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Motivational Theory in Organizations: A Study of Maslow's Need Hierarchy in H&M


Added on  2023/06/10

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This report examines the application of Maslow's Need Hierarchy theory in H&M's organizational behavior and employee motivation. It covers the five stages of the theory - physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem, and self-actualization - and how they relate to H&M's workplace. The report emphasizes the importance of meeting employees' basic needs, providing job security, fostering a sense of belonging, recognizing employees' achievements, and enabling them to reach their full potential.

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Organizational behavior

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Motivational theory in organization
It present a hope or desire to attain a specific task and desire to complete that take with an
appreciation. Motivation supports a person to get the things done by working effectively and
create a desire of need to achieve their particular chore (Cázares, 2022). Motivation basically
drives a group or person to attain specific work that’s outcome or result influenced by it.
Motivation also cane for the personal issues and it also can en for the whole organization like
H&M’s needs and issues. In relation to the H&M, a theory of motivation is explained below:
Maslow’s need Hierarchy
This theory is all about the needs that an individual has which begun with his initial early
state and then continue to grow very higher as individual state attaining one by one. In relation to
the H&M, stages of this motivational theory are mentioned below:
Physiological needs- It is basis need of a person which need to be meet to lead a good
life. It include basic human needs such as foods, shelter, medicine, clothes and many
more. These needs are essential for the human’s living. When these needs are fulfilled
then people mot to the other needs. In context of H&M, workers need access to essential
opportunities and services when at work that makes feel them that their basic needs are
being fulfilled. They need access to drinking water, a restroom, break to eat their meal
and snacks etc.
Safety needs- In this, individual want a security of everything. It can be security of job
and life both need security lead to a motivated life of people. When a person fear about
his life then it is not possible to get motivated at workplace (Ede, Aye and Okeke, 2022).
Therefore, in relation to H&M, its employees want a job security to work with their full
efficiency. It impacts the employee’s satisfactory with organizational workplace.
Social needs- After safety needs, people want to be respected and loved in society. At
this phase, individual look for a sense of the belongingness and also want a family that
will that stay together and take care of him. In context of H&M, this need is of is slightly
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different at workplace than it is in the other are of individual’s life. If employees do not
feel sense of the belonging, then they may not feel as involved at work and as encouraged
to succeed.
Self esteem- In this people conquers all previous needs like safety needs, social needs
and basic needs now they want to respected and valued that is call self esteem. In relation
to the H&M, at this phase, employees want a higher position and respected in
organization. It is essential to feel that employees are growing attaining result and their
result is recognized by that those around them.
Self actualization- This stage translate to enhance a person’s potential at work,
employees ultimately want to feel that they are doing best as they can in their position, it
help them to feel motivation for continuing on their future career path or success (Geller,
Cázares, I.V., 2022. The Need to Address Religious Diversity at Work: An All-Inclusive Model of
Spirituality at Work (Doctoral dissertation, University of South Florida).
Ede, M.O., Aye, E.N. and Okeke, C.I., 2022. Assessment of psychosocial work hazards and
workplace deviant behaviours of teachers in rural communitybased schools. Journal of
Community Psychology.
Geller, E.S., 2022. Managing Behavior vs. Leading People: Evidence-Based Lessons To Achieve
& Sustain an Injury-Free Workplace. Professional Safety, 67(04), pp.30-37.
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