
Michael Saul Dell Report 2022


Added on  2022-09-18

6 Pages1931 Words40 Views
Michael Saul Dell
Michael Saul Dell Report 2022_1

An entrepreneur is defined as a person who takes the risk of starting a new business in new
market. Michael Saul Dell is an American entrepreneur who founded Dell Inc. and became the
world leader in personal computers. In this report the background of Michael Saul Dell will be
discussed and his Entrepreneurial characteristics will be stated. The report wills also analyze the
idea development process and the opportunity recognition which makes the entrepreneur more
relevant. As the competition is very high in the market so an entyerprenu7r the person has certain
competitive advantages which have also explained in this report. The person can improve his
entrepreneurship traits which will also be stated.
Michael Saul Dell plays a crucial role in the technical and entrepreneurial world. He was born in
Houston Texas, U.S on 25th February 1965. He is from Jewish Family and his father, Alexander
Dell was an orthodontist and his mother Lorraine Charlotte was a stockbroker. He is a founder of
Dell technologies and he was ranked as 20th richest person in the world. In early age he had
shown an early interest in gadgets and technology. He has learned various aspects of finance at
an early age from his mother and with that he has developed his interest in business. He had done
various odd jobs for earning money in teenage years. At an early age, he has invested his money
which was earned by selling his collection of stamps which were worth $2000. He got his first
computer when he was 15 and he disassembled the system to study components and understand
its working. He always dreamed to be an entrepreneur. He is the founder of Dell Inc. which is a
computer technology company and it includes more than 103300 employees around the world.
He had a clear set in mind in setting up a company (Shaw and Carter, 2007.
According to Michael S. Dell, innovate when you see an opportunity as he has said that it is
necessary to do it in a better way. He always grabs an opportunity and take the full advantage of
the same. He has recognized various opportunities in his life and offer the best and better service
to customers and provided cheaper laptops to consumers. He has adopted the strategy to keep an
eye for the right moment and when the opportunity comes a person must seize without hesitation
and make the most of it (Jacob, 2011).
Michael Saul Dell Report 2022_2

According to him, an entrepreneur must fuel their passion. It is necessary for an entrepreneur to
search and follow the passion as it helps in reflecting the performance and helps in achieving the
potential. He has stated that failure is a part of life. In his career he had failed in projects many
times but he had always maintained to learn from failure and acknowledged failure and
According to him, success is derived from structural thinking and dreams. Michael Dell has
turned a fledgling startup into a multi-billion dollar company. His style includes higher
performance, increased confidence, higher self-set goal and given hard goal (Koehn, 2001).
Entrepreneurial trait characteristics
Michael Saul Dell has many entrepreneurship traits as he was the one who has founded the Dell
Inc. He was very creative and the innovative person who has made the Dell and after that
launched many updated versions of that. He has made very unique technology which was used
by the people to make the access easy. He was the hard-working businessman and the owners
who have made much innovation in their working which makes them unique. He has a versatility
trait that helps in adopting many changes in the workplace. When he was doing the work there
were many fluctuations he has to face and has to adopt many changes in terms of the technology
and skills so he has the versatility to adopt those things. He was not only just hard worker but
also very motivated towards his work which shows his success and enthusiasm towards the work
(Drucker, 2014).
Michael Saul Dell also has positive attitudes towards the work and everyone towards the
organization. If any default occurs or the company goes through with many risks then his
positive attitude towards the work helps in achieving the success of the company. He was very
much focused on his vision. He only has one vision about achieving high success and to make
his company one of the famous over the world. So he was ready to face any kind of challenges
and attain higher growth and success. He has biggest trait of flexibility as he can adopt any kind
of change and can solve any problems or the issues which are arising in the company (Perrini
and Vurro, 2006). If any dispute or any conflicts arise in the company then he has the power or
the capability to resolve them. He has the ability to analyses the needs, opinions of the other
Michael Saul Dell Report 2022_3

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