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Cosmic Background Radiation and Redshift: Exploring the Universe


Added on  2023/03/31

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This document discusses the cosmic background radiation, also known as the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR), and its discovery by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson. It explores the competing theories of the steady state theory and the Big Bang theory in explaining the CMB. The document also delves into the concept of redshift, its causes, and its relation to the expansion of the universe and the Big Bang theory. References are provided for further reading.

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Question 1
The cosmic background radiation also known as the Cosmic Microwave Background
Radiation (CMBR) is a faint glow of light or radiations which is able to fill the universe. The
radiations are able to fall on the earth from each direction and have uniform intensity. The CMB
was discovered by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson in 1963 while studying faint microwave
signals1. They were interested on the mysterious sound which was coming from unknown origin.
At the mid-20th century, the two major competing theories in explanation of CMB include the
steady state theory and big bang theory. The steady theory states that matter is continuously
creates when the universe expands while the density of the universe is constant and that universe
exist forever. The Bing Bang theory holds that in the past, the universe must have been denser
and at the beginning a point of infinite density must have been created. After discovery of the
CMB, Penzias and Wilson tried to eliminate the “noise signal” and were able to discover that a
residual microwave background radiation was left from Big Bang2. The evidence of relation
between the CMB and Big Bang is the precise description of the black body spectrum.
Question 2
The changes and growth phenomenon of the electromagnet radiation wavelength is
known as the redshift. The growth of the wavelength can either be visible or invisible. The
readshift concludes that the wavelength growth is related to the frequency and photon energy are
in declining order3. Nevertheless, the emitted or perceived light does not necessarily mean they
1 G, Salton, The power spectrum of cosmic microwave background polarization from cosmic
string wakes. [Montréal] : McGill University Libraries, 2014.
2 J. C. Mather. Far infrared spectrometry of the cosmic background radiation. Place of
publication not identified: Biblioscholar, 2013.
3 V. V. Luković, B. S. Haridasu, & N. Vittorio. Cosmological Constraints from Low-Redshift
Data. Foundations of Physics : an International Journal Devoted to the Conceptual Bases and
Fundamental Theories of Modern Physics, 48, 10, October 01, 2018.
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are red in color. The red light in the visible spectrum mean that the light has the longest
wavelength. The major causes of the redshift include the objects moving apart in space such as
the doppler effect. The expansion of the space is another cause of the redshift, which results to
separation of the objects without changing their position. The last cause of the redshift is the
distortion caused by the strong gravitational fields on particles resulting to exertion of force on
light and other particles.
The universe has been growing cold since the Big Bang. The Big Bang theory is able to
relate the decreasing universe temperature to the redshift. The redshift is described as the
measure of how far galaxies are from each other. As the galaxies keep on moving, the
wavelength increases. The Big Bang theory predicts that the universe temperature should
increase with the increase in redshift wavelength, which is held true4. The redshift and Big Bang
theory are related with the movement of the sound. As the sound comes near the listener, the
sound grows loud. The Big Bang theory holds that the universe is moving apart from the central
point. The Big Bang explosion cause the universe we able to observe. The wavelength growth is
attributed to the explosion explained in the Big Bang theory.
4, L. Amendola The Euclid Theory Working Group, S. Appleby, D. Bacon, T. Baker, M. Baldi,
N. Bartolo, ... T Zlosnik. Cosmology and Fundamental Physics with the Euclid Satellite. Living
Reviews in Relativity, 16, 1, December 01, 2013.
Document Page
Amendola, L., The Euclid Theory Working Group, Appleby, S., Bacon, D., Baker, T., Baldi, M.,
Bartolo, N., ... Zlosnik, T. Cosmology and Fundamental Physics with the Euclid Satellite. Living
Reviews in Relativity, 16, 1, December 01, 2013, p. 1-270.
Luković, V. V., Haridasu, B. S., & Vittorio, N. Cosmological Constraints from Low-Redshift
Data. Foundations of Physics : an International Journal Devoted to the Conceptual Bases and
Fundamental Theories of Modern Physics, 48, 10, October 01, 2018, p.1446-1485.
Mather, J. C. Far infrared spectrometry of the cosmic background radiation. Place of publication
not identified: Biblioscholar, 2013, p. 56
Salton, G. The power spectrum of cosmic microwave background polarization from cosmic
string wakes. [Montréal] : McGill University Libraries, 2014 pg. 24
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