
Restricting Sovereignty, Freedoms and Social Processes in National Vaccination Program: An Ethical and Moral Dilemma


Added on  2023-06-18

8 Pages2044 Words304 Views
Public and Global Health
Restricting Sovereignty, Freedoms and Social Processes in National Vaccination Program: An Ethical and Moral Dilemma_1

MAIN BODY.............................................................................................................................................3
Restricting Sovereignty, Freedoms and Social Processes in National Vaccination Program: An Ethical and Moral Dilemma_2

Ethics are moral principle, values that are abided by the individuals or govern the manner
individuals behave and conduct different activities. In another words, they are set of what is right
and wrong thus contribute in prescribing what an individual ought to do in context of its rights,
benefits and obligation. This report contains an essay pertaining to “restricting sovereignty,
freedoms and social process in national vaccination program that is ethically and morally
unaccepted”. The topic is ethically important to discuss as it helps in understand that all
individual have right, freedom to vaccination program and it is unethically or morally unaccepted
the restriction of freedom, sovereignty. Furthermore, this report will contain a range of argument
to support why it is unethical and morally unaccepted, along with it ethical theory will also be
used to justify the topic for better understanding. At last it can be stated that it has also explained
about the manner in which each of bioethical principle is related to the current study topic.
The essay focus on the topic of “Restricting sovereignty, freedoms and social processes
based on a national vaccination program is ethically and morally unacceptable”. Bioethics are set
of principle that promote the interaction between the living things and human race as morally
and ethical responsible citizen will only take care and respect the environment. So that the
resources can be available for current and future generation and needs of all individuals are
fulfilled in effective manner. The bioethical principle has been created by commission of US
department of Health, education and welfare that generally discussed about the basic principle of
research on human subject (Palmer, (2020)). Likewise, the autonomy, beneficence, non-
maleficence and justice are four principles of bioethical principles. Such as Autonomy is a
principle that emphasis that each and every individual have right to self –determined and respect
their ability to take inform decision related to their personal matters. While in the context of
topic that is restricting the sovereignty, freedom and social process base on national vaccination
program as the individuals or patient are not being respected for their autonomy. Yes, they can
be respected as they need to have informed right to take decision related to national vaccination
program. There might be certain challenge that been face while giving power to people to
entitled to national vaccination program so their freedom and social process has been restricted
Restricting Sovereignty, Freedoms and Social Processes in National Vaccination Program: An Ethical and Moral Dilemma_3

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