
Negative Influence of Obesity on Society


Added on  2023-06-10

41 Pages6003 Words272 Views
Negative Influence of Obesity on Society_1

Obesity is complex disease that has been involved with the excessive amount of body fat.
This is the disease that has become global crisis as has been causing issues such as heart disease,
diabetes, high blood pressure and certain cancers. The methodology selected is quantitative
because it is assistive in finding accurate and reliable result. The use of SPSS was helpful in
evaluating the data properly and find the output in better terms. With the finding it is clear that
majority of the people stated that people are obese, and they need to solve this issue. Also it was
identified that major negative response of obesity is increase in BP, diabetes and other diseases.
Negative Influence of Obesity on Society_2

Method used.................................................................................................................................5
Research process..........................................................................................................................5
Ethical consideration...................................................................................................................5
APPENDIX 1...................................................................................................................................9
APPENDIX 2.................................................................................................................................19
APPENDIX 3.................................................................................................................................39
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Obesity is considered to be a complex disease that has been considered to be having
existed because of the excessive fat in body. It is not just cosmetic concern but has been also
recognized as the disease which can result in development of many different issues in human
body. This includes person suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and many
others. It has been considered to be the issue that is able to cause major issues that are closely
linked to the number of health issues that also include the stroke, blood pressure, heart diseases.
Also it can result in more different consequences such as infertility, kidney stone, cholesterol,
asthma, apnoea and others in some individuals. Obesity is also considered to be the cause of
types of cancers that includes leukaemia, breasts and colon cancer.
Tay and et.al., (2020) explained it as an issue which creates impact over the whole
economy and productivity of the nation along with the defence of the country as well. with
respect to US the cost of health care has been estimated to be as high as it helps in the earlier
estimation of the expected to rise along with the rates of obesity that has been increasing in the
past few years. Heuberger and et.al., (2022) says it has become a global issue for many nations in
which majority of the people are facing this issue or have the lifestyle which is leading them to
obesity. This disease has been considered to be having a higher rate of concern that causes the
patient to spend a lot on medicines and are considered to be the reason due to which their burden
has been surprisingly consequence of the current obesity epidemic.
The negative facts of this disease has made it a global crisis that has already been able to
touch everyone in one manner or another. People in the world now have been able to realize how
big of an issue this disease it and also recognized that it is preventable. Hence, it is the research
like this which helps in recognizing the negative aspects of such a crisis and finding the ways in
which it can be prevented.
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To study the negative influence on society through the measurement of its parameters,
risk factors, consequences and develop preventive strategies.
To study the reason behind the development of obesity in humans.
To discuss the negative influences caused by obesity on the human body.
To recognize the preventive measures that can be taken by the society avoiding obesity.
To recommend ways in which issue of obesity can be addressed.
Method used
In the present case of analysing the impact of obesity the use of quantitative research will
be undertaken. The reason for the selection of the quantitative method is that it will be providing
a clear base and accurate output to the researcher and objectives will be met accordingly.
In the present case, random sample was used in order to gather the data and total of 20
people were taken. This includes the fact that researcher has taken the people who are suffering
from the obesity as they can provide better result.
Research process
The process of the research includes making the questionnaire and then gathering the data
from the sample selected. This is very necessary because in case the data gathered will not be
appropriate then it will be affecting the working of the research. After that SPSS will be applied
and this result will be drawn effectively and in better terms.
Ethical consideration
For the research to be successful it is necessary that the working of the study must be
appropriate and ethical. In the present case proper ethical approval and consent form has been
signed by the participant and then only their personal data is being used within the research.
In the present case the use of data analysis was undertaken by me. This is particularly
because of the reason that I am good in analysing the data and also have interest in using the
different tools for analysis. Hence, because of this, the data analysis party was done by me and
this resulted in attainment of the objectives.
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With the help of the table 1 it is clear that for all variables it is clear that on an average
majority of the people are suffering from the obesity. This is clear that when the people were
asked that at which age people find themselves obese and it was agreed that at age of 15- 20 it is
the highest. Further when it was asked from the participant that whether the obesity develop
negative effect on the health of the person. Then in that case majority of the people agreed that
yes the obesity creates a negative impact over the health of the person to a great extent.
Moreover, with help of table 3 it was clear that the demographic of the population
involves the equal distribution of the population that is 50 % is male and 50 % is female. Along
with this the table 6 highlighted that there is different reason which leads to gaining weight. With
this analysis it is evident that the maximum of the people agreeing with reason that is poor diet
balance and little physical activity.
Along with this table 28 highlighted the fact that there is different reason which can
affect the working and health of the person. With the help of the significance value it is clear that
the alternate hypothesis is selected as it is less than the standard that is 0.05. moreover, the table
31 also states that the alternate is being accepted rejecting the null. It is evident that significance
value is 0.027 and this implies that the majority of the people strongly agrees to the fact that
overweight creates a negative impact over the person’s health.
In the views of Chooi, Ding and Magkos (2019) obesity is the major issue which is being
currently faced by majority of the people. This is pertaining to the fact that in the current
environment the lifestyle of the people has changed to a great extent. Hence, this has created
much issue over the living style and working patter of the person. Ultimately this results in the
negative change in lifestyle and the health of the person increases and results in obesity.
By evaluating the above finding it is highlighted that maximum of respondents agrees
that obesity creates a negative impact over the health of the person which is not good. There are
many different reason which results in the increase in weight of the person resulting in person
becoming obese (Popkin and et.al., 2020). This is not good as it creates negative impact over the
health of the person. This reason for gaining much weigh involves having poor diet balance, little
physical activity, genetic issue and many other different reason. Also the lifestyle of the person
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has changed like they are more addicted to the use of phone, internet, social media and many
different types of the wrong practices.
On the other hand, World Health Organization, (2020) there are different types of the
negative influence of the overweight of the person. These different types of the negative
influences include person getting high blood pressure, increase in level of the stress and the
mental breakdown. Along with this the other negative influence involves the heart disease and
also can result in diabetes as well.
With the evaluation of the above finding it is clear that there is requirement of managing
and reducing the weight so that obesity can be reduced. This is very necessary for the reason that
when the good practices and strategies will be followed then this will result in improvement in
health of the person (Kwok and et.al., 2020). These strategies involve the fact that person can use
the rainbow diet which will help them in reducing weight. Along with this another strategy can
be doing mental and physical exercise and taking adequate sleep.
From this study it was concluded that Obesity in the world is increase and is also starting
the affect the children. This study was able understand the rate of increased affects obesity was
having which was causing a serious problem in the population of health issue that has bad impact
relating to different aspect which includes economic, social, heath and psychological types. This
research has been able to select the appropriate forms of methods of research for being able to
analyse the ways in which obesity is affecting the society and its operations. In this study the
level of understanding that is related to the ways in which the obesity is affecting people has
been found with the help of the related research. Discussion of the research is able to analyse the
results and also help in the development of the related finding of the research questions.
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Books and Journals
Chooi, Y. C., Ding, C. and Magkos, F., 2019. The epidemiology of obesity. Metabolism. 92.
Heuberger, L.S., and et.al., 2022. Is It Worth It? Obesity Affects Snack Food Valuation Across
the Menstrual Cycle. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 16.
Kwok, S. and et.al., 2020. Obesity: a critical risk factor in the COVID‐19 pandemic. Clinical
obesity. 10(6). p.e12403.
Popkin, B. M. and et.al., 2020. Individuals with obesity and COVID‐19: a global perspective on
the epidemiology and biological relationships. Obesity Reviews. 21(11). p.e13128.
Tay, J., and et.al., 2020. Race affects the association of obesity measures with insulin sensitivity.
The American journal of clinical nutrition. 111(3). pp.515-525.
World Health Organization, 2020. Overweight and obesity.
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