
Music Helps to Relieve Stress


Added on  2023-01-09

7 Pages1641 Words52 Views
MusicDisease and Disorders
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Music Helps to Relieve Stress_1

Music relaxes our bodies and minds, usually quiet, slow classical music. These types
of slow, soft music have a favorable effect on slowing the heartbeat and pulse rate,
psychological functions, maintaining the blood pressure level, and decreases the stress
hormones levels. Music therapy deals with the clinical use of music intervention to solve
various problems of people. Music therapy uses music as a method of treatment to solve the
clients problem and improve his life.(Ansdell, 2016). The study focus on how music helps
relieve stress from people's lives and improves their health helps people deal with social
issues and music serves the purpose of entertainment.
Stress is a way the body reacts to dangerous situations. It is the body's way of acting
and responding to any demand from the environment (Lovallo, 2015). It can result from both
bad and good experiences. People who feel stressed by something, their bodies respond to the
situation by releasing chemicals. When a person feels threatened a specific chemical reaction
occurs that causes the body to act in a certain way. This is what makes them work in a fight
or flight situation. Since the chemicals released in the body can give extra strength, it is okay
if any physical form of threats is there. On the other hand, this can also be bad, if the stress is
in reaction to emotional activity and there is no way this extra strength can be displayed
When a person suffers from stress their heartbeat increases, blood pressure increases,
breathing quickens and the person acts to protect themselves from that situation.
The pressures and situations that cause stress are called stressors or stress trigger.
Anything that puts pressure on a person can be stressor (Levine, 2017). There can be some
reasons – work-life related issues, personal life related issues, some tragedy or incidents, and
others. A person may be facing stress due to improper work-life balance, being unhappy in
their jobs, working for long hours can be a reason, heavy work-load, being insecure about a
chance of promotion, facing any form of harassment, discrimination, and others. Some
examples of personal life related stress are- it may happen due to loss of job, some serious
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illness, depression and anxiety, some traumatic event such as theft, violence, and others. In
case of increased financial burden can all lead to stress. Some other causes of pressure can be
fear of uncertainty that is the fear that what will happen in future, it can be related to people’s
perception and attitude that is the person's attitude towards the environment plays a
significant role. If they have a habit of exaggerating even small incidents as a significant
event, then they may always be in stress. If people expect unrealistic things to happen to
them- these people expect everything good to happen to them. A significant life-changing
event can be the reason for stressful behavior.
A few symptoms of stress are – it can affect physical health, behavior, emotions and a
person’s thinking capability. If a person can be emotionally stressed - they become easily
frustrated, may feel like they are losing control, may have difficulty relaxing their minds,
may suffer from lower self-esteem, they tend to avoid others and like isolation (Carleton et
al., 2018). People can suffer from physical symptoms such as - headaches, chest pain,
stomach issues, insomnia, dry mouth leading to difficulty in swallowing, frequent infections
and intense shaking and nervousness. The patients may additionally suffer from a few
cognitive symptoms such as- forgetfulness, having too many thoughts at the same time, lack
of focus, seeing only the negative side of things, being indecisive, always worrying. Some
behavioral changes may be noticed as- increased use of alcohol, loss of appetite and others,
displaying nervous behaviors- nail biting, fidgeting with things and many more.
Music therapy can overcome the problems of the sympathetic nervous system, which is
involved with the flight or flight stress reaction of the body. Music Therapy is a process of
solving the psychological problems of a person suffering from stress disorders and solving
them to improve their lives. In this music therapist uses music and all other aspects such as
physical, mental, social, emotional, spiritual and aesthetic. Music therapy helps clients
improve the quality of life and their health’s. Music therapy is used in cancer centers,
Music Helps to Relieve Stress_3

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