
NUR250 Assessment 1 S1 2018: Patient Assessment, Care Planning, and Medication Management


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NUR250 Assessment 1 S1 2018
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Task 1: Patient assessment
For providing safe and effective care to the patient, patient assessment plays a pivotal role in nursing
care. It is the responsibility of the licensed nursing practitioner to record these assessments with
utmost competency in order to help the patient reach utmost health (Kotronoula et al., 2014).
Jim who is a 58 year old homeless male is presented to the emergency department with the
symptoms including dyspnea, myalgia, fatigue, malaise, rhinorrhea and headache and thus, Jim
would be assessed for:
1. Airway
2. Breathing pattern
3. Body temperature
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Absence of an effective airway clearance can be observed if the presence of runny nose or
“rhinorrhea” is seen
It is also presented as alterations in the rate and depth of breathing
Non productive persistent cough is present with the production of sputum
An ineffective clearance of airway will lead to dyspnea and restlessness
An early and regular assessment of the airway will help in early nursing interventions making it
possible to achieve and maintain a patent airway for Jim and increasing patient compliance to the
An abnormal breathing pattern is evident with coughing and increased rate
Presence of erythema and inflammation of the tonsils and pharynx
Presence of wheezing
Assessing the breathing pattern aids in ruling out reasons which resulted in the deviation from
normal pattern. Recording and periodic checking of auscultation sounds will give a regular update
about the respiratory status and providing the symptomatic interventions required.
Body temperature: An increase in body temperature is noted as a result of infection and
electrolyte imbalances
Presence of tachycardia and tachypnea
Skin feels warm and flushed with dryness on the mucous membranes
Periodic temperature evaluation in Jim’s care has to be incorporated to make sure that the
hyperthermia doesn’t become an uncontrollable one and the vital signs are maintained
Jim is presented with all the mentioned signs and symptoms and an inability in keeping a record of it
by regular assessment will lead to failure in providing the proper initial care which will directly
worsen the symptoms, degrading the vital signs and lung condition which can be life threatening
(Brown et al., 2017).
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Task 2: Care planning
Nursing Care Plan: Jim
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A reminder that all rationales must be referenced
Nursing problem: Risk of spread of infection
Underlying cause or reason: Influenza is a highly contagious virus spread via airborne droplets and direct contact. Immunocompromised patients in the hospital setting
are at higher risk of contracting disease resulting in adverse events.
Goal of care Nursing interventions/actions Rationale Indicators your plan is working
To prevent and control
the spread of
influenzawithin the
healthcare facility and
the community.
Vaccination protocol against
influenza should be followed
Patient should be isolated in a
single room
Vulnerable people like children and
old age people are discouraged
from visiting
Vaccination improves immunity
to a particular disease. Flu
vaccine helps in formation of
antibodies in about two weeks
after vaccination. The
developed immunity provides a
protection against the virus
(CDC, 2017).
Regular checks showing marked
reduction in incidence rates of the
influenza in the community.
Increased participation and
awareness about following a proper
hygiene and infection control
protocol is observed.
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