
Health Inequalities and Decision Making in Dementia: A Case Study of Mrs. Kohli


Added on  2022-12-17

11 Pages3713 Words82 Views
Disease and DisordersHealthcare and Research
Mrs Kohli Case study
Health Inequalities and Decision Making in Dementia: A Case Study of Mrs. Kohli_1

Table of Contents
Main body........................................................................................................................................3
Health Inequalities......................................................................................................................3
Mental capacity act (2005)..........................................................................................................4
Human right act...........................................................................................................................4
Implementation Of Decision Making and Impact On Individual ..............................................5
Reflection ........................................................................................................................................7
ACTION PLAN..........................................................................................................................7
Collaboration of multi sectoral on public health responses........................................................8
Empowerment and engagement of people with dementia and their respective carers................8
Health Inequalities and Decision Making in Dementia: A Case Study of Mrs. Kohli_2

As per studies, dementia is chronic disease and an individual may suffer with number of
chronic complication from it (Jellinger and Korczyn, 2018) As in this following report, Mr.
Kohli who is suffering from fracture of pelvic bone and also she is suffering from dementia.This
report may cover rights in regards to enhance her quality of life and relevant action plan for
reducing risk of dementia.
Main body
Health Inequalities
Two considered health inequalities which are considered from following case our
health spending inflation and the access to health care for service providers that are term to effect
the health factor of Mr. Kohli and Mrs. Kohli. As per the study as it become a venerable amount
of burden on older people who have to spend a great amount of cost on their health. As the co
payment of 10 to 35% for multiple and essential prescription of medicines and treatment is high
financial burden for older people as they have limited amount of money through their pension
(Manthorpe and Samsi, 2016) Moreover as there is a limited supply and it became difficult to
obtain in order to cover for essential equipment as well.
Their sensual equipment which can be categorized as daily medicines, essential injections
which have to take by individual on daily purpose, Pharmaceuticals For beds for prevention and
treatment as well as disposal such as napkins and so on. As per the study the report and
concluded that due to shortage of nurse staff in hospitals, there are a number of older age patients
Who appoints personal and special pet nurses aid as during their stay in hospital. If in case
informal family cannot provide quality of care so the expenditure of special nurses are also
added in their limited pensions (Herr, Zwakhalen and Swafford, 2017) In some cases, there is
involvement of insurers for which are covered in the cost as well as there are older people and
their families they have to pay their cost of treatment from their pocket as it become burden to
them. In the case of Mr and Mrs Kohli.
Mrs Kohli is suffering from chronic and complicated situation in which she needs a
special nurse aid, Who can provide her all time Quality of care and assistance in order to
improve her health. There are number of challenges which are faced by her in which dimension
play an important role and takes a lot amount of expenditure in order to recover. Number of
Health Inequalities and Decision Making in Dementia: A Case Study of Mrs. Kohli_3

studies concluded that dementia is life taking disease and there are minor chances in which it can
be recovered (Onyike, 2016) As she completely dependent on her husband and she also suffered
with decision-making which comes under to mental capacity act 2005. Due to the separation Mr
and Mrs Kohli seems depressed and distress. That mid-term to be harmful for individual’s health.
Another healthy inequality that can be measured is behavioural changes. Mrs. Kohli is suffering
from numerous diseases that can impact her psychological well-being (Darby and Dickerson,
2017)As per the reports, it has been observed that in this situation, an individual term to reflect
multiple changes in their behaviour that can impact on their actions either positive or negative.
Mental capacity act (2005)
As per the studies the mental capacity act structure and design in order to protect and
empower people who debits lack of mental capacity to determine their own decisions, their
views and perceptions and also about their care and treatment. In some cases an individual
tongue to become helpless due to chronic mental health condition so he or she turned to lose his
or her mental stability to make decisions and which may also cover day to day decision Such as
what to eat, what to wear and what to answer if questions asked from them.
There are some examples of people who may lack capacity that might include with those
individuals who suffers with dementia, a complicated and severe learning disabilities, Injury of
brain, mental health illness or distress, trauma due to certain incident as well. The applicable as
in this case can be mental capacity act because an individual is dealing with dementia problem in
which Mrs Kohli loses her ability to act, to take decisions about her health and condition and so
on. According to the MCA, It has been concluded that assumes an individual has a capacity to
make decisions of their own until and unless it is proved, if possible then an individual should be
asked for acknowledging determining their own decision, A person should not treated as lacking
of mental capacity as he or she should be treated equally as similar to Healthy individual.
Human right act (1998)
Many people with mental disabilities are assumed to have no capacity to make decisions
for themselves and are therefore being detained and treated in psychiatric institutions
unjustifiably it is against their will, where they are being treated appallingly and inhumanely.
The WHO quality rights Project works to unite and empower people to improve the quality of
care and promote human rights in mental health facilities and social care homes (Fletcher, Lee
Health Inequalities and Decision Making in Dementia: A Case Study of Mrs. Kohli_4

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