
Bioscience 2 Assignment: Microorganisms and Health Breakdown


Added on  2023-06-04

9 Pages4053 Words335 Views
Bioscience 2
Word count
There is a word limit of 1000 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your
assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count.
In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. if you exceed the word limit by more
than 10% the marker will stop marking at 1000 words plus 10%.
Aim of assessment
The aim of this assessment is to increase students’ understanding of how microorganisms can cause
health breakdown, and the role of relevant pharmacological interventions in the recovery processes.
Students will explore various modes of transmission, relevant characteristics of pathogens and the
importance of breaking the chain of infection. This assessment facilitates the development of the
following skills: critical appraisal of the nurse’s role in infection control, literature searching, and academic
writing and referencing.
Students are provided with a hypothetical case study to read (see below). They then must answer the
questions provided, relating to the study. Students should draw on relevant literature provided to support
their answers, and reference using the APA 6th ed. style.
Students must respond to each of the questions using academic writing. It is anticipated that the
work will be presented in a question / answer format using full sentences and paragraphs.
Students MUST use the electronic template for this assignment. A soft word copy of the
template must be accessed from the Assessments tab on the Bioscience 2 vUWS site.
Answers are to be written in the third person (he/she/it or they/them/their).
Answers are to be written clearly and concisely using correct spelling and grammar and written in
complete sentences and paragraphs. Bullet points are NOT acceptable.
All answers must include in-text references and a reference list must be included at the end of the
As a guide, please aim to write around 35 words per allocated mark for each question. Thus, if a
question is worth 10 marks, aim to answer it in around 350 words.
Case study
Mary, 21 years old, presented to the hospital emergency department with an infected laceration on her
left foot. Mary was at a beach resort four days ago, when she trod on a broken glass bottle and sustained
a deep 2 cm long jagged laceration over the lateral aspect of her left foot. She used her handkerchief to
bandage the wound. This morning the wound was extremely painful, swollen and had a purulent
On inspection of the wound the following wound observations were made:
Painful and swollen,
Red and warm when touched. – Purulent discharge.
A wound swab was taken for culture and sensitivity. A stat dose of ceftriaxone 1g was administered IVI
immediately (she did not require a booster tetanus injection as she had already received one three
months ago).
She was then commenced on oral cephalexin 500mg to be taken every 6 hours before being sent home.
Bioscience 2 Assignment: Microorganisms and Health Breakdown_1

Using the template provided (to be accessed from the Assessment tab in the Unit’s vUWS site), answer
the following questions:
1. Describe the physiological basis for the appearance of Mary’s wound.(10 Marks)
2. Explain TWO (one endogenous and one exogenous) likely sources for the contamination of the
wound and the mode of transmission of the microorganism from each source.(10 Marks)
Culture and sensitivity test confirmed the microorganism infecting the wound to be Staphylococcus
aureus. The drug cephalexin was discontinued and replaced with oral dicloxacillin 500 mg every 6 hours.
1. Explain the rationale for the initial choice of antibiotics, and the subsequent change in antibiotic
therapy to dicloxacillin. Discuss the mode of action of this antibiotic, and state any TWO of its
common adverse reactions
(10 Marks)
2. Describe the process by which Mary’s wound will heal.(5 Marks)
i. There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the Western Sydney University
Library that may assist you. Please refer to the unit’s vUWS site for specific unit resources. ii. The
following four references MUST be used and cited in this case study. Additional resources may also be
used as long as the four required are present. Some of these can be accessed online as indicated.
Others may be found on closed reserve in the library. iii. (Eds.) indicates an edited book. You must
reference the chapter/s used.
Required References:(Please can u make sure to use this reference.)
Bullock, S., & Manias, E. (2017). Fundamentals of pharmacology (8th ed.). Frenchs Forest, Australia:
Craft, J., & Gordon, C. (Eds.). (2015). Understanding pathophysiology (2nd Australian and New
Zealand ed.). Chatswood, Australia: Elsevier. Available Online
Lee, G., & Bishop, P. (Eds.). (2016). Microbiology and infection control for health professionals (6th ed.).
Melbourne, Victoria: Pearson Australia.
Marieb, E.N., & Hoehn, K. (2016). Human anatomy & physiology (10th global ed.). Harlow, United Kingdom:
Pearson Education.
This template must be used to answer the case study.
(Please type your answers within the box underneath each question)
1. Physiological basis of the wound observations (around 325 words)
Laceration wounds mainly refer to the torn or jagged wounds that occur mainly because of
sharp objects. The soft tissues are seen to be torn and this increases the chance of the wound being
Bioscience 2 Assignment: Microorganisms and Health Breakdown_2

infected by bacteria as well as debris from the objects that had resulted in the cut (Zhou et al., 2018).
It has been seen that the wound of the patient named Mary had become red and warm when
touched. Researchers are of the opinion that some form of redness is normal at the wound site but this
redness should diminish over time. However, even when the wound continues to be red and exhibit
radiating streaks known as lymphangitis, this can be one of the warning sign of wound infection
(Bullock & Manias, 2017). It is necessary for the redness to go away during the initial phases of the
wound healing process. However, if it does not go, then affected individuals should consult
professionals. The patient named Mary might have infected her wound due to improper dressing and
cleaning of wound. Therefore, she needs support now. The infection of Mary was seen to be warm.
Researchers are of the opinion that when infection develops in the wound, the body sends infection
fighting blood cells towards the location. This makes the wound feel warm to touch.
Another important physiological symptom that had been found is the purulent discharge. It is
mainly the liquid or the discharge that is seen to ooze out from the wound. Purulent discharge mainly
gives the symptoms that the wound has become infected and that certain bacteria are mainly present
at the wound site. Mainly, wound drainage occurs during the time of dilation of the blood vessels during
the early stages of wound healing. However, the nature of the wound drainage might change when
infections come into play. Often purulent discharge is seen to have a thick consistency, milky
appearance and foul distinct odour. Therefore, the healthcare professionals need to identify the nature
of wound discharge as well as the coloration and temperature surrounding the wound to make an idea
whether the wound is infected or not.
2. Possible sources of contamination and modes of transmission.
2.1 Name one endogenous source of contamination and discuss the mode of
transmission from the source to the new host.(around 175 words)
Endogenous infection can be defined as the infectious agent that is already present in the in the body
but remain in the dormant and in-apparent situation. Endogenous bacteria are often referred to as the
bacterial flora that naturally lives inside the closed systems. Disorders can occur when such bacteria
can enter into the sterile area of the body parts getting an opportunity for infection (Craft et al., 2015).
In the case study, it was seen that the patient had faced laceration in her left feet and one of the ways
by which microorganisms might have infected her wound are direct transmission of the wounds from
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