
Role of Marketing, Finance, Operations/Production, and Human Resources in Successful Organizations


Added on  2023-01-06

6 Pages1123 Words99 Views
Business Development
Role of Marketing, Finance, Operations/Production, and Human Resources in Successful Organizations_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
Role of marketing, finance, operations/production and human resources..................................1
Importance of all these functions working together well based on successful organisations.....2
Role of Marketing, Finance, Operations/Production, and Human Resources in Successful Organizations_2

Business function are those affair that is adopted by an enterprises. These business
functions can be divided into two aspects i.e. core function which included the production,
human resources whereas support function involves marketing, finance, information technology
etc. This essay report is based on role of different business functions with their importance that
helps in supporting the business to make successful(Luzzini and et. al., 2015).
Role of marketing, finance, operations/production and human resources
Role of marketing
Marketing play an essential role for promoting the business in the market and attracts the
large base of customers by providing the satisfactory goods according to their needs and
requirements. There role is to examine the target market and competition so that effective
strategies can be developed to sustain in market for a longer period of time. For example- ASDA
majorly focus on performing marketing role so that they can effectively promote their goods and
services in the market, research the market accurately, this helps in developing the trust of
customers on the company offerings and firm will earn higher profit and sales also enhance the
image of the brand and loyal customers base(Leung and et. al., 2016).
Role of finance
As this function can perform the role of acquiring funds, managing funds, planning for
investing money, making budget for expenditures incurred on the resources of firm so that
enterprise will meet their goals and objectives effectively. In terms of ASDA finance function is
responsible for business support services, effectively control the monetary benefits and the do the
expenditure with low cost so that company will survive longer period of time and operations of
the business on daily basis can run smoothly (Senior Commercial Finance Manager – Trading.
Role of operations/production
This business function perform a main role in managing all the aspects related to
producing, manufacturing of product and services and delivers it to the consumers for gaining
profits. In this operation department in ASDA perform the role of managing the quality of the
good and services at the time of manufacturing so that high profits would be gained(Asda
Role of Marketing, Finance, Operations/Production, and Human Resources in Successful Organizations_3

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