
Challenges Faced by Newly Graduating Nurses Transitioning into Clinical Practice


Added on  2023-06-05

13 Pages3279 Words55 Views
Nursing journal article
Name of the student:
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Author note:
Challenges Faced by Newly Graduating Nurses Transitioning into Clinical Practice_1

Nursing is a professional that is associated with respect and honour, the ability to provide
care to the sick and ailing as a profession has been considered morally uplifting by various
researchers and philanthropist. However, with great honour comes great responsibilities and the
profession of nursing is no exception to that either. Nursing is a profession which is exhaustive
and demanding, requiring long endless hours of work and extreme level of competency. Hence,
nursing is associated with many challenges, and the possibility of not being able to overcome
these challenges successfully has been reported to be one of the most primary contributor to the
stress that haunts the student or newly graduate nurses transitioning to practice. Exploring the
issue further, transitioning into practice is associated with fear, uncertainty and various doubts
for a newly graduating nurse. This study has focused on the overall experience of the newly
graduate nurses that are transitioning into clinical practice in the ever changing health care
environment. This Journal includes an introduction, significance if the issue that has been
chosen, Discussion of the key literature findings, evaluation of the significant strategies that can
be employed to improve the present scenario, ending with a summarizing conclusion.
Challenges Faced by Newly Graduating Nurses Transitioning into Clinical Practice_2

Table of Contents
Significance of the chosen issue:.....................................................................................................3
Strategies to address the challenges:................................................................................................6
Challenges Faced by Newly Graduating Nurses Transitioning into Clinical Practice_3

The health care industry of the present time has evolved innumerable times since the time
it has started its journey, the advancement oriented revolution of the system of the health care
industries have shaped this industry as one of the most demanding public service sector of the
present times. Furthermore, the environment of the health care industry is changing rapidly and
continuously, with the aim of addressing the variety of complex care needs of the human society.
However, in this ever-changing health care environment the only constant that remains
unchanged is the ever-rising demand for health care staff, especially the nurses. As a result of the
complete metamorphosis of the health care system into a more efficient and technology oriented
service delivery scenario, the nurses are require to practice in a lean efficient manner in
accordance with the changing systems (Kuokkanen et al., 2016).
Holler and Thomas (2016) stated, striking reimbursements, enhanced regulatory
oversight and ever-increasing consumerism continues to add on to the pressure that the nurses
practice under. Hence, for the nursing students that are transitioning into practice with no or very
limited real world practical knowledge or understanding of handling patients, discovering or
addressing care needs, advocating patient needs and working in a multidisciplinary team scenario
becomes a tumultuous experience for the nurses, where the newly graduating nurses struggle to
cope with the stress and it soon overshadows the euphoria of commencing on their career
journey or any sense of accomplishment (Tuckett, 2015). This essay discusses the exact
experience of the nurses newly graduating and transitioning into practice and recommend
strategies to address the challenges predominant in the scenario.
Challenges Faced by Newly Graduating Nurses Transitioning into Clinical Practice_4

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