
Analysis of References and Research Papers


Added on  2021-04-21

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Running head: MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 1Mental Health NursingNameInstitutional Affiliation
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MENTAL HEALTH NURSING2Definition of Termsa. Affect:Affect refers to a neuropsychological state of simple primitively and a feeling of lack of reflection that is demonstrated through emotion and mood but always occurs in consciousness. Some examples of affect include relaxation and tension, displeasure and pleasure, and tiredness and energy (Ekkekakis, 2012). Tyng, Amin, Saad and Malik (2017) cited that affect are subjective emotional feelings that are experienced by individuals and are difficult to describe. They are associated with the bodily states such as external stimuli such as smell, touch, state, visual and auditory, and homeostatic drives such as hunger and thirst (Tyng et al. 2017).b. Mood:Mood refers to affective states triggered by negative or positive occurrences that alter a person’s abilities to respond to potentially positive or negative events in subsequent periods and contexts. It is an integrative function triggered by the acute emotional experiences of an individual over time (Nettle& Bateson, 2012). The mood is the correct designation of affective states about the worlds in general or nothing in specific. A mood is generally remoteand does not follow particular stimuli, and it lasts longer than emotions. Also, moods are diffuse, meaning that they are non-specific and global (Ekkekakis, 2012).c. Euthymic:A euthymic individual demonstrates lack of mood disturbances that are diagnosable. In case they experience anxiety, sadness, or irritable moods, they tend to last for a short time, triggered by specific situations and have little impact on the daily life of the individual. Also, the individual experiences calmness, cheerfulness activeness, and interest in things. Sleep is arestorative and refreshing activity for euthymic individuals. Further, euthymic individuals
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MENTAL HEALTH NURSING3demonstrate integration, balance, and flexibility to psychic forces and resistance stress. Euthymic individuals are tolerant of frustration, anxiety, and resilience (Fava & Bech, 2016).d. Delusion:Delusion is a false belief based on wrong inference regarding the external reality whereby its explanation conflict with evidence (Kumari, Chaudhury, & Kumar, 2013). They are firm thoughts that lack conformity with the visible reality, cannot be explained by the individual’s cultural structure, and are persistent despite being proven wrong (Kilicaslan, Acar, Eksioglu, Kesebir & Tezcan, 2016). Gunn and Bortolotti (2018) confirmed that delusions are the unusual beliefs that an individual holds with conviction and resists counter-evidence, but a third party views them as implausible. The beliefs lack supporting evidence and are inconsistent with the beliefs of the third party.Hallucination:Hallucinations refer to precepts that lack corresponding external stimuli (Corlett et al.,2018). Hallucinations are incomprehensible experiences that are described or interpreted by aperson and are characterized by accompanying feelings vividness, certainty, and urgency. Hallucinations may be characterized by changes to multiple reams of an individual’s personaland environmental experiences that are based on the cultural, social, and personal influences (Kumari et al., 2013). Hallucinations may be a sign of various serious mental illnesses such as ad post-traumatic stress and schizophrenia (Corlett et al., 2018)Task 2: Therapeutic Use of SelfThe concept of therapeutic use of self refers to a planned utilization of practitioner interpersonal skills, insights, judgement and perception in the therapeutic process. It refers tothe deliberate use of individual responses to optimize therapeutic encounters (Solman & Clouston, 2016). Thus, therapeutic use of self can be described as the conscious attempts aimed at maximizing the interactions between the therapists and clients.
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