
Motivational Theories and Job Designing Practices for Enhancing Employee Performance


Added on  2023-06-12

14 Pages4204 Words462 Views
Running head: human resource management
Human Resource Management
Motivational Theories and Job Designing Practices for Enhancing Employee Performance_1

Human resource management
Table of Contents
Theories of Motivation and also the influence on the Affective and Behavioral process of the
Herzberg theory of motivation.....................................................................................................2
Maslow hierarchy of needs..........................................................................................................2
McClelland Need theory..............................................................................................................4
Positive work environment and designing of jobs by the HR to motivate employees....................4
Job characteristics and the overall physiological state in context to the work results.....................6
The relation between Maslow components and Job characteristics................................................7
Motivational Theories and Job Designing Practices for Enhancing Employee Performance_2

Human resource management
It has been evaluated that strategic human resource management has a great role. Human
resource management is considered as an important part of the company. Without human
resource management, it cannot be possible for the company to accomplish overall goals and
objectives. It has been seen that the center of strategic management is related to the engagement
and motivation of the employees (Anitha, 2014).
It is important for the company to evaluate the overall practices which can help the
company to achieve success. It is essential for the company to focus on the practices that can be
taken into consideration to enhance the emotional, cognitive and behavioral qualities so that
overall motivation level can be increased. The workers should be motivated so that their skill can
be enhanced and they can give their best towards the activities. When the employees are
motivated it has been evaluated that their motivation level increases and it lead to the growth of
the company (Pfeffer & Veiga, 1999).
In this paper, the motivational theories will be discussed that influences the overall
affective and behavioral method of the workers that create effective workplace environment and
also it is important to focus on job designing practices that are considered by the HR and it
motivates the workers. Therefore it can be evaluated that the employees who are conducting their
routine activities should be motivated so that goals and objectives of the company can be
It has been seen that there are various motivational theories that help to enhance the
motivational level of the employees. In this paper, the discussion will be made on the overall
theories of motivation that will help to enhance the productivity and will also influence the
affective and behavioral processes of the workers.
Theories of Motivation and also the influence on the Affective and
Behavioral process of the workers
Motivation helps to bring out best in an individual. It has been seen that motivation is one
of the factors that helps to enhance the skill of the employees and also it is the reason behind the
act and desire of the individual. There are various theories related to motivation that helps to
maximize the overall confidence level and also the skills are enhanced in an effective manner
Motivational Theories and Job Designing Practices for Enhancing Employee Performance_3

Human resource management
(Hauser, 2014). Motivation theories are Herzberg motivation theory, McClelland Need theory
and Maslow hierarchy of needs.
The affective process of the workers consists of various responses and awareness and
also it is concerned with the overall knowledge and beliefs. If the focus is given on the
behavioral process which is related to the physiological behavior, it has been seen that the major
impact of affective and behavioral process depend on the overall theories of motivation but the
major theories will be discussed.
Herzberg theory of motivation
This theory is also considered as a two-factor theory. It has been seen that this theory
helps to enhance the motivation level of the employees. By focusing on this theory it has been
seen that there are two factors which give influence. The first is related to the motivator factor
and the other is related to the hygiene factor (Marchington et al.,2016). The factor of motivator
helps to enhance the job satisfaction and hygiene factor focuses on causing dissatisfaction.
Herzberg stated that the job satisfiers deal with various aspects which are involved in conducting
the activities and job dissatisfies conduct the activities with various factors which is defined in
the context of the job. Hygiene factor is related to the salary and working conditions in the
workplace. The motivating factor can help to enhance the satisfaction in the job context and also
motivate the individuals for growth in the personal need (Alshmemri, Shahwan-Akl, and Maude,
The five factors of job satisfaction in context to the motivating factors are: Achievement,
recognition, responsibility, and advancement. The factors which are related to the hygiene
factors are supervision, salary, the policy of the company and also working conditions. It can be
evaluated that both the factors motivator and hygiene helps to influence the overall employee's
motivation and also impact the behavior. This can give impact to the overall activities which are
done by the individual. If motivator and hygiene factor is not present then it can lead to
dissatisfaction of the employees (Lazaroiu, 2015).
Maslow hierarchy of needs
This is one of the theories that have a strong influence on the overall affective and
behavioral process of the workers. The requirement can be covered by focusing on the basic
needs of the individual life which is related to food, clothing, and water. This is the first stage of
Motivational Theories and Job Designing Practices for Enhancing Employee Performance_4

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