
Not a Dirty Word: Indian Girls Shatter Menstruation Myths


Added on  2021-01-01

31 Pages10601 Words497 Views
Not a Dirty Word: Indian Girls Shatter Menstruation Myths_1

Table of Contents
Research Questions.....................................................................................................................1
Scope of the research..................................................................................................................1
Significance of study...................................................................................................................3
Explain the significance and rationale of the proposed research................................................3
State clearly the importance of carrying out such research.........................................................4
Evaluate the main benefits that different stakeholders will obtain through your research.........4
It is important to state clearly who will benefit from what.........................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW ...............................................................................................................6
Critics .........................................................................................................................................6
Articles 1 : “Not a dirty word: Indian girls shatter menstruation myths”...................................6
Article 2: “Knowledge practices and restrictions related to menstruation among young women
from low socio-economic community in Mumbai, India “.........................................................6
Article 3: “Holistic Approach, collective action needed to address menstruation issues of rural
Article 4 : “Putting the Men's in Menstruation”..........................................................................8
Article 5 : We do not Know': a qualitative study exploring boys perception of menstruation in
India. ...........................................................................................................................................9
Article 6: To understand the need base importance of creating awareness about mensuration in
both males and females...............................................................................................................9
Article 7 : We Need to talk about periods: why is menstruation still holding girls back.........10
Article 8 : To recommend the ways to eradicate the challenges faced by females and methods
to create awareness in them to maintain their hygiene.............................................................11
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................12
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................................................................................12
Research Strategies ..................................................................................................................12
Research Design........................................................................................................................13
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Data Collection..........................................................................................................................13
Discuss the techniques for analyzing primary techniques........................................................15
Ethical Principles......................................................................................................................19
Research limitation....................................................................................................................20
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................22
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................23
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Title: Comparative study on exploring boys and females perception of menstruation in
In middle income countries and other areas of poverty, menstrual hygiene management
can be problematic for women and girls. In India it has been assumed that most of the women
facing issues and challenges while having menstruation. Overall, it brings new opportunity and
growth in order to make better awareness among all girls and as well as boys. Besides, women's
are facing huge number of data collection and fast growing services in terms of making good and
healthy environment (van Eijk and et.al., 2016). Present scenario will be taking the deep study of
making comparative study on exploring boys and females perception of menstruation in India.
This will be discussing the analysis on females that helps to explore the wide range of awareness
in among population. Moreover, it brings new better approaching strategies and exploring
knowledge. However, little is known their knowledge and attitudes towards menstruation. The
present study undertake to explore the knowledge and explaining the concept of actual
presentation and growth. Besides, the main issues which is more concerning and important is that
barriers to menstrual hygiene management faced by adolescent scholar girls in low income
countries are gaining interest at practice and policy levels. This makes effective and more
exploring generating goals. Study defined the aimed to examine how these things will help to
control the overall, scenario of the study.
Research Questions
What are the attitudes and beliefs in regard to menstruation in India ?
What are the perception of women about menstruation. What are the challenges they
faced ?
What are the perception of boys towards mensuration in India ?
How they managed the menstruation process and dealing with the challenges ?
Scope of the research
Menstruation is the most challenging time that has been facing by the women's. It
exploring the nature of things that helps to control the process and fast growing matter of fact.
Overall, the thing is to explain the new matter of things and growing the best effective
performance growth (Willis, 2017). There are several methods and growth that will help to
Not a Dirty Word: Indian Girls Shatter Menstruation Myths_4

control the best possible things and matter of fact. Overall, often brings this makes better growth
and challenging behavior that brings new ways of dealing things. Besides, Menstrual education
is the required education process that helps to provide better education level of things that works
according to needs and wants. Many big organizations and effective generating target goals helps
to sustain the better effective goals and objectives. Overall, it brings new way of making
hygienic product or services. In according to menstruation is still considered a natural event by
women. Overall, it brings new opportunity and growth in order to being the best approachable
environment for women safety (Sommer and et.la., 2015). Present study will help to review the
importance of menstruation in order to brings new safety precautions. Besides, it brings new
better fast growing performance in order to hold the best effective service growth. On the basis
of previous research, it has been seen that 1150 urban and 850 rural women are suffering from
unhygienic environment. It makes better opportunity and growth in order to keep the all
environment safe and secure. This research process will help to identify the problem through
invention has been done. There are given some following steps that includes in research process
Identify the problem: In this first process of research is done on the basis of given issues
and problems. This process has developed a research question that has been answered by
identifying the research problem. Such as investigator research the perception level of
boys and girls on menstruation in India (Newman and Wolfgang, 2017). This has been
the biggest issue in India specially in rural areas. Due to less awareness and sources.
Review the literature: In this next process of research problem has been identified, and
investigator going into deeper to collect the facts and information. These steps have
provides the knowledge and effective growing performance and fast provides services.
This process will give chance to scholar to collect the data into more efficient manner.
Overall, it brings new better opportunity and growth in terms of better processing level.
Clarify the problem: further in third steps' researcher will clarify the issues and
problems to narrows the scope of the study. Such as time has been given into perfect
manner. This has been preferred and fast effective growth factor that helps to solve the
issues into deeper manner (Sahoo and et.la., 2015). This overall, in this process of
working and effective source of learning will help to solve the issues and problems.
Clarify and define terms and concepts: in this next process of learning will help to take
new process of learning and growth. In these steps' investigator will help to covered the
Not a Dirty Word: Indian Girls Shatter Menstruation Myths_5

process of generalizing things and explains the effective process or making good
presence of making things. In this present study that is based on menstruation is the
perception of boys and girls. This make the effective and generating things and process.
Overall, it brings new growth and channel (Dion, 2014).
Define the population: Research project has focused on a specific group of people,
facilities, park development, employee evaluations programmers, financial status and
marketing efforts. Meanwhile, it expresses the various sources and perception level that
makes all process easy and approaching. Overall, research has been includes better fast
growing performance and matter of fact. Population is very much helpful and fast
growing performance that helps to take the productive task oriented process or making
good things and process (Anagol, 2017). Overall, it brings new matter of fact that helps to
take the best effective process oriented work.
Develop the instrumentation plan: This is the another process of research that helps to
make better target performance level. Besides, it also brings new level of working and
task oriented performance for better performing level. Study will also take different tools
and techniques in order to explain the better fast growing performance.
Collect data: once instrumental plan is completed, the actual study begins with the data
collection of data. In this process investigator will answer the all question. Each research
required a specific data collection in order to create new working environment. In terms
of India, 88% of women's are using ash, husk or sand during their days. That is totally
unhygienic and safe (Tegegne and Sisay, 2014). This is the issues or problem that is
required to be answered through data collection and using different facts and statistics.
Analyze the data: Last step of research process will look upon the data, that has been
collected by scholar. This helps to create new research report that represent the different
facts and organization tools.
Significance of study
Explain the significance and rationale of the proposed research
The current research work has depicted a study carried out to compare among the perception of
boys and girls towards mensuration in India. This study is immensely important to break some
stereotype thoughts of people living in India. It is mainly due to the fact of still considering it a
deprived nation with large number of poor regions in it. This in turn results in causing numerous
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health related issues in the girls and they are largely suffering from major number of fitness
concerns (Lewis, 2015). It is therefore important to eradicate the deteriorating mind set of certain
people who are consequently hampering the well-being of girls to a great extent. This
investigation is thereby intended to compare the awareness level of both boys and girls about
mensuration to later ascertain its pertinence.
State clearly the importance of carrying out such research
This study is important in terms of identifying the realistic perception of people towards
mensuration with a major involvement of both girls and boys. It is with a special context of India
where its deprived regions are not having apt management of menstrual hygiene. Herein, on
comparing the thoughts of boys and girls towards menstruation, it has been found that the boys
are not assured of menstruation and calls it a taboo. Not only the boys, but there are girls who are
together known to ignore the importance of being hygienic at the time of going through their
menstrual cycle. It is also due to a state of poverty that insists near around 70% Indian women to
use old rags rather using the sanitary napkins (Palinkas and et.al., 2015).
This leads to the existence of several reproductive diseases in women. It is however due to a
sense of disgrace and dishonour that is directly associated with the fact of menstruation in India.
Due to which, a large number of women are still not allowed to enter their kitchens as well as
temples and also not permitted to touch some food and water the plants. Although, there are
people who believes it to be orthodox mentality and thus do not entertain it. This study will thus
refer to determine such existent perception of boys and girls towards menstruation in India and
intend to correct the same.
Evaluate the main benefits that different stakeholders will obtain through your research
This is to ascertain the benefits that will be obtained from the associated stakeholders of
this research work. This has mainly involved the Indian boys and girls whose perception towards
menstruation will be explored in this study by the investigator. It will thereby benefit the boys to
have an ideal perception towards menstruation by getting aware of its actual occurrence and
consequences, if treated wrongly (McLaren, 2016). Also, the researcher associated with study
will be benefitted by the fact after determining the real perception of the boys and girls about
Not a Dirty Word: Indian Girls Shatter Menstruation Myths_7

menstruation. By which, it will be easy to address the factual issues that are arising due to a
negative perception of people towards menstruation. This will in turn assist to conduct another
research to find out ways for improving people’s perception towards menstruation in India as a
way of avoiding its atrocious consequences.
It is important to state clearly who will benefit from what
Herein, the girls will be benefited from good health with guys having accurate knowledge about
it and the researcher will get to know the real perception of Indian boys and girls about
menstruation to further take a reasonable step towards it.
Aims: To identify the comparative study on exploring boys and females perception of
menstruation in India.
To describe the attitudes and beliefs in regard to menstruation in India.
To identify the perception of women about menstruation and the challenges faced by
To ascertain the perception of boys towards mensuration in India.
To understand the need base importance of creating awareness about mensuration in both
males and females.
To recommend the ways to eradicate the challenges faced by females and methods to
create awareness in them to maintain their hygiene.
Menstruation is the most concern point or important topic for women's. This has been
seen that many of the countries poor girls are faced many issues related lack of resources or
hygienic factor. The present study will be going to present the distinct information on the topic
of menstruation. Besides, this will also explore the comparative study on exploring boys and
females perception of menstruation in India.
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