1 MENTORSHIP The advice, resources as well as the knowledge that are shared by the mentor mainly depend on the goals and format of specific mentoring relationship. A mentor can not only share information about his own career path with his mentee but can also provide motivation, guidance, role modeling as well as emotional support (Petrescu-Prahova et al. 2015). A mentor can also help his mentees through exploration of careers, development of contacts, setting of goals and even identification of resources. The mentor role should be changing with the change in the needs of the mentee. Some of the mentoring relationships are mainly the part of the structured programs that have specific forms of guidelines and expectations while many others are almost informal. A mentor should have the ability as well as the willingness in valuing the mentee as a person and he needs to develop a mutual trust and respect in the mentor-mentee relationships. Thementoralsoneedstomaintainvariousformsofconfidentialityintherelationship (CichoskiKelly et al. 2017). They need to be very careful about listening to both what is being said and how it is being said. The mentor should also help the mentee in solving his or her own problem rather than just giving directions to the mentee. Mentors also need to focus on the development of the mentee and resist the urge for producing a clone. Mentors need to express his willingness in sharing skills, expertise and knowledge (Weinberg et al. 2016). They should also demonstrate a positive attitude and thereby act as a positive role model.In this way, they can pass on their knowledge to the mentees after becoming a mentor.
2 MENTORSHIP References: CichoskiKelly, E., O'Malley, D., Herman, W., Fornari, A. and Blanchard, R.D., 2017. A Collaborative Distance Approach Using the Evidence to Build a Model for Medical Education Mentorship. Petrescu-Prahova, M., Belza, B., Leith, K., Allen, P., Coe, N.B. and Anderson, L.A., 2015. Peer Reviewed: Using Social Network Analysis to Assess Mentorship and Collaboration in a Public Health Network.Preventing chronic disease,12. Weinberg, R.A., Schuldiner, M., Wu, H., Stevens, B., Nielsen, J., Hiesinger, P.R. and Hassan, B.A., 2016. All You Need Is Mentorship.Cell,164(6), pp.1092-1093.