
Business Analysis S1 2018 – Assignment 2 “Medigood” Case Study


Added on  2023-06-11

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Business Analysis S1 2018 – Assignment 2
“Medigood” Case Study
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Business Analysis S1 2018 – Assignment 2 “Medigood” Case Study_1

Table of Contents
Task 2.01 Work Breakdown Structure............................................................................................2
Task 2.02 “To-be” design activity...................................................................................................3
Task 2.03 Organisational change.....................................................................................................3
Task 2.04 Screen design..................................................................................................................6
Task 2.05 Acceptance Criteria.........................................................................................................7
Task 2.06 Applications Architecture...............................................................................................9
Task 2.07 Report to User...............................................................................................................10
Task 2.08 Agile and Waterfall differences....................................................................................11
Appendix – Project Journal...........................................................................................................18
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Task 2.01 Work Breakdown Structure
Activity Duration
Determining required activities for completion of the assignment 02 days
Developing the “To-be” process diagram according to requirement of Medigood 03 days
Illustrating the impact that new system will have on the Medigood business and
determining plan to manage organizational changes
05 days
Designing of two screen interfaces according to requirements of the users
determined from user stories
04 days
Defining the criteria for acceptance of the screen designs developed as per two
user stories
02 days
Demonstration of new system architecture with the help of application architecture
01 day
Preparation of executive summary to be included in user report with explanation
on the processes undertaken to select suitable supplier
03 days
Comparing Agile approach with Waterfall model and illustrating the advantages as
well as disadvantages of both the approaches
03 days
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Task 2.02 “To-be” design activity
Task 2.03 Organisational change
Organizational change implies for all time adjusting examples of authoritative conduct.
Authoritative change is not about individual change, or making new associations. Along these
lines, authoritative change is centered on what is occurring inside existing associations, and
inside their surroundings. In spite of the way that change administration has been in presence for
over 50 years, one of the real difficulties stays to be the limit of chiefs to actualize change. As
change programs advance from characterizing technique and setting focuses to outline and
execution, these activities influence distinctive levels of the association. People are naturally
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judicious and will question to what degree change is required, regardless of whether the
organization is going the correct way, and whether they need to confer actually to getting change
Accordingly, the fundamental change demonstrate characterizes change as: for all time
modifying examples of conduct. There are two settings of conduct: individual and hierarchical.
The individual setting is impacted by training, age and identity. The authoritative setting is
impacted by structure, legislative issues and culture. In the present complex business condition,
change is constantly present. Focused weights, industry movements, and innovation interruptions
are just a couple of the components plotting toward change. The vulnerability of rearrangements
and rebuilding can hurt worker resolve and efficiency, particularly when redesigns and
restructurings are required. The business approach within Medigood has been examined and it is
perceived that new information structure will be productive for recording the data of patients and
furthermore specialists related in the methodology for accommodating treatment. There might be
season of misunderstandings as the present structure for securing records is manual and the
association is facing burden in overseeing game plans got from the patient’s adjacent finding
expert as indicated by the essential of patients. There is an essential of new information system
with the true objective that booking of strategies can be managed effectively to check availability
of medical specialist.
Further, the information system will assist Medigood with outfitting the patients with
telehealth gathering office so they can complete their treatment from remote zone and do not
need to visit the medical specialist physically every time they require any remedial controlling.
The new system will assist the patients with checking their prosperity with no other individual's
help and it will in like way help Medigood in compelling association of their business works out.
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The structure will in like way reinforce furnishing the patients with definitive outcomes
remotely. The change and utilization of another information structure will insistently impact
business strategy of the connection. The change inside the association because of utilization of
the new structure must be managed gainfully with honest to goodness rolling out game plans for
improvement organization and plausible fundamental activity. The developments ought to be
made sense of how to such an extent, to the point that those remaining parts lines up with the
goals behind utilization of the new information structure. The new system will assist the
association with coming to more customers and increase their ability by growing adaptability of
the present structure.
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