
Mental Health Welfare Law Article 2022


Added on  2022-09-29

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RUNNING HEAD: Mental Health Welfare Law
Introduction to Welfare
Mental Health Welfare Law
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Mental Health Welfare Law Article 2022_1

Mental Health Welfare Law
Mental health is the state where a person enjoys emotional, social and psychological balance
and enjoys social well-being. This state is very essential for the better living but human lives
in the society and community ad these factors out great impact over his mental states. These
factors are majorly consist the biological factors include any genetic or brain chemistry,
family and job issues and life experience of any accident or trauma. These are the factors
cause disturbance in the mental states of a person continuous impact lead the over thinking,
stress, anxiety and depression in the human (Beech & Harkins, 2012). These all are serious
issues because the depression majorly lead the end of life as the solution, hence government
and the society needs to make the proper availability of the mental health care centres and
development of welfare laws to support the issues and challenges faced by the mental health
patient in the legal, ethical or professional issues in the treatment. This essay will discuss the
role of the society and government in the metal health welfare laws in the Australia to
provide the support to the psychologically challenged humans. This essay will analyse the
different articles and the government rules to identify the development of welfare law in
Australia to support mental health (Think mental Health;, 2019).
Literature review of the given two articles will support the discussion in depth about the
Mental Health Welfare Law in Australia.
“Mental health in young Australians: a longitudinal study. Journal of Youth Studies,
Base of this article is designed on the basis of the survey conducted in the group of young
people from the age of 19-25, Australians. Base data for this survey was taken from the
Australian Life Patterns longitudinal study. The survey was followed by the two steps
deriving result in the random and fixed effects. The survey was conducted in the male and
female separately and data was recorded separately (Bullock, 2017). The main aim of this
survey was to identify the basic issues of the routine life causing mental health issues and the
Mental Health Welfare Law Article 2022_2

Mental Health Welfare Law
role of the welfares laws in the society and at what level the Australians are aware about their
ethical and legal rights in case of any psychological treatment (Anand & Pennington-Smith,
The main idea focused in this article was to identify whether the mental health if young
Australians is stable or it is changing according to their mood and behaviour. The finding of
the survey was giving different result in women and men. The young age girl and boys were
continuously facing issues with their parenting, higher education, social beliefs and
responsibility factors of the community. The condition of women was found worse than men
because the women major deal with the socio-cultural aspect of the society. The overall target
of this survey was to identify the impact of mental health liner or common in the age of 19-
The conclusion and finding part of this article discuss the young age is the age where a
person majorly deal the issues that raise the mental instability in his mind, the parenting
issues and other social issues are majorly affecting the every step of a young age person and
creating him the situation of mental issues. The poor mental health is the emerging issues
faced by the teenagers and young age people, the social welfare law are applicable to deal the
issues causing mental health problem and make effective steps to prevent them (Landstedt,
Coffey, & Nygren, Mental health in young Australians: a longitudinal study, 2016).
“The complex relationship between mental health and social conditions in the lives of
young Australians mixing work and study, Young 2017”
Metal instability issues are majorly faced by the youth. This article follow the concept that
young age people have complex relationship with the social and financial conditions, because
they need to deal the thinking of the two different generations with their own perceptions, this
balancing task lead the increased level of stress and depression in them. At the young age a
person is pressurized in the name of financial and social stability, these complexes and
Mental Health Welfare Law Article 2022_3

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