
Methodologies used in Project Management


Added on  2021-05-31

10 Pages3959 Words30 Views
ContentsOrganization A.......................................................................................................................................2Introduction.......................................................................................................................................2Proposed Methodology.....................................................................................................................2Implementation.................................................................................................................................2Understanding and Addressing Challenges.......................................................................................2Benefits..............................................................................................................................................3Organization B.......................................................................................................................................4Introduction.......................................................................................................................................4Proposed Methodology.....................................................................................................................4Implementation.................................................................................................................................4Understanding and Addressing Challenges.......................................................................................5Benefits..............................................................................................................................................6Organization C.......................................................................................................................................6Introduction.......................................................................................................................................6Proposed Methodology.....................................................................................................................6Implementation.................................................................................................................................7Understanding and Addressing Challenges.......................................................................................7Benefits..............................................................................................................................................8Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................8References.............................................................................................................................................9
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Organization AIntroductionOrganization A is into manufacturing of memory chips and is based in USA. 2100 people work for thecompany. The mission of the organization is to keep growing and it is looking for establishing itsmarkets in North America and South America. The organization currently uses CMMI methodologyto delivered its projects. The company is already into the growing stage and is getting orders fromthe new markets. However, to e able to execute those projects, a more formalize an targetedapproach is required to be taken. For this, the company as decided to adopt a formal projectmanagement methodology. However, in the process it is likely to face several challenges that haveto be overcome[ CITATION Com152 \l 16393 ].Proposed MethodologyAs the company is already CMMI certified, it would need a project methodology that can easilyblend in. Also, the methodology should be complementing CMMI and provide an easyimplementation. Adoption of new project management framework should not result into anyconflicts in the system. PMBOK methodology is a guideline rather than a framework and thus, it isnot very rigid in its structure and thus, can easily be integrated with any other existingmethodologies companies may be using including CMMI. The company can still use the templatesand reporting structured defined by CMMI and begin adapting to the new framework. PRINCE 2framework would be more stringent in adoption although it does provide a tailoring option. It wouldrequire company staff to have an extensive training on the framework if it has to integrate well withthe existing system. Thus, PMBOK is chosen for the organization A [ CITATION Pet14 \l 16393 ]. ImplementationPMBOK implementation would need the teams in the organization to understand its knowledgeareas and the processes defined in the guidelines. For this, the project manager would arrange forthe trainings where the staff would be given guidance on how the methodology can be adopted.Post training, there would be discussions made between project manager and his team with an aimto identify specific activities that would be required for integrating the methodology in the sytemthat is already using CMMI framework. An external consultant may be hired to guide the teamsduring implementation so that cases of conflicts between two methodologies can be avoided orhandled [ CITATION Mic141 \l 16393 ].Understanding and Addressing Challenges The challenges that the company would face while adopting PMBOK and integrating the same withCMMI include:PMBOK methodology is a very exhaustive methodology that contains 10 knowledge areasand 47 processes; Understanding and adopting them could be very time and resourceconsuming. To overcome this difficulty, the company is recommended to take a phase wiseapproach such that parts of the guide are adopted one by one and as the companyprogresses, the changes keep happening. This would reduce the pressure on the team tounderstand the full methodology before it can be used.Commitment would neede from the top management as without it the company would notbe able to smoothly embrace the new methodology as the adoption would require high
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degree of coordination among staff which ca n only be brought about with roperintervention from the top management. Thus, the project manager has to seek buy-in fromthe top management before implementing the new methodology. It would also help inestablishing control over project activities [ CITATION Luk14 \l 16393 ].A large number of new documents and templates have to be created while the newmethodology is used that can consume a lot of resources and their time. Thus, there is apossibility that employees would resist the adoption. The project manager should take thelead in this time and explain the staff how this adoption is going to help them in the long runto get their buy-in[ CITATION Jer13 \l 16393 ].AS the company would have two methodologies working together, there are chances thatconflicts may arise between them if the team did not understand how the integration can bemade successful. Thus, an external project management consultant can be hired to guidethe team in the process of integration between PMBOK and CMMI to get bestresults[ CITATION Bus15 \l 16393 ].Both PMBOK and CMMI guides have different metrics that can be used for measuringproject progress and its performance. This can be confusing as well as time intensive for thepeople. Thus, project manager needs to find a way to align the two performancemanagement systems so that unified metrics are used[ CITATION Gho12 \l 16393 ].If the infrastructure is not able to fulfil the needs of new system then it can fail the adoption.The organization would need a supportive infrastructure to be able to use both methodologyin tandem. Adoption of new methodology can be confusing for those involved in the process as it isdifferent from their earlier structure and may demand different responsibilities to be takenwhich can be confusing. The company needs to have clearly defined roles andresponsibilities for implementation to avoid any confusions in action[ CITATION Mar071 \l16393 ]. BenefitsPMBOK adoption would bring in following benefits to the organization:Project management processes would become more standardized and organized such thattracking progress of project would become easier.Organized and planned way of project management would bring in improvements in theperformance of projects and there could be more projects completed within budget andwithin scheduled timelines.PMBOK would make the processes very transparent with high level of documentation of allthe activities and would also serve as a knowledge base for the company in the long run sothat the company can keep on improving itselfSound monitoring systems can be established for tracking project progress so that deviationscan be identified and prevented on projectsThe drawbacks of CMMI would be overcome with the benefits that are provided with thePMBOK framework which would make improvements in the way projects are managed bythe organization [ CITATION Tut15 \l 16393 ]
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