
Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Pathophysiology, Treatment, and Nursing Management


Added on  2022-12-27

7 Pages2403 Words1 Views
Healthcare and Research
Neonatal Case Study
Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Pathophysiology, Treatment, and Nursing Management_1

MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Pathophysiology of Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome..............................................3
Treatment and nursing/ midwifery management of the clinical problem (Neonatal Respiratory
Distress Syndrome)................................................................................................................4
Assessment data......................................................................................................................5
Principles of family centred care in relation to the family of Jack.........................................5
Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Pathophysiology, Treatment, and Nursing Management_2

Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) is a common lung disease occur in premature infants
because the lungs of baby are not completely developed. This project report is based on a male
infant - Jack who is suffering from respiratory distress syndrome and is admitted to neonatal unit
in a hospital of Australia. Jack is initially stable at the time of birth, but in first hour of life, his
condition gets deteriorate. This report covers pathophysiology respiratory distress syndrome for
Jack and the treatment and nursing management of clinical problem. It also includes assessment
data and the principles of family centred care in context of family of Jack.
Pathophysiology of Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Respiratory distress syndrome in infants is caused because of surfactant deficiency,
especially in relation to immature lungs. Deficiency of surfactant rises surface tension in the
alveoli and small airways, thereby declining the compliance of immature lung. In order to
prevent the alveolus collapse or filling of alveolus with fluid, the balance of pressures at air fluid
interface is necessary (Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome, 2021). The pathophysiology of
neonatal respiratory distress syndrome can be defining utilising LaPlace law, which is denoted as
P = 2T/R. In this, P is denoted as pressure, R is radius and T is surface tension. The law defines
the relationship between pressure difference across two static fluid interface to shape of the
surface. The pressure amount needed to maintain alveolar shape rises as the surface tension rises
at alveolar level. With declined production of surfactant, atelectasis happens throughout the
lungs, which causing reduced gas exchange (Gonzalez, Horie, & Laffey, (2021).
Repeated and widespread atelectasis eventually damages respiratory epithelium, that
because cytokines mediated inflammatory response. Due to the development of pulmonary
edema as an outcome of inflammatory response, rising amounts of fluid (which is protein rich)
from vascular space leak into the alveoli, that further inactivate surfactant. Moreover, many
neonates with respiratory distress syndrome needs mechanical ventilation that may have
deleterious effect on lungs. During the positive pressure ventilation, over distension of alveoli
leads to further inflammation and damage (Hiles, & et. al., (2017). Besides, oxidative stress
developed both through inflammatory process within lungs and high tensions of oxygen from
mechanical ventilation, also promotes surfactant conversion into an inactive form by lipid
Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Pathophysiology, Treatment, and Nursing Management_3

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