
Job Design Benefits: Employer vs. Employee


Added on  2020-03-04

5 Pages1031 Words58 Views
Management Principles 1MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLESStudent’s Name:CourseProfessor’s NameInstitutionLocation of InstitutionDate
Job Design Benefits: Employer vs. Employee_1

Management Principles 2Question 2:Job design only benefits employers through increased job performance; it has nobenefits for the workers.Burrow, J.L., Kleindl, B. and Everard, K.E., 2007. Business principles and management.Cengage Learning.The book talks about the management principles of business. The authors, Burrow, Kleindland Everard wrote the book in the year 2017 but the book has been reviewed by many otherwriters in the consecutive years. The seven units’ majors on different principles that are around the Human Resource.According to Burrow (2007), there are some principles that governs the managers in the workplace. These principles are; Client’s service, the excellence of operation, integrity, fairnessand responsibility, winning and culture. The design presented by (Burrow, Kleindl andEverard, 2007, p.639), shows that the employee can only enjoy the salaries, promotions andtransfers to different tasks and all are aimed for increasing job performance but not benefitingthe worker. Generally, the performances that the management team do in the name ofmeeting t6he management principles are geared towards meeting higher performances.Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.R., Gerhart, B. and Wright, P.M., 2013. Gaining a competitiveadvantage. Irwin: McGrawAccording to (Noe et al., 2013), employees in the organization always compete to survive.There are a lot of challenges that people meet in working environment. The new recruits in
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