
Services Marketing - Essay


Added on  2021-11-23

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Most companies have a little focus on service research compared to the tangible goods.
Many scholars differentiate services from goods by determining and evaluating the
characteristics of services which are intangible, variable, perishable and inseparable.
Recently, these characteristics are connected to products and not perceived as singular
services. It could be a value added for technical products, where firms repair services of the
products. Services marketing concentrates on delivering process, experiences, and
intangibles rather than physical products. Services is defined as “deeds, processes, and
performances, fall into several categories” (Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler, 2006). It focuses on
the customer, relationships and usage (Vargo and Lusch, 2004 cited in Bitner and Brown
2008). The service growth is constant, and the global economies have an impact on our life.
Obviously, the developed countries are based on service economy and the boost of services
will continue to develop further as they compete globally. Many governments realize that
they should invest in research and innovate in services in order to improve their economy
and bring out a better life quality for their community. The aim of this essay is to reflect
upon services marketing experiences from a customer’s perspective by applying theory to
support those reflections.
Service recovery has a significant role for organizations to continue satisfying their
customers and achieve customer loyalty. An example of this is when the discount wasn’t
made on a specific product and then the employee apologized for the mistake and made the
discount for the customer (Entry 1). This led the customer to form a negative judgement
about Lidl. This experience shows how the store recover the issue and was able to satisfy
the customer at the same time. Bitner et al., (1990 cited in Holloway and Beatty, 2003),
suggest that the successful firms are those who can manage customer satisfaction while
handling the complaints and therefore, the service experience process would be improved.
In comparison to similar situation when the incorrect order was delivered by Pizza Hut. A
smaller size was delivered instead of the large size (Entry 5). This led the customer to leave a
negative review on Pizza Hut website explaining the bad service quality. However, the issue
was recovered on time when the customer complained. Blodgett and Anderson (2000 cited
in Holloway and Beatty, 2003), emphasize that when a customer submits a complaint to the
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firm’s experience, it gives the firm an opportunity to focus on their negative aspects.
However, services organizations usually struggle on how to follow an approach layout and
manage the delivery process in a systematic way. Parasuraman et al. (1985 cited in
Zeithaml, 2010), examine the service quality by using an organized sample called the gaps
model of service quality. It can be used to put the main concepts and strategies in delivering
a quality service to the customer and helps the organizations focus on the tasks needed to
close the gap between customer expectations and perceptions of performance. Therefore,
the organization should aim to match or exceed customer expectations and try to close
every gap in the model in order to succeed.
Although, many researchers concentrate and increase the attention on service failure
and recovery problems. We still need to seek out a better understanding of the service
failure in the online sector (Holloway and Beatty, 2003). The online failure issues which
don’t involve human interaction are different from the conventional service failure factors.
An example of this is when a transaction was made without the customer’s permission as
the money was taken out from Barclays account and the bank didn’t solve the issue for the
customer after complaining (Entry 4). This led the customer to feel unsafe and decided to
leave the company. Zeithaml et al. (2006) indicates that services which fail to meet
customer perception and falls below their expectations “zone of tolerance” could suffer
from increasing costs, negative word of mouth and lost customers. In addition, when service
failure occurs, customers expect from the company efficient recovery to solve their
complaints by providing a ‘moment of truth’ to make the customer satisfied and therefore,
the customer would decide to stay with the company. Furthermore, Holloway and Beatty
(2003) emphasize the importance of trust in order to build customer relationships in the
online environment. However, some suggest that due to the disappearance of employee
and customer face-to-face interactions, trust may become more crucial (Warrington et al.,
2000 cited in Holloway and Beatty, 2003). Therefore, organizations can become more
successful when they concentrate on customer satisfaction and build strong marketing
relationships based on commitment and trust (Holloway and Beatty, 2003).
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Customer satisfaction is an experience which occurs in an organization and is affected by
the customers’ expectations regarding the service quality level (Islam et al., 2014). Zheng et
al. (2007 cited in Islam et al., 2014), state that customers prefer the best service quality and
the quick reply to what they are looking for. Therefore, the operation failure could affect the
overall customers’ satisfaction of the service quality such as waiting for the transportation
without time provided and frequent delay. Where the customers would be dissatisfied with
the service quality. An example of this is when the bus was delayed over one hour even
though the bus should come every 20 minutes (Entry 2). In addition, the driver didn’t stop to
take the passenger and continue driving without explanation for the customer. This led to a
service failure and customers’ dissatisfaction. The evidence illustrates that friendship
between the bus driver behaviour and the customer could build a positive customer
satisfaction by dealing with the customers inquiries and providing the information that the
customer needs (Disney, 1998 cited in Islam et al., 2014). According to BBC (2019), many
passengers suffer from constant issues as waiting for the bus the whole day and sometimes
two buses show up on the same time. In addition, there are significant factors that should
be considered in affecting customer satisfaction such as convenience, reliability and
responsiveness (Cavana and Corbett, 2007 cited in Islam et al., 2014). Waiting for a long
time and failure to provide a persuasive reason for delay would result in customer
dissatisfaction. Also, the Bus is one of the most significant public transportation. Moreover,
the service quality of bus depends on many various factors such as disorganized schedule,
driver’s behaviour, few buses and bus conditions. All these factors of service quality would
decrease the customers’ satisfaction. Furthermore, public transport has an important role in
reducing the traffic congestion. It could attract more customers by providing a high quality
of service and achieve range of criteria for their customers. There is an advantage of using
SERVQUAL model could be helpful in identifying the service quality and dealing with
customers’ expectations and perception (Parasuraman et al., 1988 cited in Islam et al.,
2014). The study shows that customer satisfaction is dependent on the level of service
quality applied by bus transportation. Furthermore, the study emphasizes that organizations
that work on improving the service quality strategies by considering their customers point of
view and involving them when making decisions during the process will be more successful
and benefit from revenue expansion compared to organizations that concentrate on cost
and operation factors (Rust et al., 2002 cited in Bitner and Brown, 2008). In contrast to
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different situation occurred when the email of cancelation the lecture was sent late (Entry
6), as the student was on his way to university. This led the student to feel furious about this
situation. However, the tutor informed that an accident was made which led to cancel the
lecture. Therefore, a responsiveness and reliability were made which minimize the level of
customer’s dissatisfaction and appreciate the circumstance that occurred (Cavana and
Corbett, 2007 cited in Islam at al., 2014).
Many researchers concentrate on customers’ perceptions and on their level of
satisfaction with the essential service quality. (Bitner and Brown 2008), indicates that
servicescape play an important role in determining whether the customer is satisfied with
the service experience process. The servicescape involves three key aspects spatial layout,
ambient condition and functionality (Wakefield, and Blodgett, 1994). Where spatial layout
and functionality refers to the effort of performance to achieve customer goals and fulfil
their needs. Some researchers suggest that the level of customer satisfaction is dependent
on their level of excitement. Where servicescape could increase or decrease their emotions.
The servicescape could lead to positive or negative emotions for the customers. Where high
quality of servicescape would attract the customer to come and discover the location and be
more interested. In contrast, broken equipment and facilities would push away the
Airport marketers suggest that it is better to focus on meeting the customers’ needs
rather than the competition. Where customers’ perception of airport service quality
influence the overall appealing and attractiveness. Therefore, the competitive feature could
arise from the concentration on customer orientation. However, the expectations of
customer’s perception are vague at airport service quality and there is insufficient
information to understand the customers’ expectations. Marketers researchers focus on the
customers experience at the airport in order to get a clear understanding of customer
expectations of service quality (Fodness and Murray, 2007). It is obvious that airport service
quality should be designed from the customer perspective point of view. An example of this
is when the first flight was delayed which could affected the customer to catch the second
flight as the airport design was so large and the terminals were far away from the gates. In
addition, the employee blamed the customer for being late without listening to the situation
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from the customer perspective and didn’t try to solve the issue first (Entry 3). This led to a
negative judgement being formed about the employee’s interaction with the customers at
Turkish airline. Therefore, airport managers could improve and enhance the service quality
in a way that will suit the passengers. (Bitner, 1992 cited in Fodness and Murray, 2007),
suggests that service encounter that need physical interactions could influence the overall
service quality of customers’ perception. Where SERVQUAL is used to explain the interaction
of service quality. SERVQUAL concentrates on how the customer would spend the time.
However, it would be better to focus on how the customer use the time to invest effectively
without getting frustrated. An example of this is when the second flight was late, so the
passenger spent more time at the first airport and got bored while waiting at the airport
(Entry 3). Bitner (1992 cited in Fodness and Murray, 2007) illustrates that passengers spend
a lot of time at the airport so servicescape is an important factor to consider. Therefore,
servicescape has a significant influence on the service that customers spend a lot of time
which affect their overall service perceptions.
In conclusion, the development of marketing strategy is significant for the customers and
an efficient way is to customizes the service by using a marketing plan (Hartman and
Lindgren, 1993). The service growth sector in our economy has produced a major benefit in
evolving marketing strategies. Moreover, the successful firms are those who can learn from
their service failure and know how the consumer reacts with these service failure and
recovery. In addition, the academic institutions should develop the education system and
skills for students who will develop their careers in the future. It is significant that
companies, institutions and organizations work on improving their services quality where all
people will benefit and therefore, the customer quality will be boosted through services.
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Reference list:
BBC News. (2019). 'The buses are so bad, going out is pointless'. [online] Available at:
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-stoke-staffordshire-49816714 [Accessed 30 Nov.
Bitner, M.J. and Brown, S.W., 2008. The service imperative. Business horizons, 51(1), pp.39-
Fodness, D. and Murray, B., 2007. Passengers' expectations of airport service
quality. Journal of Services Marketing, 21(7), pp.492-506.
Hartman, D.E. and Lindgren, J.H., 1993. Consumer evaluations of goods and services:
implications for services marketing. Journal of Services Marketing, 7(2), pp.4-15.
Holloway, B.B. and Beatty, S.E., 2003. Service failure in online retailing: A recovery
opportunity. Journal of service research, 6(1), pp.92-105.
Islam, R., Chowdhury, M. S., Sarker, M. S., & Ahmed, S. (2014). Measuring customer's
satisfaction on bus transportation. American Journal of Economics and Business
Administration, 6(1), 34-41.
Wakefield, K.L. and Blodgett, J.G., 1994. The importance of servicescapes in leisure service
settings. Journal of services marketing, 8(3), pp.66-76.
Zeithaml, V.A., Bitner, M.J. and Gremler, D.D., 2010. Services marketing strategy. Wiley
International Encyclopedia of Marketing.
Zeithhaml, V.A., Bitner, M.J. and Gremler, D.D. (2006) Service Marketing: Integrating
Customer Focus Across the Firm, 6th Edition, New York, McGraw-Hill Irwin.
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