
MOD002602 Computing Research Methodologies 2022

19 Pages4703 Words25 Views

Added on  2022-09-18

MOD002602 Computing Research Methodologies 2022

   Added on 2022-09-18

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MOD002602 Computing Research Methodologies
Element 010: 3000 WORD REPORT (2019 TRI2 F01CAM)
MOD002602 Computing Research Methodologies 2022_1
Project Title
Significance of IoT in smart cities
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MOD002602 Computing Research Methodologies 2022_2
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................5
2. Problem Background........................................................................................................5
3. Research Aim....................................................................................................................5
4. Research Objectives..........................................................................................................6
5. Scope..................................................................................................................................6
6. Literature Review.............................................................................................................6
7. Research Methodology...................................................................................................11
7.1 Research Framework..............................................................................................11
7.2 Gantt Chart..............................................................................................................13
7.3 Data Collection Strategy.........................................................................................13
8. Results and Discussion....................................................................................................13
9. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................14
10. References....................................................................................................................15
MOD002602 Computing Research Methodologies 2022_3
The paper mainly reflects on the significance of IoT within smart cities. It is found that in the
recent years, the population within urban areas can growth and that raise a number of issues
for the people living there. In order to provide proper living facility, it is needed to use IoT
within urban areas so that the urban areas can be transferred into smart cities. It is analyzed
that with the help of IoT, a number of facilities including waste management, traffic
management, pollution control as well as smart parking are provided. In spite of the
advantages, a number of security challenges generally occur. It is analyzed that for
undertaking this research, a number of journal articles as well as research papers are
provided. Furthermore, the timeline that is provided states that around 34days of time is
required for completing the research successfully.
MOD002602 Computing Research Methodologies 2022_4

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