
Reflective Journal on Leadership and Teamwork Skills


Added on  2019-09-22

20 Pages2886 Words199 Views
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Reflective Journal on Leadership and Teamwork Skills_1

Table of contentsIntroduction...............................................................................................1Core Skill one............................................................................................1Core Skill two.............................................................................................3Core Skill Three..........................................................................................5Core Skill Four............................................................................................7Summary and Action Plan.............................................................................9Appendix.................................................................................................10References..............................................................................................152
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1. INTRODUCTION:It is a personal reflective journal that I am presenting here, this journal is an outcome of anexercise where I retrospect my personal growth under the framework of Johari window, Kolbcycle, and Gibbs cycle. Most of the reflections presented in this journal are based on activeexperimentation, where I tried to develop my own coaching cycles to attend certain issues.Core Skill One The first core skill to be discussed is Time Management. Personal time management is a skillthat allows us to plan the events in the optimum fashion so that we can attend all theimportant works and give them their quality time. For me, the main purpose of timemanagement skill is to introduce effectiveness. The definition is given by managementexperts also teaches us the same thing [ CITATION Chr96 \l 1033 ]Why is this core skill importantIn my views, time Management is a vital key to success as this provides a strong foundationto succeed in all of the life's aspects. During the phase of my introduction to the skill of timemanagement, I realized that time management is much more than following a schedule. Timemanagement is equally about spending quality time with the task that you have in your hands[CITATION Jas15 \l 1033 ].3
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Figure 1: The diagram of Pareto Principle, it describes the essence of time management, how selection of effort levels can change the efficiency levelsPareto Principle a universal principle where one can learn to increase his or her efficiency by firstbreaking down the tasks on the merit of utility and then fix the amount of time that he or she wantsto allocate for that. It clearly states that spend quality time with vital tasks and try to accommodatetrivial tasks with the flow of the events. On a personal level, I am adopting this practice in order toimprove my time management skills.How competent are you currently? In a recent Peer-to-Peer survey done in my additional classes for the management suggestedthat I am a punctual person and I can be trusted for deadlines. When I measure up theprojection of this skill in Johari window then I find that I am in an open arena becauseeverybody is aware of my trait of punctuality. 4
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