
Minesweeper Game- Milestone 2 Progress Report


Added on  2023-06-04

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Minesweeper Game- Milestone 2 Progress Report
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Minesweeper Game- Milestone 2 Progress Report_1

Requirement Analysis
A handful of the functional and non-functional requirements have already been
capitalized onto and implemented in the prototype version of the application. The application
is about a minesweeper game. It is a game where the player is needed to click on the buttons
from a grid of boxes. There are placed a random number of bombs under a few of these
boxes. The user or the player is needed to click on these boxes to reveal if there is actually a
bomb underneath. If there is no bomb or mine present in any of the vicinity boxes of the
clicked box, a green patch of land would appear, otherwise, the number of boxes in the
vicinity will be displayed within the clicked box. The player is required to play with his wit
and calculations to click on all safe boxes and end the game without hitting any mine, this
will lead to a victory. On clicking a box with a hidden mine, the user will be bombed and the
game will be over. The user needs to complete the game with minimum number of clicks and
most importantly minimum amount time consumed.
The protoype has already fulfilled the following requirements:
1. It already has a game board and allows the users to play as necessary, but only in a
easy game board with 6*6 cells and 10 mines placed.
2. The number of clicks are available with every click of the user. This can even be
updated into the end screen information where the gamer can view the number of
clicks that he survived the game in case of a defeat.
3. The user can freely restart the board at any point of time. This will allow the user to
refresh his or her mind and play in a new board with a newer set of mine placements
and the entire board will be cleared. The restart option can also be availed using the
Restart option from the End screen.
Minesweeper Game- Milestone 2 Progress Report_2

4. The End screen also fruitfully displays the congratulations or defeated message
according to the ending of the game.
However, some of the crucial requirements could not be implemented into the
preliminary prototype version of the software application. The development process for these
implementations are still in process and will be completed and deployed in the final project.
These on-going requirement designs are as follows:
1. Timer: The project is yet to be implemented with a timer that keep tracks about the
time that a particular game is going on for.
2. Multi-sized boards: The development for multiple difficulty levels is in process. On
implementation, the game will have two types of boards. Apart from the 6*6 that it
already has, a 12*12 massive board will be introduced with more mines and increased
difficulty. This will certainly induce more user interest into the game.
3. Reveal all connected blank boxes: This is one of the most important implementations
that is yet to be implemented. Through this functionality the game will be able to
reveal all the connected boxes within the board with no bombs in the vicinity.
Use Case analysis
As mentioned in the requirement analysis phase, few of the functional use cases has
been already implemented however a lot remains. These will allow the project and the
software to be scaled up to a recommendable gaming application for all android application
users. The use cases that have been implemented have already been described in the
requirement fulfillment phase above, however, the unfulfilled use cases are as follows:
1. Choosing the difficulty level is still now allowable in the prototype version. The
prototype will allow the users to play on the easy board of 6*6 boxes.
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2. Saving and viewing high scores is a coveted use case for any gaming applications or
software. This application too needs to have this feature. Through this feature, the
user will be able to analyze the time taken by him to play the game in the past and
compete against his past performances to attain newer achievements.
3. The project is yet to be implemented with a timer that keep tracks about the time that
a particular game is going on for. This will be necessary for the scalability of the
gamer’s performance over the game and allow him or her to compare with the
Software Architecture
The project has been developed in the Android Studio Platform using the Java
programming language. Java is the most commonly used programming language in the world
and when it comes to android programming it is generally the first and foremost choice for
any programmer or app developer. The programming language offers the best of Object
Oriented Programming features and functionalities. This application too had the utmost need
of implementing the OOP or object oriented programming features like inheritance,
polymorphism and data hiding. Most importantly the use of classes and objects has been
extremely helpful in this process.
The application as mentioned before has been designed and developed on the Android
Studio platform which is the Google approved and developed first choice application for
android app development. This platform has tons of features, tools and functionalities that
allow the smooth design of development of project within it. The platform not only gives the
developers the scope to design and develop programs, but also allows the testers to test the
programs based on various test case analysis tools and techniques.
Minesweeper Game- Milestone 2 Progress Report_4

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