
Reflective Memoir on the Effects of Migration on Adolescence


Added on  2023-06-10

6 Pages1697 Words335 Views
1Name of the student
Name of the student
Name of the professor
Name of the subject
Part 1
“The reflective memoir”
The memoir will be focusing on one of my memories, which has affected my life
adversely since my young age. The seriousness of the memoir is dependent on the level of
change in the external and internal atmospheres that fostered a feeling of alienation in my world.
The incident has affected the communicability and the manner in which I might express myself
among others. The seriousness of the change has affected the mental stability and the manner in
which I might communicate with the people.
The year 2016 brought around a change in my lifestyle, as I was required to migrate from
Algeria to British Columbia due to my father’s transferrable postings. The seriousness of the
change left a permanent impression of the incident on my mind. I was well acquainted with all
the different proceedings that were prevalent in my school. On the other hand, I had a few
associates with whom I could share most of my childhood fears and delights. However, the shift
permanently snatched away my friends, my school and the guidance of my teachers. I felt like I
was introduced to a different sphere with unfamiliar people and their typical mentalities.
Alienated and diverged by the change I failed to communicate with my classmates and suffered
the blows of my unprecedented school life, all alone. The new place could not provide me with
the convenience or the support that I used to receive earlier. The migration affected my studies
Reflective Memoir on the Effects of Migration on Adolescence_1

2Name of the student
and health, more particularly, as I refused to go out and play with the other kids or even
concentrate on the materials and lectures that were delivered by the teacher at class.
The migration caused a serious issue in my academic career, as I could not adjust my
mentality and culture as per the different social structure and the processes that were followed by
the school. The different issues that were faced by me due to a conversion in the oriental issues
has affected my sense of understanding and adaptability in my new home. The differences in the
internal and the external environments of the region have affected my cognitive abilities. as the
style of teaching and the manner in which the teachers communicate with the students did not
match with my previous situations. The migration affected my sense of security, which created a
havoc distance between the world and me. I have gone through different hard time to make the
people aware of my needs; however, due to my failure to express the feelings I felt neglected.
The alienation that I faced in my new world metaphorically made me feel like I am inhabited in
an island with little scope to express, surrounded by emotionless beings who are devoid of any
particular understanding of care giving.
Part 2
Answer to question 1
I chose to write on the topic, as it is related to an instance I faced in my life. My father’s
external postings badly affected the basic academic career and thereby brought in changes in my
cognitive and psychological elements. The acclaimed topic has helped me in undertaking a
proper discussion of the issues that are faced by me during the childhood. The temporal shifts
that I faced have resulted to the clash in the cultures, which was tough for me to get adapted to in
the adolescence stage. The reflection on my past life was well supported and relevant to the topic
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3Name of the student
I chose, which has helped me in diagnosing the different issues that I faced in my early
adolescent period.
Answer to question 2
I utilized the first person view to illustrate the manner in which I felt during the
migration. The challenges that I faced and the manner in which the shift affected my academic
career could be best defined by me as I faced it all. Therefore, I utilized the first person for
undertaking the proper illustration of my feelings and emotions at the time of the migration. The
first parson narration helps in retaining the flavor of the account that is being stated. It helps in
convincing the readers of the truthfulness of the account that is being stated. The most intriguing
part of writing the memoir is to express my emotions and feeling, which could be described in
detail through the utilization of the first person narration.
The lines - “ I felt like I was introduced to a different sphere with unfamiliar people and
their typical mentalities. Alienated and diverged by the change I failed to communicate with my
classmates and suffered the blows of my unprecedented school life, all alone. The new place
could not provide me with the convenience or the support that I used to receive earlier.” listed in
the memoir clearly portrayed the manner in which I felt while the migration was implemented in
my life. The first person narration helped me in enhancing the story telling to make the readers
aware of the circumstances that I faced. The utilization of the first person narrative has helped
me in maintaining the congruity between the account that is being stated and the real life
experience that I gathered. At times, the utilization of the second or third person for narrating the
account would simply alter the feeling that I aimed at inducing in the readers. Therefore, the
utilization of the first person narrative style has helped me in clearly stating the feelings that I
Reflective Memoir on the Effects of Migration on Adolescence_3

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