
Mental Illness - Assignment


Added on  2020-10-22

4 Pages1336 Words438 Views
IntroductionMental illness is a that health conditions in which persons emotions, behavior andthinking capacity changes as compared to normal and health person who is mentally fit. Themain causes of mental illness is genetic factors, hormonal changes and consumption of moredrugs and alcohol which directly affect the mental level of the person. To cure mental illnessthere are many treatment available in the market like, exposure therapy, cognitive behavioraltherapy etc. it is a mathematical data that forty five percent of people aged between 16 and 85years have a high prevalence of developing a mental disorder such as, anxiety, depression andsubstance abuse related mental disorders in their life time (Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS),2008). Mental disorders not only affect individuals but also the country’s economy sinceAustralia spends approximately 60 billion dollars annually on mental health care and this amountis around 4% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). BodyThe Australian government has developed diverse strategies that have been effective inthe fight against mental illness. The first step is the mental health reform which focusses on thenew stepped care model. In the new model, mental health services are delivered to thecommunity through the thirty-one primary health care networks (Roberts, 2011). This is crucialsince with the close of asylums, most mental health care has been provided to the patients at thecommunity level. This ensures that everyone can easily access quality mental health care withouthaving to line-up in the psychiatric hospitals. Moreover, the stepped care model provides onlinecounselling to youths who may not like the idea of visiting a hospital to receive counselling(Mental Health Coordinating Council NSW. (2009). This provides timely care to these youthsthrough counseling on various individualist topics. This will help the patient to recover soon.Proper care and medicines and therapies work quickly on patient and the chances of recoveryincreases. With the implementation of the stepped care model, people are now able to easilyaccess mental health services and they can also get care according to their level of need (VanStraten et al., 2010).
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In mental illness continuum care being provided to patients who have been dischargedhas also played a major role in promoting better patient’s outcomes. After the patients aredischarged, a group of highly specialised health personnel like psychiatric nurses provide home-based intensive mental health care. In this case patient need proper care and belongingness torecover soon. By this the state of mind gets working and the chances of recovery level increases.Keeping on monitoring all the activities of the patent will help the doctor to treat the patient welland the chances of relapse decrease and the chances of recover increases. Accommodation can bedescribed as the metamorphosis that is experienced by the patient when he or she is dischargedfrom the hospital to the community. When a patient has been admitted for a very long time, thetransition can be quite overwhelming and the government has therefore provided housing,rehabilitation, and clinical support to such clients to ensure that their transition to the communitysetting is smooth and friendly (Sawyer & Savy, 2014). When a patient has been admitted for avery long time, the transition can be quite overwhelming and the government has thereforeprovided housing, rehabilitation, and clinical support to such clients to ensure that their transitionto the community setting is smooth and friendly (Sawyer & Savy, 2014). Rehabilitation andclinical support are significant as they assist the patient to continue improving even when theyare at home by receiving appropriate mental health care. When person is treated well and normalin the community or society it creates positive vibes in their mind and the chances of getting wellincreases. Taking part in the societies activities also helps the person to cure better as it helps theperson to interact with other things which creates positive affect on their mind. Mental illness according to a national survey that was conducted in 2011, therespondents reported that they would definitely seek medical attention from a generalpractitioner if they have any signs of a mental disorder. If any mental disorder is seen in theperson general practitioner will be hired on the initial stage so the person can be cured early assoon as possible. They also reported that they have modified their lifestyles and they engage inphysical activities and other relaxation techniques that play a major role in preventing theincidences of mental illness since these interventions help individual to come up fromdepression and suicidal thoughts which can be the hallmark of some mental disorders (AustralianBureau of Statistics (ABS) 2008).It is a mathematical form in which sixty-six percent of theparticipants in the study were aware of the availability of mental health organisations thatprovide quality mental health services that are easily accessible, the beyond blue organisation
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