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Nanotechnology: The Impact on Electronic Techniques


Added on  2023/01/11

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This report explores the impact of nanotechnology on electronic techniques and its importance in various industries. It discusses the development of nanotechnology, its applications in electronics, and its effectiveness as a business tool.

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Nanotechnology: The
impact on electronic

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MAIN BODY........................................................................................................................................3
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Nanotechnology is the field of innovation as well as research which is concerned with
building things generally materials and devices which are on the scale of atoms as well as
molecules (Bhushan, 2017). In addition to this nanometre is one-billion of metre which is
simply ten times the diameter of hydrogen atom. In simple term it can be said that,
nanotechnology includes ability of seeing as well as controlling individual atoms and
molecules. On Earth everything is made up of atoms such as food, clothes, building or
houses, bodies of people and many more. This report is based on nanotechnology and several
topics related to the same will discuss within respective report. Such as importance of topic,
how topic has been developed, detailed description of nanotechnology and what it is used for.
In addition to this, technological platform and software used in nanotechnology will also
highlight. Type of business who use respective technology will elaborate as well as how
nanotechnology will used as business tool and its effectiveness. End section of assignment
will build relation within digital technology and both old as well as new.
Nanotechnology is also named as nanotech and it is manipulation of matter on an
molecular, supramolecular and atomic scale. In addition to this, respective technology related
to particular technological goals of precisely manipulating atoms as well as molecules for
fabrication of macroscale products. Along with this, it is also now referred to as molecular
nanotechnology as well as it includes ability of seeing as well as controlling individual atoms
and molecules (Bhushan, 2017). On Earth everything is made up of atoms such as food,
clothes, building or houses, bodies of people and many more. Moreover, Nanotechnology is
the field of innovation as well as research which is concerned with building things generally
materials and devices which are on the scale of atoms as well as molecules. In addition to
this nanometre is one-billion of metre which is simply ten times the diameter of hydrogen
Importance of Nanotechnology – Nanotechnology is providing assistance to considerably
improve, even revolutionize, several technology as well as industry sectors: homeland
security, information technology, medicine, food safety, energy, transportation,
environmental science and several others (Fan and et. al., 2017). There are several
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importance of respective technology such as nanotechnology can transform vapours escaping
from industrial plants or cars within harmless gasses. Moreover, in filtering Magnetic
nanoparticles can eliminate contaminants of heavy metal from waste water. It has
additionally resulted in procedure digital screen which can be bent as well as flexed without
losing resolution (Shatkin, 2017). Apart from this, nanotechnology have its importance within
medicines also such as drug delivery for treating patients large amount of drugs given doesn’t
reach diseased tissue because of poor bioavailability. Thus, in this nanoparticles result in
delivering drugs directly to diseased cells within individual body. Such methods help widely
in reducing treatment like chemotheraphy to healthy cells of patients. In addition to this,
nanorobots could act like an doctor internally through both treating as well as detecting
diseases. They are also experts in serving reconditioning of necrotic brain tissue and it can
also utilise in future for attacking cancer as well as modifying cells with drugs and DNA
How has topic developed – Term nanotechnology was first used by Japanese scientists who
named as Norio Taniguiching in 1974 paper on technology production which result in
creating features as well as objects on the order of a nanometer (Hornyak and et. al., 2018). In
addition to this, history of nanotechnology traces development of experimental as well as
concepts which falls within broad category of nanotechnology. Although, respective
technology was developed in scientist research and development within its central concept
has taken long time. In 1980, emergence of nanotechnology was caused through convergence
of advances in experimental like scanning tunnelling microscope invention in 1981 as well as
discovery of fullerenes in 1985 with elucidation and popularization of conceptual framework.
Along with this, early 2000 saw beginning of commercial application of nanotechnology and
these were limited to bulk application of respective technology instead of transformative
applications envisioned through the field (Yetisen and et. al., 2016).
Description of technology and its used for Nanotechnology related to particular
technological goals of precisely manipulating atoms as well as molecules for fabrication of
macroscale products. In addition to this, it is also now referred to as molecular
nanotechnology as well as it includes ability of seeing as well as controlling individual atoms
and molecules (Fang and et. al., 2018). Moreover, on Earth everything is made up of atoms
such as food, clothes, building or houses, bodies of people and many more. Nanotechnology
have its several uses in electronics explanation of these are as follows :-

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It is utilise for printed electronics such for smart cards, smart packaging, RFID. Along
with this, nanotechnology likely used for more life-like video games as well as
flexible displays for readers of e-books.
Nanotechnology used for nanoscale transistors which are faster, increase energy
efficient, more powerful and several more. For example, entire memory of computer
is stored on tiny single chip (Prasad, Bhattacharyya and Nguyen, 2017).
Moreover, nanotechnology also used within several TVs, laptop, digital camera, cell
phones as well as it can also use within several divices for incorporate nanostructured
polymer flims which are known as organic light-emitting diodes or OLEDs. Where,
OLED screens provide consumption in brighter manner as well as longer.
Nanotechnology help in improving display screen on electronic devices which help in
reducing power consumptions, weight as well as screen thickness also get decreases.
In addition to this, respective technology result in enhancing density of memory chip
as well as decrease size of transistors which utilise in integrate circuits.
Type of business and organisation uses the technology – Each and every type of
business are using nanotechnology explanation of these are as follows :-
Medicines - Researchers are creating altered nanoparticles the size of atoms that can
convey sedates legitimately to ailing cells in your body (Duhan and et. al., 2017). At
the point when it's idealized, this technique ought to significantly decrease the harm
treatment, for example, chemotherapy does to a patient's sound cells.
Electronics - Nanotechnology holds a few responses for how we may expand the
abilities of hardware gadgets while we decrease their weight and force utilization.
Food - Nanotechnology is affecting a few parts of nourishment science, from how
nourishment is developed to how it is bundled. Organizations are creating
nanomaterials that will have any kind of effect in the flavor of nourishment, yet in
addition in sanitation, and the medical advantages that nourishment conveys.
Fuel cells - Nanotechnology is being utilized to lessen the expense of impetuses
utilized in power modules to deliver hydrogen particles from fuel, for example,
methanol and to improve the effectiveness of layers utilized in energy components to
isolate hydrogen particles from different gases, for example, oxygen.
Space - Nanotechnology may hold the way to making space-flight progressively
functional (Wang and et. al., 2016). Headways in nanomaterials make lightweight
rocket and a link for the space lift conceivable. By altogether diminishing the measure
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of rocket fuel required, these advances could bring down the expense of arriving at
circle and going in space.
Better air quality - Nanotechnology can improve the presentation of impetuses used
to change fumes getting away from vehicles or mechanical plants into innocuous
gasses (Patil and et. al., 2019). That is on the grounds that impetuses produced using
nanoparticles have a more prominent surface region to collaborate with the
responding synthetic substances than impetuses produced using bigger particles. The
bigger surface region permits more synthetic substances to communicate with the
impetus all the while, which makes the impetus increasingly successful.
Better water quality - Nanotechnology is being utilized to create answers for three
totally different issues in water quality. One test is the evacuation of modern
squanders, for example, a cleaning dissolvable called TCE, from groundwater.
Nanoparticles can be utilized to change over the debasing compound through a
concoction response to make it innocuous (Nummelin, Kommeri, Kostiainen and
Linko, 2018). Studies have demonstrated that this technique can be utilized
effectively to reach taints scattered in underground lakes and at much lower cost than
strategies which require siphoning the water out of the ground for treatment.
Used as business tool and is this effective – Nanotechnology can be used as an
business tool in every type of business as it has been already discussed that respective
technology is applicable for every type of business (Von Andrian and et. al., 2017). In
electronic industry nanotechnology have its several effectiveness such as Adaptable,
bendable, foldable, rollable, and stretchable hardware are venturing into different areas and
are being coordinated into an assortment of items, including wearables, clinical applications,
aviation applications, and the Internet of Things. Adaptable gadgets have been created
utilizing, for instance, semiconductor nanomembranes for applications in cell phone and
tablet shows. Nanoparticle copper suspensions have been developed as a safer, cheaper, as
well as more reliable alternative to lead-based solder and other risky materials commonly
utilise to fuse electronics in the assembly procedure.
Moreover, Nanotechnology help in improving display screen on electronic devices which
help in reducing power consumptions, weight as well as screen thickness also get decreases
(Berglund and Burgert, 2018). In addition to this, respective technology result in enhancing
density of memory chip as well as decrease size of transistors which utilise in integrate
circuits. Nanotechnology used for nanoscale transistors which are faster, increase energy
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efficient, more powerful and several more. For example, entire memory of computer is stored
on tiny single chip.
Relation with digital technology both old and new – New digital technology
always result in getting people excited as well as curious, whether it can be digital camera
which is cheaper than developing rolls upon rolls of flim. In addition to this the photo-sharing
apps which in turn make iPhone camera easier in using as comparison of old digital camera
(He and Hwang, 2016). Thus, possibility to do more faster as well as shareable is beating all
good older technology which individual needed to be instructed for utilisation. There is wide
relation within old and new digital technology but latest technology is making easy utilisation
of things as well as also in easy manner. In simple term it can be said that, latest technology
making world more faster and consumption of technology is also increasing day by day.
After going through entire discussion it has been summarised that, nanotechnology
play important role in business as well as every individual person life. Nanotechnology is
providing assistance to considerably improve, even revolutionize, several technology as well
as industry sectors: homeland security, information technology, medicine, food safety,
energy, transportation, environmental science and several others. On Earth everything is
made up of atoms such as food, clothes, building or houses, bodies of people and many more.

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Books and Journals
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