transportation of patients is essentialespecially when the health problem is severe and it cannot be managed without theassistance of hospital. In the present case, 3 year old child has been diagnosed withFebrile Convulsion in which it is found that his body temperature is increasing. It is also known as febrile seizure which also fits with fever and in which seizure isassociated with a high body temperature. It does not have any serious health issue; but itcommonly occurs in children between the ages of 6 months to 5 years. The foremostreason for which it occurs in viral infection and it is less commonly developed bybacterial infection (Tinsley, 2018). This sort of infection is accompanied by high feverand it can also lead to febrile convulsion. In the present case, the child has been showinga unique response to fever through affecting the brain. Since, the fever is harmless; so the1
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parents might be ready to stay the child at home. They must be considering other factorswhich can affect the brain status of the child while being at the hospital. The necessity of transport does not require here as the parent is looking for other aspectsthat might improve the health dimensions. The child has been behaving appropriately;thus the parents are happy to stay him at home. They must be having lack of financialavailability; therefore this reason might affect them to admit the child at hospital (Byeon,Kim & Eun, 2018). They are aware about the cost aspect which is involved in thetreatment; thus this might be restricting them for transportation of the child. The child isaffected by viral infection; so he should remain at home so that the chances of furtherinfection can be avoided and reduced. Apart from this, it is also crucial for the parents toprotect the child from environmental factors which may cause other health problems.This may further severely affect the child. There are various elements present in theenvironment which can cause other health problems and which may also develop thestages of infection; henceforth the child needs to be protected from all such factors.In this stage, it is essential to keep the child safe so that health temperature may reach to aspecific state. This fever is caused by viral infection; therefore the parents should takecare of the factors that might occur in this problem. At home, appropriate diet can begiven to the child; hence this might help him to get recover as early as possible. Alongwith the process of medication, child can gain better care being at home which can alsoimprove his mental stability. Pressure on the brain can be reduced through finding goodenvironment and this can also help in enhancing the immunity power of the brain(Canpolat, et al. 2018). Therefore, these must be the factors which the parents areconsidering for non-transport of the patient. Along with this, hospital may also do notaccept to treat the patient due to lack of appropriate facilities available with them.Henceforth, all the above mentioned factors must be greatly contributing to non-transportof the patient to the hospital. This might benefit the child in numerous ways especially onhealth grounds. TASK 2Pathophysiology of the condition 2
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