Enterprise Architecture Concepts
Added on 2019-09-24
5 Pages1235 Words293 Views
Melbourne Institute of TechnologyStudent last name & ID Enterprise Architecture conceptsDifferent Approaches to Enterprise ArchitectureStudent Name, IDEmail: Abstract To improve business and IT alignment it is very necessary to establish a successful Enterprise architect in thecompany so that communication gap between business and IT stakeholders can be reduced. However, nocompany would like to choose such EA which is complex and rigid and that’s the reason there is need offlexibility in EA. To understand the role of EA architect in real companies there is need to understand the role ofsoftware architect who is responsible for the establishment of EA In the company. Keywords Enterprise Architect, Job role, software architect, problem, benefits1.INTRODUCTION – Software architect role in EASoftware architect is responsible for establishing functional requirements with the use case sothat they can achieve business goals. During a job interview for some specific post it is veryimportant to elaborate the benefits of skills. Lack of EA can cause performance issue in ITfirm and that is being explained in this report with supportive example. 2.Identification 2.1Enterprise ArchitectureEnterprise architect can be used to map functional requirements like ongoing tasks, projects,activities as well as consistency of solution with business process and that’s the reasonSoftware architect is responsible to achieve these tasks. It is the process through whichorganization standardize the IT infrastructure and align it with business goals. When there isneed to help structure in the business process so that policies used for achieving businessresults is maintained thoroughly then that can be possible only after successfulimplementation of EA.
Melbourne Institute of TechnologyStudent last name & ID 3.Analyze3.1Benefits of EAIt allow more collaboration between IT and business units. It helps business to prioritize the business investment. It gives comprehensive view to the business outside the IT White, S. (2019).When there is need to compare results with other organization then that can be doneby the use of EA. 3.2How business can experience growth using EA?Enterprise architect helps business management to achieve its strategicgoals. First process of using EA business goals is that, it first analyze thebusiness and then it will study the business process and IT landscape. Itensure consistency as well as enable integration. It enables life cyclemanagement of the solution portfolio so that every incoming and outgoingactivities can be processed in standard way. Digitization has huge impacton the role of EA because any business flow through business boundarieshowever organization has role and responsibility of satisfying customersand clients. Today’s generation is moving towards digital world and that’s the reasonenterprise domain is used. The major use of such system is to use it as apowerful and comprehensive tool. It is design analysis and execution toolwhich can help to create models for business, engineering, real time andsoftware systems. When a person can broad view of the enterprise thendecision making process can be improved and that way a company can besuccessful in business process. To address different concern of differentstakeholders there is need of some smart and specific technology and EAis one of them. To corporate business strategy and plan there is need ofcorporate strategy skills and being a software architect they can becapable of handling stakeholders effectively. To build robust and
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